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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. Probably Mahomes but I’m going to give our rookie QB more than one week before I give up on him
  2. I watched the first season when it was on fox and then I lost interest. They kept introducing new characters, which kinda contradicted the whole show I thought...
  3. I’m sorry, and what is an internet message board supposed to be?
  4. If the Browns don’t make the playoffs I will eat my shoe
  5. Cincy looks good too. But Cleveland is 2 botched kicks away from being 2-0. And that was with mediocre QB play
  6. Mayfield is the real deal. Defense is legit. Browns will win the North
  7. We needed this thread. We can argue about stuff all day and then a doozy of a thread like this comes and brings us together. Thank you to whoever it was that made this...
  8. He was in the league 16 years. I’d value his opinion over someone like Todd Marinovich or some other actual scrub
  9. Meh. People are still throwing out “Joe Webb’s package” jokes so you still have some time..
  10. I really haven’t given a **** about the halftime show in years...
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