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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. Keep in mind that I totally agree with the first part of you comment.. BUT. Why are you even bringing up skin color? Why are you choosing this topic to bring race into the conversation? RACIAL comments have no room on these forums.. they really don't. Why even mention race? what point are you trying to prove? you think the majority care if you are white, black, purple, pink, gold, red? You say this has nothing to do with race yet YOU SAID IT! Pretty pathetic if you ask me and I highly suggest you edit your post.. and by the way.. EVERYONE on earth are men/woman of color...... Enough said.
  2. https://youtu.be/YIlqMpKFhds So head over to youtube an watch this video if you have not you should before making final judgement on Lamar. Notes from video. 1. Took him a bit of time to get warmed up but that's normal. 2. Big stride is a good sign. 3. Note with the throw that came short. That is an int all day long in NFL and they note "he does that a few times a game in college" 4. 50-60 yard throw looked effortless. 5. I saw good sideline passes but a little bit high... But not for Benjamin. That is right where you want it for him. 6. Hook throw a little low but low is better then high on that type of pass. 7. 5:00 NICE PASS! WR ran an in and out and he lead him on that pass and WR has plenty of room to run down field. I have not seen Tyrod be able to make those throws with any consistency. 8. Then throws a ball off stride and WR had to wait for it. Accuracy Accuracy and more Accuracy issues.. and he was not under pressure. IDK I think he is a long term prospect and not a short term franchise QB. Watch Rosen and Darnald. They miss a ball and almost laugh at it where Jackson gets kind of a flustered look. I say no to Jackson in first round. Then again.. Jackson Made Rudolph look like crap on short throws. Darnold chose not to throw a ball And I now have just as many mixed feelings on Rosen.. who am i to judge lol
  3. I really like your take on this and agree with your assessment. I more wish Lamar was a second round prospect then a first but answer me this.. If all we have is Taylor, We don't move up and he is best QB Available, do we take him? It is correctable, but that doesn't mean it gets corrected. I think Jackson can be slightly more consistent then Taylor.. Is that worth a draft spot to you or do you want better? Look.. I have to believe in the system. And if in this system they pick one of those 2 then I will fall behind them like it or not cause if I don't believe then what is the point of watching it? Yep I agree with growing your "game" but that doesn't mean it translates into NFL caliber. Light years? I wouldn't say that he has not even taken a snap in the NFL yet.. you cant say that.
  4. Next time you edit quote please just put what I said to you cause you make it look awful... So I want your Crystal ball that this guy has not played a day in the NFL and you know by fact he will be better then Taylor.. You can think he will be better but you cant be blatant about it and that's why I feel Jackson is a 2nd round prospect and Taylor went in 6th.. Key word here though.. Prospect. You still have to out weigh the risk with reward
  5. Oh your welcome, I think this Has come up quite often. Leadership part I agree. Lamar is a great leader in the huddle and as far as possible pocket passer? I think that if you are picking him up in draft hoping for that then your being risky. To be honest with you I like him to but damn. I am not going to be happy till he throws in the NFL lol.. Yep totally agree and this is why I put Vic on my post cause he throws just like him. And yes. he was a good COLLEGE player in one of the worst divisions. On that note I do like him but not in first round. Every QB out of the NFL that is drafted early has same confidence.. Confidence means nothing if you cant put up the numbers. I think he is a risk. TY TY TY. Totally agree but he wont get it lol.. I think your one of the few that feel this. He has an arm with accuracy issues. He played in a weaker conference. But I love your confidence and thanks for replying. Right but he was in a different conference. you guys got to remember this.
  6. Stop being a drama boy please. I have no time for it.
  7. I think you need to read up to op. Original Question is he another Tyrod/Vic or not? he said Vic. I think you need to skip the drama. he only answered my question and the question at hand was concerning ON field. Everyone knows he is not another Vic off the field. please skip the drama.
  8. In another thread I compare Taylor and Jackson... eek
  9. so you know we are talking about on the field not off right?
