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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. are we allowed to describe what this team does as Billsy still?
  2. lol the look on Wilsons face coming off the field knowing that they didnt want him to try and throw for the 1st down. priceless.
  3. my opinion will change if the team plays well in all 3 phases. not one, not two, 3!!!!!. put together an all around good game. we havent seen one in quite some time. competent passing and running on O. just play the normal D. not looking for spectacular, just be normal. special teams, make me feel special about you plz.
  4. ridiculously difficult schedule. spent entire offseason gearing up for 2 TE sets to be the offense, starting TE on IR. Lost 3 all pro caliber players on one side of the ball in key positions. valid excuses tbh. what actually made the offense run in the past was Josh running around. set the defense on its heels. coaches/fans/everybody, wanted Josh to stop that. so now the O is one dimensional. the biggest problem i see now is McD gambling with the blitz (as opposed to everybody being upset with Frasier not blitzing), Josh no longer looking to run much, teams playing toward our tendencies on both sides of the ball, and, heres the big one, lack of adjustments during the game. not a great loss for this team. we were in it till the end though, even playing that poorly. glass half full, but, there are cracks forming on the glass, many.
  5. theyre saying, how the f did we lose to this team?
  6. lol, clear as day taunting by the guy yapping right in Kincaids ear as he sits on the ground. clap clap clap. no flag.
  7. we can barely do the basics, not sure the fancy stuff is possible.
  8. nice stop. why do i want to try Poyer as our cover LB and have Rapp take his spot at safety? am i delusional?
  9. kinda what the Bengals have been doing on O to our D. amazing how that works right?
  10. refs refs refs refs. at some point the players need to do the basics. yes the refs are trash. go make a friggen play. in no way shape or form do i think Diggs is a quitter, but if this team doesnt finish the season strong and win a playoff game, im betting he wants out and finds a way. i dont blame him one bit. he's wasting his prime years on a team that just cant get it all together.
  11. looky at ole crazy legs Burrow goooooooooo. smh.
  12. lean on Diggs and Kincaid, or gtfo off the field. mix in some to Cook short. dont even bother with anybody else.
  13. phew, i was worried we still couldnt run a screen play correctly. good to know everything is normal. also, i dont want Gabe thrown to anymore. ever.
  14. i used to love football, actually, thought i still did, even through all the struggle years. watching these players, not do the basics, add in the refs, add in the boring football in 3/4 of the games each week, i think i might be done. sad day tbh. watching these people, be mediocre at their jobs, and knowing what they get paid, just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
  15. well, waited all day for this, time for bed i guess.
  16. live by the blitz, die by the blitz. its always a huge gamble.
  17. brought everybody and their line picked it all friggen up. disgusting.
  18. ya, its like watching Aaron Schobel pass rush. frustrating.
  19. Von is mostly speed. used to use that speed to get under and around fast. he cant do it yet, or its gone.
  20. those of you complaining about Von. no he doesnt look fully back. doesnt matter though, with Burrow getting rid of the ball so fast none of the pass rushers are going to do anything. rather have them all hang back and throw their hands up when the throws.
  21. Bengals are one of the top teams against zone, yet here we are.
  22. not going to get Burrow if hes throwing under 3 seconds everytime. gotta adjust. straight zone isnt going to work. mix it up. same crap Brady used to do.
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