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Everything posted by JinxedBill1

  1. There goes the season. Interesting season to say the least. Looking forward to what they'll do in the offseason.
  2. Bills called in favor to erase 2-pointer. Still get screwed with fg. Unreal. Overtime to come.
  3. Military member here, you perform in whatever conditions because the expectation is to perform under any condition to beat the opposition. love the quote.
  4. Need a turnover. First to get a td will prob win.
  5. I actually just rewatched the comeback game when I was working out. Great game, man that team could move the ball and that crowd was like the fuel to the fire. watched the no punt game as well as the trouncing the raiders got back in 90. All great things to watch. i also on occasion watch the reruns of NFL prime time with Berman and Boomer. Good stuff.
  6. I don't I'm too young. Just hit my 30s. I hope I can enjoy that feeling one day cuz as an adult now I'm pretty much not willing to waste money on this team any longer. Like a relationship where the lady never gives it up.
  7. The vibe was pessimistic but nothing directed at me. I think the newer generation likes them, the older doesn't and I'm a middle generation and we're apparently split on them.
  8. I remember on the bbmb there was a large portion that hated the color rush uniforms. Guess I carried some of that in here thinking those same people are here. This board has been slightly better, I should be more optimistic. Nah I like the uniforms, I was telling Rex he sucked and vomited on him and his defense.
  9. I like them too contrary to popular belief.
  10. The draft capital acquired this year was indeed to move up in a talent rich QB pool in 2018. This staff wants their guy and I hope they move up and get someone who can be in place for years to come.
  11. If you identify a franchise QB you trade everything needed to get him. Period. If Rosen is that guy, trade the boat. What would you trade for weintz? Or Kelly?
  12. Couldn't have said it better. This offseason should be quite telling.
  13. This. Our QBs have sucked and the offense hasn't been modern. We need modern concepts with competent QB play. We haven't had that on a consistent basis for years.
  14. He's going to be a starter next year somewhere I know that much. i wish him the best TBH. I think he starts next week though. If he's healthy they will play him.
  15. This. Y'all made now but this offseason you'll come back to really measure this staff. we always lose to the pats. Most teams do, it's like y'all forgot.
  16. Gronk is too good. Defense can't stop him, no defense can TBH.
  17. What else is on. Going to watch the Vikings vs Falcons game.
  18. What else is new? What else is on? Same old same old. We need a better offense and QB.
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