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Everything posted by T&C

  1. I was listening to a talk show on the radio in the car this morning and the one guy made an interesting point, we've always had evil and we've always had guns but we haven't always had violent shootem up video games. I could see that as an influence as to what's been going on the last 20 years but that's just my opinion. Kind of makes sense though.
  2. The sheer amount of greats/legends he brushed elbows with is staggering... he had to have had a good life.
  3. https://bestclassicbands.com/da-pennebaker-obituary-8-3-19/?fbclid=IwAR2jytpu21ZAK6wfFXHG3nukxHhJzrEuKXfd1lcg9nHafVbicnpRr-_8FiA I check out Monterey Pop once a year or so... RIP
  4. Agreed... this thing is dead in the water. Lang had all of these years to properly plan this and failed... not just failed but bigtime failed.
  5. I didn't think it was either but after looking around its anyone born between 1981 and 1996. After that its Gen Z, born between 1995 and 2015. Strange how the ending and beginning years overlap though.
  6. Nowadays they'd probably flag it for a hit on a defenseless player...
  7. My bad... I mean't the unannounced. Like Grace, Jack, Jorma... those types. Nash, Young, etc.
  8. I'd have to wonder how many will show up in Bethel... not the jayz's type but the actual ones who played at the original. I think Joe McDonald is still alive... he would be rebel enough to do it.
  9. I can only imagine what this is worth, never heard of it before: Interesting fact: John, Paul, George and Ringo made a recording a good two years before The Beatles (with drummer Pete Best) auditioned for Decca Records on January 1st ,1962. Considered another amateur recording The Beatles record only one song Gershwin’s ’Summertime’. Only nine, 78-rpm discs were cut of which only one disc is known to have survived. Date: October 16th, 1960 Place: Hamburg, Germany Studio: Akustik, 57 Kirchenallee John Lennon - Guitar/Vocals Paul McCartney - Guitar/Vocals George Harrison - Guitar Vocals Along with members of Rory Storm’s Hurricanes Ringo Starr - Drums Lou “Wally Walters - Bass/Vocals Pete Best was not present at the recording.
  10. Not sure what you are into but this one is from 1971... also features some early Flo and Eddie... working on the song sheets is pretty cool, and the cast of characters is pretty diverse. Not for everyone but I check it out every couple of years:
  11. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned already... Today is RJ's birthday, 77 years young.
  12. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/ap-top-news/2019/07/21/1960s-prankster-paul-krassner-who-named-yippies-dies-at-87
  13. True, but when one has gotten hammered by hurricanes the last few years it matters. I was watching the opener against the Jets a couple of years ago while oak tree's went down in the back. That ***** took a year to get rid of there was so much of it.
  14. You are right, they were. This is a pretty cool read regarding their friendship: https://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-xpm-19890501-1989-05-01-8904300169-story.html
  15. Hit by a car last night... https://www.tmz.com/2019/07/15/pernell-whitaker-dead-at-55/
  16. Not to say no one was affected would would be a lie but I'm glad that it didn't become much worse than it has, few lives were lost. From all I see now upriver flooding is the main threat. Weirdest tropical system I've seen in a long time. Elena did a loop de loop in Tampa bay years ago, that was the last bizarre one I've seen.
  17. NBC nightly news guy said that the winds from the Atlantic ocean will further fuel the system, heard/saw this a half an hour ago.
  18. Yes, that Angie. Wicked sideways glance
  19. I was joking... another poster came on kind of heavy, made me laugh. The wife hates when I say this but why in the hell did someone decide to build NO below sea level when they are on the gulf. What do you expect? Plus, all of the freaking money spent to keep that place afloat.
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