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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I haven't seen anyone giving "hate", although I haven't read the entire thread...but from what I have seen is posts stating while they acknowledge the fact of a top 10 regular season, post season not so much. If that's what you would consider "getting hate", then I just don't see it
  2. Well, I wouldn't say "entirely" new players, but definitely would need a few
  3. Yeah but we didn't have a top defense when it matters most in the post season
  4. Wow! This is a bit of a surprise. I hope it's not any kind of health issue etc.....however I'm excited to move forward in a different direction regarding the defense and DC. I do wish him well and thankful for the certain things he was able to accomplish, but in any event I felt it was time to move on
  5. Can you blame them? He earned that opportunity and we all had high hopes, unfortunately it turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. It happens.
  6. But basically we all did, or most I'd say..... I mean after last 2 seasons along with how he performed in playoffs, especially in the 13 seconds game.....pretty everyone was saying how he's earned his shot to be starting WR2. I don't recall any post saying he didn't deserve his shot, if so I missed it. So I mean nobody can blame them (not saying you are) for over estimating him since we all did
  7. They are at the same place they've always been. That has been explained few different times a while ago. I mean you don't think they are now mortal enemies now do you?
  8. Lol, yeah well to me it just kinda seemed like he wasn't feeling it this season and didn't really give a f*ck.
  9. I tend to agree with you for the most part here because it also seemed that way to me from a fans viewing standpoint. I'm sure it's likely more to it, but the lack of adjustments and creativity was the impression I got as well
  10. Doesn't seem like Eagles player took it as a joke. Maybe he just forgot to put "lol" or "j/k" ?
  11. Anyone will wear it proudly. Point is in this particular circumstance it doesn't matter You may need to
  12. Yeah I get the rival hatred between division opponents, but you just don't do that in that circumstance. It's Eagle fans though, have always been up there with a couple others as one of the worst fans
  13. Maybe Defenses started to figure him out and adjusted. Dorsey seemed to have trouble when he needed to be creative enough to counter it with his own adjustments
  14. So you'll take not being good enough in playoffs every time? Because that 14-4 means nothing when getting knocked out post season by the 2nd round
  15. False start… on the offense… number 85 Lol, or Holding....offense number 85...10 yard penalty repeat down
  16. Jets are probably going to take a shot at him
  17. If looking at it that way,Wouldn't you say the same about OL.
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