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Everything posted by T&C

  1. I'm with you here... Sharks deserve this. Still, a lot of time left...
  2. Ian Dury was only 58 when he headed out...
  3. Just got a plate of food... bring it on, bang a gong...
  4. Dal/SLB game is intense... good hockey watch.
  5. I might be in the minority but Morrison had a great singing voice... when he actually sang.
  6. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2019/05/07/teacher-creates-gen-z-dictionary-of-slang-words-to-better-understand-students
  7. That sucks K... its really just about doing the best you can and having a good time away from the rest of the world with your buddies. Scores don't matter in the end.
  8. I suppose it all boils down to what is "young"... Willie Nelson would probably say anyone that's still living. Frank Zappa... nowadays he's have probably been cured. Chris Wood The Day the music died Karen Carpenter Rebop Emerson and Lake etc.
  9. If I get too angry I'll strip down to my Jim Kelly thong... you won't enjoy that, trust me. Best bet is to root for the Jackets in this particular game.
  10. Yep, good dude for sure... naive owner though. Well at least we won a couple of championships... not being selfish to think about him as just football he really had helped a Lot of people... and it continues on after his death... good people.
  11. I feel like I hope you are completely wrong and the Jackets take tonights game 5-2. This is gonna be a barn buster.
  12. What if the horse didn't like what he saw ahead of him and just moved to a place that looked friendlier to run? Jockey can't control everything... especially an animal that does what it wants for self preservation on a ***** mud track.
  13. Bad move by Dallas to leave Bishop in there after getting his bell rung.
  14. Same here, I was hoping it went into overtime. ***** the bruins...
  15. Ahh... nice win by the Jackets, hope they head on the road 3-1.
  16. Thanks for the double quote. Just saw you are from Clarence... my Dads side of the family is from there. The mafia is one thing... "Bills mafia" is another. Former is legit, the latter is ***** stupid.
  17. It is pretty stupid. Imagine meeting a person wearing a Bills cap in some random place and saying "are you Bills mafia"? Dumb dumb dumb.
  18. Willing to bet that Bethel now sees more people show up than they ever imagined... kind of like the original.
  19. Its the sulfites... good luck finding wine without them in it.
  20. My fault, I had Thread instead of Site in the title... fixed. Any decent one anyone can recommend?
  21. That might be it man... in fact I think you are right on this, thanks. I knew it was one of the teams we dislike lol.
  22. On my old computer I had a site bookmarked at the top that always had the current year's UDFA's after the draft, any year. As in, when the draft is over that site kicked in. I think it was based out of Dallas or NE. Has them by team and updates frequently.
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