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Everything posted by gomper

  1. Hey bbb-check out Bob McCowan 3-7 weekdays on Fan590.http://www.fan590.com/
  2. Brad is horrible. Plain and simple. GR is brutal.Some things never change.
  3. Hey Chef-Funny how you brought up the temp at Giants games because I'll be in SF on 9/15 and I'm going to see Giants-Dodgers. What are the average conditions at night because every game on TV shows a crowd bundled up to the hilt. Also, any "can't miss" gameday experiences in or around AT&T?
  4. John- You really show a total lack of professionalism flaming it out with other posters. Have some class.
  5. This thread comes up time to time and everything said here is right on the money. WGR is horrible. It will stay that way until some solid competition arrives and that would percipitate a change in how broadcast ownership is structured. In other words, an act of Congress. Good luck. I'm amazed by two things daily. The beauty of the sunrise and the fact that Bulldog still has a career. He sounds as marble-mouthed as when he began. Schopp really does seem to not want to be there most days and their producer, the psudo-comic, is a total d-bag. I know people point toward WECK as a real alternative but it isn't. Brad is Brad. What you hear is what you get and thats not very much. Lots of self-satisfied attitude and nothing of substance. Not to mention he's a real bad broadcaster technically. I listened to the new guy Nick. At least he tries to stay in context but it sounds like some college radio show. Not much personality and as a listener I really could care less what music he likes. I've heard these two utter the "I'm just a guy with a radio show" line over and over. If thats true, what compelling reason is there to listen if your just like everyone else and nothing sets you apart? Sportstalk is dead is most of us know it in Buffalo. For examples of how it should be done try FAN590, WFAN, and KNBR. These station actually respect the intelligence of their listeners.
  6. God, Berman's act is so old. He should just hang it up. Stop yelling at me old man.
  7. Here's a nice take on the whole LeBron mess: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/sto...&id=5397113
  8. Well, I'll say this for the pigeons: they're much more articulate critics than the News Jeff Mirers
  9. If you want a single seat and are willing to miss part of the 1st quarter AND the local TV blackout has been lifted.....then you should be able to score a seat cheap when the scalpers start dumping them. I did it all through college too. However, if the game is not on TV then you may have a problem.
  10. Love Colbie...ok, since we're on the subject of current sexy singer-songwriters...how about Sara Bareilles http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/295qXZYaaIF.../Sara+Bareilles
  11. John hit it right on the head. You need stability in all three of those administrative areas to be a consistant winner. The constant turnover here has produced exactly what you'd expect on the field for the past 10 years. Any first year college assistant scout could tell you that the Bills need more up front on both sides. Spiller may be a homerun in years to come but it sure seemed like a luxury pick by a team that has no more room for error. The QB situation is a disaster as everyone knows. The answer Nix comes up with to solve this major problem will be a huge part of grading his tenure. As for the present, prepare for an long, ugly season of double digit losses and plain being beaten by superior talent. The silver lining may be that with a 2-14, 3-13 record, the QB situation may solve itself in the draft.
  12. One of the best musical artists today...Cat Power http://urbantakeout.files.wordpress.com/20...1/catpower2.jpg
  13. Love, love, love French women....Marion Cotillard http://www.askmen.com/women/galleries/cele.../picture-2.html
  14. Dont look for it anymore but a few years back in Northern California I had the purest acid ever. Mellow but strong and slept like a baby after 10 hours...then came to a few hours later still tripping. Set and setting is everything. Back in 1989 we went to Hampton, Va. for the legendary "Dark Star" Dead shows. Took way too much acid but the scene was so serene and the band played so magnificently, that I had a wonderful time both days. Two days later in New Jersey it was the exact opposite. The lots were like a late 80's Altamont with security beating people senseless for the slightest infraction. I decided to take some very potent mushrooms to "remove" myself from reality but the bad energy made my trip a tough one to say the least. Bobby morphed into an old woman in a rocking chair...Jerry seemed to be speaking right to me with the distorted way he was playing as if to say "you like to trip huh?...i got something for you"' and when I looked to Brent for some kind of psychic anchor....well..he looked more fried than me. Seeing people dancing in the hallways with dried blood and bandages from an earlier beating did not help. 95% of the shows I went to I had a blissful time when tripping...this was not one of them. Sorry about the Dead tangent. Overall, my experiences with LSD were very positive. But I dont think you really need to do copious amounts to gain its full effect. I must say that it did make me a better person.
  15. It comes down to the individuals involved but speaking in general terms, an 18 yo doesn't really have the emotion complexity to deal with a 32 yo. So, you're friend is pretty much taking advantage of that fact. If he's 42 and she's 25 then no issue exists, for me at least. Girls that age are easy to manipulate...it's really not a fair and level playing field. At that young age, your buddy really should have some respect and consider her someone's daughter and not someone to bend over.
