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Everything posted by Call_Of_Ktulu

  1. I think Diggs is equal to all the WR’s on this list except Evans and Thomas. Diggs is going to be amazing for us, I still cannot believe that he is here in Buffalo.
  2. I dropped that pass because my visor was fogged coach I swear. I ran the wrong route because I could'nt hear the audible through the motocross helmet I swear.
  3. It looks like our players will be doing motocross after the game is over.
  4. Lol ?, I have to wear a N95 mask while repairing inside meter sets and can barely breathe. I can't see any NFL player wearing one and not passing out after 2 plays.
  5. So when the Buffalo hospitals are at max capacity can you say I went to the Bills game and get a ventilator with a Bills logo on it? Shame on the Pegulas for making Doctors choose who lives and dies.
  6. On a 1 year deal Clowney would be hard pressed to find another team that is as good as a fit as the Bills are for him. Top 5 secondary and enough talent up front so he is not double teamed.
  7. Just because Brees doesn’t kneel does not mean he is racist. Brees has helped so many people in New Orleans and he didn’t do it because of someone’s skin color. Brees helped his community through action, action that really helped thousands of people. Actions that speak way louder than any words. Brees feels a certain way about how you should respect the flag just like Kim Pegula will not kneel because of how she respects the flag. Twitter and social media like it make me sick.
  8. I was hoping to never see Brandon's or Whaley face again on TV or this message board or anywhere.
  9. I think it will decrease big time. You have your Estimated 20% who will stop watching just because of the anthem protest. Without the preseason the quality is going to take a decent dip. I have no estimate on how many people will just stop watching over the black national anthem. If top name players like Mahomes get sick during the season and are out a month and KC misses the playoffs this year the SB will hold less value. I deal with approximately 10 customers a day and at least 25% are not watching the NFL just because of the anthem protesting. I know it’s a small sample size but I’ve never heard that many people talking about it before. You also have so many people out of work who will probably just skip the season all together because they don’t have the money. So many unknowns that I missed will also negatively impact the season. I can see the cap taking a huge dive in 2021.
  10. We can only hope that nothing is unearthed about Buffalo Bill Cody, otherwise our name is in Jeopardy too.
  11. I can’t see changing the Redskins name and not changing the Cowboys who killed them. So many other teams will need to change their name if the Redskins are forced to. That’s why I posted every NFL team should be named after a tree.
  12. I think every team in the NFL should just be named after a tree and be done with it.
  13. My great great great great great uncle Sigmund was killed by a Cowboy. I want the Cowboys name changed ASAP. Cowboys did horrible things back in the day, if the Redskins are forced to change their name than the Cowboys definitely should as well.
  14. It's because the NFL knows that players will get Covid-19 during the preseason. If a starting QB gets it he will be out a month, this is going to be a total ***** show. No preseason, limited practices, Injuries/illness and the anthem protests, yes this will be a total ***** show.
  15. I’m guessing it says something like this. We the NFL are not responsible if you contract Covid 19 during your visit to any of our NFL facilities. If COVID-19 causes lung cancer after 8 years we are also not responsible. If you can’t jog for more than 1 min we are also not responsible. Also if you get ill from a year old hot dog we are also not responsible. If you have trouble breathing air and drinking water please discontinue use of the NFL.
  16. A Jumbotron like that is great when people keep standing up after ever play. It also helps out the people who are height restricted ( 5’7 and lower) to see more of the game.
  17. I missed that 3 pointer because of that ring. I've heard of the poo dollar but the poo 20$ might work better.
  18. I’m hoping for Allen to start to play more like R. Wilson. Wilson has been more accurate passing each year and doesn’t take hits when he runs with the football.
  19. It’s hard to decipher jokes in text form unless they start with Knock Knock.
  20. He tried to kick it across the room and missed. 2 Bills players that will never make it to the Bills PS or get picked up within a week are Jake Fromm and Tyler Bass.
  21. GREED also plays a huge role in this. If I was a top 40 player and had millions in the bank there is no way I would be playing this year.
  22. Von Miller was talking about what he went through when he had it. He said that he had a few days where he had trouble breathing to the point where he almost went to the emergency room. He said his breathing still isn’t normal yet but it’s slowly getting better each week. This is also a guy in top physical shape and has access to some of the best Doctors on the planet. They are going to try to get a season in because of greed but if just one player dies the NFL should be sued in the 100,000,000 mil $ range.
  23. Unfortunately this thing spreads so fast and is so contagious that if one or two people have it before a game 6 to 10 will probably have it after the game.
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