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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. D Line isnt getting anything on Mahomes, at least get yer hands up.
  2. down to retired LBs trying to cover Kelce in man. not good.
  3. guess WRs are only allowed to use one arm to catch balls now.
  4. this team is going to really miss the both of them when its over. 2 of the greats for the Bills imo. gotta win it this year.
  5. lol on the TD run? zero way to know what he was or wasnt thinking there. looks like a juke or fake, or maybe he thought about sliding then said f it. no way that ever gets called even if fake sliding was indeed a penalty. whoever this poster is, is super salty. didnt Pickett actually fake slide in college? like you could actually see his thought process with the fake. it was blatant. if the original poster isnt a troll, well, hes got issues.
  6. good for Baker. gotta wonder if the Browns are regretting that move. betting their fans are.
  7. gg Bills. feels not so great though because of all the injuries. ty Shakir for making a play.
  8. so will the Steelers LB who broke up the pass to Kincaid in the endzone, made a throat slashing motion.
  9. need something here from the offense. can not go 3 and out here. D needs some time.
  10. lol what do you want Murray to do there? people complaining about that. dumb. he was the outlet, the outlet the Steelers let the Bills have so they could hold them short. every team does that on 3rd and long.
  11. zero issue with Allen running around, except when Fitzpatrick can hit him. do not trust Fitzpatrick to not hit dirty.
  12. ive gone to opposing forums many times just to see what theyre thinking. never sign up, never post, just a lurker. Finsheaven is a cesspool nearly as bad as the Chefs forums. just despicable people there. also, half the board would give up Tua in a heartbeat for Josh, even though they hate him so much.
  13. glad Miami lost, but lets be honest here, they were barely a team at the end. nearly everybody of any importance was injured or completely out. Fins were down 5 LBs, thats crazy. theyre still a dangerous team. we'll see how things go if they pay Tua. add in very little draft capital, and its gonna be rough for them, which is fine with me. still tons of talent when not injured. also, Finsheaven is a cesspool, nearly on par with the Chefs forum. some really terrible people there.
  14. maaaaaaaan, they love them some Mahomes huh? "nobody does it better" f off.
  15. been watching Diggs very closely all season mainly due to all the noise from last offseason. ive seen nothing that points to Diggs and Josh having a problem. what i do see however is a player who may have an injury thats affecting him, allows him to play, but in pain. hes still a captain, and hes still acting like one everytime the camera pans to him.
  16. agree with Schatz. not just because Josh is my teams QB. nobody does more for his team every year than Josh. Lamar is a talent, but, hes not perfect, and his team needs him far far less. ive had this argument many times with Ravens fans lately, they cant rebut 29 total TDs vs 42 but somehow, Lamar is MVP etc. these awards are indeed, are all eye test. fact that Schatz has Ed as 1st team all pro just makes me agree all the more. i dont know Schatz, i read the article fully, the numbers dont lie. theres always more to look at than, great team, great QB, must be MVP. its Most Valuable Player, not most valuable teamwork, or most valuable player on a team that doesnt really need him as much as other players. whatever. go win the Super Bowl Josh.
  17. until the Pats find a QB, wont matter who the coach is. Mayo just got paid, he wont be there long unless they get lucky in the draft. following a guy who won them 6 rings is not ideal. fans will turn on Mayo fast.
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