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Everything posted by Buffaloflash

  1. What era are you living in? That sounds a stupid as the fool that implied Tre's Mom must be on welfare!
  2. A lot of Dads don't need their kids buying them a house! I raised mine to take care of themselves,Mom and Dad can handle the House thang! Why would that be?
  3. Idk,I didn't think it was possible, in a whole game to throw for under 90 yards in the NFL?
  4. Yeah,Well if the male had a speaking behind a waterfall, droning type voice.... I'd mute him too!
  5. Hahaha,at first I thought it was fake,then I checked out this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjm4x1DhP_Q
  6. Well, she did Spit in his face,that's what got that party started!
  7. No she is not! I'm going to have watched the game muted!
  8. I don't! If you read a little more into her background,you're find she's created a few Victims of her own.Karma can be a Batch! When someone says,"Get off my property"it's time to get off their property!
  9. This too was a Great Post! This Broad is a total scam artist,expecting that big Ass to pay her bills.
  10. I really have to hand it to you guys,you have provide enough material and comments regarding Shady's current situation, that I'm pretty confident he will be cleared of all accusations! As I stated earlier,the broads set him up.Good Night!
  11. Yes it does....It would appear that someone didn't want to see the Judge!
  12. Translation, She's now completely broke! Had she not made the statement about Shady's manhood,she'd still be rolling in dough!
  13. And sometime"It's time for you to leave"should be enough!
  14. I beat mine 10 times worst then AP did his. Mine turned out pretty good!
  15. So your name is Joe Sponge,you suck up everything you hear?
  16. If it's true, they will not have to cut him because it hard to play from prison!
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