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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I find that hard to believe. Where are you going to get 14 (number of playoff teams) fields to practice on, film rooms, training rooms, etc? You can only share so much in the sport of football.
  2. I guess you don't have a clue about human trafficking and how girls and women end up in the sex trade business, huh?
  3. Do you think people in Buffalo would try to claim the championship as Buffalo's?
  4. Imagine if they caught fire, made the playoffs, and they continued to play in Buffalo....and won the WS. Would that end the city of Buffalo's championship drought?
  5. See: 1982, Anderson, Gary wouldn't even have been picked if the draft was only six rounds long as it is today. Not to mention he was absolutely horrible in the pre-season which led to him being cut.
  6. The Bills didn't draft the top kicker in college football to cut him.
  7. Signings like this one and Coach's are just great morale builders for the team at this time of the year. They are all together and just saw two guys that performed on the field, on the sidelines and off the field get rewarded handsomely. Not only do I applaud the signings I applaud the timing of the signings.
  8. What’s the benefit? You’re locking up a good coach and the atmosphere throughout the organization. Players and coaches alike are thrilled this happened and I guarantee you there is a bounce in everyone’s step today at 1 Bills Dr.
  9. That is awful. Meadowlark Lemon and Curly Neal are probably rolling over in their graves.
  10. Very pleased with this news. Good job by the Pegula's not making this an issue. I'm sure Beane will be done in short order.
  11. Don't like an employees rules or demands? Then quit and find a new job that meets your needs......or start your own business and make the rules yourself.
  12. Did he also pick his nose and eat a booger while he was there?
  13. The trainers used to work for free Sabre Jaks!
  14. White Children's Lives Matter https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox23.com/news/trending/north-carolina-man-arrested-shooting-death-5-year-old-boy-police-say/YR3KXAE3AJHBNFNM6FRFK5RQMU/%3foutputType=amp
  15. Because Leftists are just like those animals in the video. They applaud that sort of behavior. You know we have a few resident buffoons enjoying that video.
  16. Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist organization. https://www.lawofficer.com/blm-protesters-shoot-at-black-officer-at-home/
  17. Cuomo does want a female making him look bad while he's on the dating scene.
  18. Right, but that was one game. Playoff game or not, one game.
  19. I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised, especially with how they used him in the playoff game at Houston. The coaches see something worthwhile.
  20. Whatever that means? I didn't type that in a foreign language. And you couldn't pay me to click on the Daily News.
  21. Unless you bow down and worship at the altar of BLM your views are now considered racists at most, and unacceptable at least, by the mob.
  22. You're a moron. Not only because of the football team you like but because you don't have a clue in life. You have Gang-Green of the brain.
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