  10. So I would like to see your crystal ball as to how this draft class ends up? Your Assuming sir.
  11. That's what I am wondering. I agree its a crap shoot. What would be your "spot" You mean like taking advantage of Tyrods running abilities? how that working out? Tyrod came out a bit more accurate yes. I can show you a few Tyrod whipped down field also. watch both.
  12. So some are worried or scared that Lamar Jackson will turn out to be another Tyrod Taylor.. So i Thought I would post both stats and let you decide. Tyrod Taylor PASSING Stats YEAR CMP ATT PCT YDS AVG TD LNG INT RAT 2007 72 134 53.7 927 6.9 5 59 3 119.7 2008 99 173 57.2 1036 6.0 2 40 7 103.2 2009 136 243 56.0 2311 9.5 13 81 5 149.4 2010 188 315 59.7 2743 8.7 24 69 5 154.8 RUSHING Stats YEAR ATT YDS AVG LNG TD 2007 102 420 4.1 52 6 2008 147 738 5.0 73 7 2009 106 370 3.5 46 5 2010 146 659 4.5 72 5 Lamar Jackson PASSING Stats YEAR CMP ATT PCT YDS AVG TD LNG INT RAT 2017 254 430 59.1 3660 8.5 27 78 10 146.6 2016 230 409 56.2 3543 8.7 30 74 9 148.8 2015 135 247 54.7 1840 7.4 12 56 8 126.8 RUSHING Stats YEAR ATT YDS AVG LNG TD 2017 232 1601 6.9 75 18 2016 260 1571 6.0 72 21 2015 163 960 5.9 73 11 Notes 1. Jackson is coming out 1 year early but played as starting QB in college 1 year more so thus Jackson comes out more experienced. 2. Jackson best year Passing + Rushing yard total is 5,602 Yards total. Tyrods Total yards on his best year? 3,402 yards. Yes different conference different system but damn. 3. Taylor best year he threw the ball 315 times and 5 INT. Jackson best year threw the ball 430 times with 10 INT. 4. Taylor best year in TD's he had a total of 29 TD's. Jackson total TD's on his best year was 51. 5. Taylor was drafted in 6th round. Jackson is picked to be drafted in round 1 or 2. So with this info in mind I ask you.. Is Lamar Jackson another Vic, Taylor? Or do you think he will be much better? Thoughts
  13. Yea this is fake. There is no way he knows Witch teams are talking with Kirk and who isn't. He cant possibly know.
  14. Look... IF a GM trades up high to get us a QB I have no problem with it and I will tell you why... #1 GM will not put his career on the line to go for a QB unless he is 100% sure that is our man. #2 We just went 17 years without a franchise QB and now you want to wait another year? NO. #3 Yep its a crap shoot.. but you cant win unless you don't play now and then right? #4 Our draft capital is not huge but its enough to get us to top 10. #5 People who love Buffalo football are tired of "game managers" and they have to sell seats. Ideally I do not want to draft a QB.. I would rather shoot for the stars on Cousins or one of the guys in Minnesota. Then you have 5 picks in first 3 rounds to build around.
  15. OMG give it a rest drama boy.. Its in the past.. Believe the system. Different GM Coaching.. you cant compare apples and oranges.. you just cant. what was the last year we had this many draft picks in first 3 rounds? answer that Sherlock.
  16. I disagree.. Strongly.. You have to build past him. he is not the future of the team and you build around what ever QB you have good bad or indifferent.
  17. While some may agree or disagree to your quote.. Do you really think this is the place for this type of conversation? I think not. GL JIMBO! your Strong!
  18. I have no problem with this as long as the Interference isn't blatant. Blatant interference should be ball spot and I am sure they will talk about this. Kind of like the Running into the kicker rule?
  19. You know what's better? we have 5 draft picks in the first 3 rounds to address our needs. Even if we cant get one of the big FA QB's, think of the holes we cover. C, G, DT, WR, Best QB available at 22. (unless top 4 are all gone in witch I doubt) and deal with the rest in FA 4th round pick up a RB if its not addressed in FA I think the key word left out so far is yet. If they hit the grand slam bases loaded in round 1 and 2.. then I think we will be better then last year.. Thoughts?
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