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Everything posted by T&C

  1. A great one that came out in his prime, he got too electronic after awhile for me: Also this one, the voice of the goddess:
  2. I honestly don't know who the man was.
  3. I don't know you but man am I glad you "allowed" the original... got a laugh here. Didn't look at the list but always liked Tull's Bursting Out and Zappa Live in New York. And this one:
  4. Just a guess but I'd bet we are around the same age. That was the year I graduated HIGH school and went into the US Army. Saw Peter Gabriel at Kleinhans, two weeks before I went in... halloween night 1978. Here are a couple of easy listening examples of psych... the Mainstream label held many but man are they pricey now. Amboy Dukes would be one of them... Ted Nugent aka Uncle Ted. A NM or M original copy of this would set you back 10K probably nowadays: Always been a sucker for the chick vocals... this one features a chick drummer as well...
  5. Hehe... I think everybody loves some Floyd, they spanned the decades for sure. BOC is Blue Oyster Cult... check out their first 4 albums if you have some down time or want good background music. Psych music, to me anyways, ran from the mid 60's through the mid 70's... a nice 10 year or so run I would say. Tons of bands that you may have heard of and tons that you didn't. Here are a couple of short songs I would consider psych, both from 68 I think.
  6. He may not have made it through breakfast... my arteries clogged just looking at that.
  7. I don't know man, there is a pretty big gap between the Stones and springsteen/mellencamp as far as what is rock and what is not IMO. I guess if it were presented like this the needle would tip to the Stones without a doubt. Which of these three musical acts would you consider rock music: 1. Mellencamp 2. The Rolling Stones 3. Bruce Springsteen Psych and prog to me are two different animals that sometimes cross paths. A lot of the music we have out there that most people know well can be considered prog or flat out IS prog, some with psych thrown in as well... ELO (especially the earlier stuff), Pink Floyd, Steve Miller (earlier stuff mainly), BOC, ELP, Jethro Tull, Traffic, Genesis pre abacab, etc. I don't think I've ever heard any other version other than the one I have, with the green WB label. It's that different? People never play it at parties anymore lol.
  8. I watched this for the first time last week and at some point later into it I hit the jettison button... told the wife this is just like titanic.
  9. To be honest I don't know what you are asking. Maybe, can people who like psych and prog also like pure rock music? For me the answer is sure. Steppenwolf, Sabbath, Deep Purple, Beatles, Stones, SRC, Thin Lizzy, BOC, etc. Can't stand Springsteen though... he to me is in the same category as John Cougar Mellonhead.
  10. Jazz, rock, prog, psych all wrapped into one:
  11. I have had 3 originals of this... sold them all figuring I would come across another. Hasn't happened in the last 10 years so I now own a reissue. Probe put out some pretty good stuff but quantities were limited on a lot of their releases. It's not like we're talking pop 40 though.
  12. Here is one that may work... prog all the way:
  13. Yeah, I would put Traffic on the border of probably 4 different categories. What is happening to me isn't now, its more in the past decades. For instance, this one. I have it on vinyl but for sure not an original... from Peru 1969:
  14. Have never heard of that to be honest, don't even know what the words mean lol. Share a link and we'll take a listen for sure.
  15. Amazing that you mentioned my fave chick singer of all time right off the bat... she had a 5 octave voice back then and was very hot to look at too. Her vocals on "A trip to the Fair" are outstanding... a bit later than the vid below I think. I first heard Renaissance on the King Biscuit Flower Hour back in the early 70's at my cousins house in Clarence... always stuck with me. Hope you enjoy the goddess in action:
  16. Springsteen and the Stones? Never heard of that group so I can't say.
  17. Just testing the water... not sure how many are into this kind of thing but it's my favorite music style and will always be. For starters:
  18. Excellent choice. "Dino's Song" written by Dino Valenti aka Chet Powers also known as Jesse Oris Farrow was in jail during the Pop Festival on marijuana charges. He also wrote "Get Together", a hit for The Youngbloods and "Fresh Air".
  19. https://bestclassicbands.com/gary-duncan-obituary-6-29-19/?fbclid=IwAR3fD2TZsNF_SYvp9O_Gc_dBPrn4X7xR8rh7yTCOqfx7G6GVSJ4RA0JRNho
  20. Not sure how the Alexa thing works... you are Watching And listening or just listening?
  21. Big Traffic fan here as well... hence the avatar... saw the 94 tour at the Sundome at USF, still have the binocs I bought just for that one concert (Service Merchandise of all places). Odd sort of story... a chick I dated in the late 80's mom dated Jim Capaldi for awhile, said he always smelled bad lol. If no one has seen this before I'll throw this out there, only known concert video of Traffic in their prime that I'm aware of. Anyone has something else please add.
  22. Collins could maybe shake a tambourine but he can't drum anymore.
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