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  1. I just don't understand how someone with a competent lawyer and potentially heavy NFL punishments hanging over his head for the car crash doesn't just lock themselves in a safe room in the back of their lawyer's office until the season starts. Way to blow literally any chance at possible leniency from the league for the street racing incident.
  2. Man you have a LONG time to stay up until the Bills pick...
  3. He was still in the league less than a decade ago (heck, he's still only 37, younger than me), so thats hardly ancient history. I'm not advocating for Dejean at all, but the assertion that there aren't any in memory is false.
  4. Has Byrd been wiped from everyone's memories or something? 2nd round pick for us, led the league in INTs as a rookie free safety after playing CB in college.
  5. Saying his success "is somehow related to how he is striking the ball" is like saying a QB's accuracy is somehow related to how he is throwing the ball. It's a lot words to say nothing.
  6. Dude... The higher launch angle would DECREASE range more than the 2 yards you'd be saving by snapping shorter. Also the higher trajectory and increased hangtime would decrease accuracy. This is very much a valid case of "there's a reason they do it this way". The only time you want to adjust snap depth (which is 8 yards, not 7) is to actually LENGTHEN the snap on long FGs, so that you can drive the ball with a lower angle for more distance while still getting it over the blockers. The tradeoff for that is that gives edge rushers/blockers a shallower more direct angle to get around the edge. *edit* You also clearly greatly underestimate how many extra blocks there would be. The rate of blocks (or the required launch angle to get over the blockers and subsequent loss of range) is literally exponential the closer you get. It wouldn't be a 1% increase moving in 2 yards, it would be more something like double for 1 yard closer, and quadruple for 2 yards closer.
  7. They don't disclose what they consider "obtained legally" to mean. They also parrot the popular misconception that it's easy to obtain guns through the mythical "gun show loophole". Private sales can happen depending on the state, but people aren't selling their private collection pieces to gang bangers from the big cities. I've seen "obtained legally" counted as meaning ORIGINALLY obtained legally, as in purchased new from a dealer and not smuggled into the country directly to the black market. This means guns that were stolen from a legal owner, then get used by whatever gang member does a shooting gets counted as a "legally obtained" gun. They also count when someone passes a background check they shouldn't have, because screwy policing led to stuff not getting properly logged into their permanent records.
  8. Coaching didn't make us be missing half our defensive starters for any given game. Coaching did hurt a little playing man coverage 10 yards deep on 3rd and 4 against the Bengals, but he's gone now.
  9. That's a pretty MAJOR and valid reason.
  10. As my alcoholic dad liked to say, it's always 27:45 somewhere.
  11. Dude, Josh collects records like Pokémon cards. Shall we book a weekend in the conference room to go over the list? He also already has more gear being displayed in the HoF than most people already in the HoF.
  12. People who are determined to be miserable will find any and all reasons to be miserable. I bet you're the guy all the coffee shop workers roll their eyes about when they see you walk in.
  13. Complaining about strong opponents is a quintessential "get good" moment. Top teams already get pitted against each other in the current scheduling algorithm, that's about as fair as it can get.
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