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Everything posted by NewEraBills

  1. He pointed out a couple times that game, the issue though is if you have access to All 22 on NFL.com you're going to see several of these EVERY GAME!! That's the problem. If you cash in on some of those the game is a different game and our record for the season is even different. But it's EVERY game. TT missed on a lot of plays. He made some. He missed a lot. I was a fan. Still am, but not for this offense. He was too timid and looked for check downs way too much.
  2. I think when you look back at it, at the time, Dennison was a good hire. He'd worked with TT before. However, you couldn't predict TT looking and being so timid in something that he learned years ago. So, I thought at the time it was a good move and I think the thinking was right. If we are bringing this guy back, let's get him someone he's worked with before. Now as for the other stuff, I definitely think McD got much more out of a very limited roster than most could get. It's a roster that needs to be infused with talent. Need more toughness and strength in the trenches. Need more speed and explosiveness at a lot of key positions. And definitely, need a QB. It was a fun ride. We might take a step back before getting better, we'll have to see. So enjoy what we had this year although it was maddening at times LOL.
  3. I'll still trust it. Dennison gets some flack and I'm not saying he shouldn't but given what I've seen on All 22 from most games, I would say his play designs are on point. Most of the time someone is open. TT just was too timid; didn't see it; looked to the check down too often. Some of the personnel decisions should be better next year and I'd suspect if he had a QB more confident in what is going on we would have seen more. I'm willing to continue to trust it. Hell he was conservative and I think a lot of it had to do with TT. But not all of it. I'd like to see him with a QB that is more comfortable in the offense. Taylor just did not seem comfortable.
  4. Saints offense is just good folks. Brees has so many toys it's ridiculous. Their OL holds up a majority of the time. If the Panthers can't get to you then most teams are not going to get to you. Doesn't hurt that Peyton calls great games most of the time.
  5. For me I'd take 21 Quenton Nelson Guard ND. 22 Vita Vae or Christian Wilkins if they are there
  6. I think the Jags will give NE a lot of problems because of their ability to play press man, BUT a lot of the noncalls from today will get called because it's NE and Brady.
  7. OL - We got dominated up front today. Dominated. We found some running room but for the most part were dominated. DL QB Top 3. I don't want to see Ducasse or Mills again. I don't want our game plan defensively to have to resort to our linebackers overselling on the run because our line is a liability against the other team's rushing attack and betting on a bad QB missing passes. NO more Tyrod. Too timid; doesn't make defenses pay enough. There were several times today and all season where he could have scrambled like Bortles but he just stood there or checked it down. He looked to check it down more often than not.
  8. I actually prefer a bigger body CB than Gaines so I want us to look for someone else or draft someone. Outside of that I think the secondary needs more depth, especially at Safety.
  9. Yeah but does he not open it up because of the QB? OC calls the game to win but also protect players as much as possible.
  10. I try to stay as balanced as possible, but honestly, these two MUST get a divorce. There's just no way. If Dennison stays, get him the QB he wants. TT is obviously not the guy he wants. Dennison actually didn't call a terrible game. TT did not see the field a lot of the day. He just didn't see the field. He made a few plays but he left a lot of plays. There's no way we should not have put up at least one TD. No way. Taylor made some really really bad throws. Dennison play design was decent/good. Taylor just didn't make the throw. Give me a different stop gap guy and a rookie.
  11. Tough, but this is the way things happen. We went further than our talent would suggest. Definitely disappointed in the loss but it has been so long since playing in Jan, breaking that is the highlight. We'll see what happens with the roster turnover.
  12. It was on Dennison. Why do you call curls on the outside on 2nd and 20 with the game on the line???
  13. I'm not sure why Dennison has curls going on on the outside on 2nd and 20. WTF is that Dennison????
  14. Geez, man. That should have been a penalty. Glad to see him get up and walk. Tackling around the head should have been a penalty.
  15. Now you want to run 10 years late. GEEEZ. Ohhh gross, He's hurt. Head slammed turn the durt.
  16. Look at this crap man. Always looking for the checkdown. Come on!!!
  17. TT is too timid throwing it downfield and he's looking for the checkdown. He's done this all year but you gotta break out of that crap. I see why people are desperate for a QB but we just have too many needs. Dennison also seems to call the game like well hell I know I'm not getting fired so I'm not trying to tailor an offense to TT.
  18. I'm done. Done. Dennison Dial up something man. This short stuff aint gonna get it. 3 mins left.
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