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Everything posted by JinxedBill1

  1. Dunkirk Don was the John Edwards of 2BD...
  2. Sure but who is the new coach in NY? Does he love Webb? Who would chose Webb over Darnold or Rosen? But yes, I would trade up for Rosen or Darnold. I'd do 2 firsts this year and a 2nd next year.
  3. I think the grey areas of the game can be messed with to influence winners and that's all about the rule book. I look no further than the tuck rule. Recent example? Jesse James for the Steelers and Benjamin for the Bills. The grey area in these calls that has to do with interpretation of the rule allows the league office to influence outcomes of games. Fixed? I don't think it's fixed where each team knows who will win.
  4. Contrary to the rule, I think the option should be to the player than since they violated the league rules in regards to the players health. Even though that's the rule, it's hard for me to believe Rodgers wants to leave Green Bay. Even if he becomes a free agent, he could just resign with the packers.
  5. This is why it's so unfair to play them. I'm almost at the point where it's not worth playing when it's 2 against one. I have a lot lot of respect for the coaches and players who still try to beat them each year knowing everything stacked up against them. Thanks for sharing. Also, wouldn't be surprised if the pats trolls are on their way. Remember folks, just ignore them. They are only here because you feed them.
  6. I'm sooo mad, arghhh you did so much of it! You feel like a big man behind your computer screen? Huh? Big boy? You did so much for the team to win, I know they thank you all the time. Give it a break. You're a special kind of pathetic if you get your kicks like this. It's one thing to talk about the game, it's another to do this. I feel sorry for you to see how ugly you are on the inside. And on Christmas too! You ruined my Christmas; does that make you horny? Is that how you get off? You fan boys are just plain pathetic
  7. Exactly what I was getting at. Thanks for the added comments, agreed.
  8. Dude what are you doing here? As a pats fan here, it's like walking around a third world country in a corvette eating cakes. People dont feed the troll.
  9. I agree wholeheartedly. Yet when it comes to fans, we're not the ones they are aiming for. The target audience are those who love drama and that love/hate vote them off the island people. The games no longer the typical game so they no longer are catering to the typical fan.
  10. Obviously I am with a lot of you thinking they have favoritism in the league office. Just this year we see the Gronk 1 game suspension, the terrible Steelers call and then our very own debacle of catch, no catch. Yet I read a lot of you thinking the league should do something about it. IMO they won't because they like these things because it creates ratings. Hear me out, they manufacture these issues with the cheating, inflategate, etc. to get people's attention to the sport. It creates drama that attracts interest both in the media and game day. So while I am with you all on the idiocy that is officiating, I think the league secretly likes it. People tune in just to watch them lose cuz they hate them so much. Just my opinion here. The NFL is a entertainment business and what's more entertaining than having the empire (Pats) vie for control every year? I hate it, and I suspect many of you do but the common NFL fan eats it up. Flame away. Oh if y'all think I'm wrong I got this info from Dunkirk....so....yeah.....legit.
  11. Buffalo is a small fan base that will follow the team no matter what. New England is a big market with finicky fans. It's all about money. Plus, I think they get good rating when the pats win. People tune in just wanting to see them lose. I think they get all the calls because of money, influence, and these things above.
  12. I would like to but they will not since we have a chance still. Cant wait till we move on, I like Taylor but he's not a starting QB. Hire Mike McCoy as well.
  13. Well I think there's 2 so far. He's just too big. Like a pro person playing at the middle school game.
  14. Agreed. We need a pass rush and a QB. Amazing we are even in the hunt.
  15. Game over. I've seen this show 15 years in a row. So billsy
  16. They'll overturn this one but not the td. Can't see the knee but you know....
  17. Yikes. Hope cadets ok. Adding this, we need a QB just FYI. Anyone not seeing that in this game is blind.
  18. Today's my birthday. I sent Tyrod a text to target KB more. We'll see if he cares at all about me.
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