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Everything posted by T&C

  1. I was only 10, my Mother wouldn't let me go. They also died less than a mile apart. Nice shot of Bill and a few friends, FZ hanging on the wall... this may be at Winterland though:
  2. I'm in a group that reminds every year... and why not. I was for sure too young to attend but the music played inside of that place, not to mention everything else that probably went on in there, was incredible. Nice way to head out though: Still have the original vinyl box set "Fillmore, the last days" with the poster, fake tickets, etc. 3 Lp's in all.
  3. She should have been having a nice cold glass of Limeaid whilst the beaver was being trimmed?
  4. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/ap-top-news/2019/06/24/nik-wallenda-says-he-freaked-when-pole-slipped After conquering Times Square, Nik Wallenda says he's got his eye on an "active volcano."
  5. News said this morning that they were looking for an active volcano to cross.
  6. I know that's Estrada on bass but is that Art Tripp on drums? If not it sure looks a lot like him.
  7. I couldn't tell you... never got into Beefheart other than TMR, Safe as Milk, and stuff he did with Zappa (Bongo Fury, etc.). Someone else may know.
  8. Why would you have a lot of unwanted guests in the first place, should have had this playing at the front door. Once all wanted guests are safely in, switch to: ___________. Or, __________. This is a "one of its kind" deal imo... probably why FZ signed on. Musician wise this is pretty genius... despite the sound this was a hard one to play. The Magic band looked like a bunch of weirdo's but they for sure had talent at their respective instruments.
  9. Came out in 1969 obviously... I can't think of anything that even comes close to this one. Produced by FZ, this would be around the Uncle Meat/Wild Man Fischer days. Some of it makes me laugh to this day but really can only handle it once a year or so. "The Blimp" will always be a classic though. Below is a review by people I've never heard of but it might be helpful to some, I don't know. From the "Show More" of this video: Trout Mask Replica, by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band was inducted into the Library of Congress' national recording registry in 2010 - nearly 40 years after it's release. The album has been widely cited by artists of all kinds as a shining point of creativity and original thought - it also is very very hard to listen to. It's the musical equivalent of a Jackson Pollock painting. Its discordant rhythms and motifs sound made up on the spot by a child, but every sound and riff you hear on the album was arduously rehearsed over the course of a year by a group of young musicians who were remarkable in their own right. The Gem itself:
  10. This was a couple of months earlier... Mark asking if she's wearing panties. Wonder how much she loved the Turtles during the Next 4 years.
  11. I like Metamorphosis quite a bit... but everything other than EOMS up to Some Girls is excellent here. Have Quadrophenia on CD in the car... listen to it around once a month, Loud. Genius Lp. Lately I've noticed that half of it is the album and the other half is Moon's drumming... dude was a monster on the kit. If you like Stones music... Rico does as well... this is a good listen:
  12. I'm not the OP so I don't know what he meant... I just said that I'm going with vinyl. This may be unpopular but I never liked Exile on Main Street... it just never clicked with me although I've had it dozens of times. Stones stuff before and after but not that one.
  13. I'm going with vinyl... there was/is a thread on vinyl from a year or two ago. I've been a collector/dealer for 40 years so making a list is kind of pointless for me anyways, probably you too. Zappa isn't that weird, a lot of people don't understand WHY he wrote what he did... he did write differently than anyone else though. This is for sure my one most played album ever... a sarcastic funny lampoon on hippies, parenthood, drugs, the Beatles, etc. along with some childhood memories. From 1968:
  14. The entire catalog of The Mothers of Invention/The Mothers on the Verve and Bizarre labels.
  15. This whole thing is just a ***** joke now... dumbasses thought they were going to create something worthwhile but didn't have the right people in place to think it out up to 5 years ago. I'd rather walk the Glen itself, one of the most beautiful places on earth.
  16. Always thought it was cool that Al Kooper produced their first album... HIGH school partying days...
  17. Toy Story 4 must have been in the works for a very long time, Don Rickles died over 2 years ago.
  18. Drop that ***** directly into my compost pile out back... They Used to be good... now they are just mush in a fried outerskin made of mush.
  19. Strange but true... back in the LP heyday I used to see this in the bargain bins all of the time.
  20. Who else would you put in this category? If I had to pick anyone it would be John Cipollina. QMS never had commercial success but was a very excellent band. He died at age 45 so who knows what "could have" happened. The majority of commercial music sucks anyways. I put on Highway 61 in the car this morning... for nostalgia's sake.
  21. Nice read on Michael Bloomfield, if you are familiar with his musical history... or heard his name and wondered who in the hell is this guy. https://www.loudersound.com/features/mike-bloomfield-tombstone-blues?fbclid=IwAR2d1noRBZ3POPcYBaxoJY2QIg1BXa3cN7VCOnX_oaO2ZHdYyWdoTSdfFKU
  22. He didn't want to be with a ***** team.
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