  16. Good God...enough is enough. Nick, we're all impressed that you decided kiss GR goodbye and roll the dice with your "career" and go to WECK. I really do wish you luck. By your move it sounds like everything I've heard about GR behind the scenes is true: Andy Roth is a total d-bag who has no concept of what good radio is and they pay next to nothing to almost everyone. Good for you for going for it. The problem is, and it's a big problem, is when you were on GR for the Bills postgame or on the weekends you lacked the personality to drive the show for very long. I think you're an informed guy who can be perceptive but putting you on in the bare bones environment that is WECK will be a challenge to listen to. GR, as horrible as it is, does have the $$$ to spend on the things that you're show will need. Song parodys are just silly time fillers. Just you for 3-4 hours a night will not be nearly enough. I'm not trying to be mean but, hey, you wanted honesty. Good luck Nick. In some small way I hope that your show existing is a signal that the end of GR as we know it is starting
  17. Anyone partial to French girls? http://goremasternews.files.wordpress.com/...nie-laurent.jpg
  18. Anyone else notice the slick "under the radar" timing on his interviews on the same day health care passed? Thus assuring that whatever Woods said it wouldn't be the lead. His new PR man Ari knows how the game is played and is earning his $$ already. That being said, Woods has handled this like a chump. He should have just had a 60 min Q and A with about 10 reporters, then gone on Oprah and 60 Minutes (to tie up loose ends) and it's done. But that's plenty to ask of someone who is dumb enough to leave voicemails though.
  19. In August I decided to stop drinking because it was quite obvious that I was killing myself. I was living in such misery and some here told me it would get better. It did. Please know that in those really dark days, the encouraging words typed here by some of you made a big difference in my life. I know it's just the beginning and my life is way far from perfect but now there is hope. God, if the Bills-Browns game didn't push me off then nothing can (kidding of course). Again, thanks to those who took the time. God bless!!
  20. Didn't have a good feeling about this before and I wasn't disappointed. To say they're past their prime is being kind. It was liking seeing Ali these days although I think the Champ would have put on a better performance.
  21. Agree on the observation that Duff's is far better on off hours. I had some the greatest wings ever made in the history of the planet from there 20 minutes before closing.
  22. Vikes-Colts would have been a better match up all the way around. God knows how Vikes fans are taking that loss because they dominated all day only to have the turnovers and the return of Farves' 10 cent head cost them a shot at the title. Manning was as close to brilliant from the 2 minute warning in the 1st half of the AFC title game than I've ever seen a QB play in the postseason. All this being said, the Saints do one critical thing very well. They force turnovers. Their only chance is to make the Colts beat themselves. Greggo will blitz about 60% of the time, and while he may have success early on, Manning will start to demolish his pressure schemes by the third possession.The Colts D gets no respect at all, and even though a limited Freeney doesn't help matters, expect them to surprise everyone and punch the Saints in the mouth first and force turnovers. 2 NO TO's will be suicide against Indy. The Saints are a great story for obvious reasons but here is where Manning will cement his greatness. It's all about the rings and with two you're in the "greatness" discussion. Manning's moment is now. Colts 37-Saints 24 MVP-Manning (4 TD passes) Lets hope the outcome is still in question as the 4th quarter starts.
  23. Here's a beauty we all know and love: Driving behind someone on a two-lane road and you can't pass the person in front of you who is going under the speed limit. As you slowly approach the light, it turns yellow, and the idiot in front of you decides that he better speed up now and make the light. He goes through and you're stuck at the red. No jury would convict me I swear.
  24. Miami upsets the Saints 24-20. Makes me sick to write it but..i got a feelin'...
  25. I don't listen to the station that much anymore for the obvious reasons about lack of talent and interesting content. However, this is football season and I tune in more often just to get a feel how WNY's temperature about the Bills is running. The station is just as sad as ever. Simon would make a good Bills reporter but to ask him to drive a personality-based show 5 days a week is like having Jauron do it. White is there most times just to provide counterpoint. Be clear: counterpoint is a good thing...when it is a GOOD counterpoint. I'll never forget his famous "Whitner is as good as Bob Sanders" comment. You could hear the caller just repeat that back to White and then laugh, and then hang up. I, for one, think Schoop is very good....by himself. When he is alone is when I find myself listening past the updates. When paired with Bulldog, his one is so different it seems like I'm not listening to the same person. A question?...has Bulldog gotten any better in 10 years? Listen for 5 minutes to just his portion of the show. You'll hear such amazing insights as "Aaah....eee....I don't know..yeah..gggeeee.." etc. How he has a job is something else. The Greg Buck thing was very funny...the first 11 times. Not anymore. Sully is fun though. The problem with the these show is that they are the same everyday. Really good shows like that you find on WFAN, 590, KNBR all are different entities every time. Their shows breathe and flow. In short, the are much more compelling than the stagnant mess on GR.
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