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Everything posted by Mrbojanglezs

  1. That was more roughing than the one called on us and yet Collisnworth didn't say anything about the one called on Oliver
  2. Holding can only be called against Chiefs recievers apparently
  3. Are you not allowed to tackle the qb at all at the foot? I know the knee is generally off limits but that was not early at all.
  4. Is there any lead that's safe against the Chiefs that I can go to sleep lol
  5. I know right couldn't they play them all during the delay? ridiculous
  6. It could be rescheduled and it would resume where it left off
  7. go to wgr website on your phone but make sure you have desktop site checked in your mobile browser settings and it works
  8. Apparently domes don't work in LA against lightning
  9. Eric wood said on WGR per the rulebook/constitution they can reschedule the game another day and resume it from where it was left off
  10. Obviously you have never seen the stat splits of Mahomes when he is blitzed
  11. Herbert does look good throws a nice ball but Allen gives you a little extra magic
  12. I didn't like one bills live that much when murph was there but I like it even less now I haven't listened to it much at all the past year or two I'm usually pretty good with podcasts and the occasional WGR if they have a good guest
  13. This game sucks hate when our offense is slowed down by the weather
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