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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. you know thats a excellent question. ill have to circle back on that one and answer that at a later time.
  2. so i brought up numerous topics and examples in regards to censorship that should concern anyone, regardless of politics. the best you can do is to cut and paste a tweet that again, has nothing to do with the OP or censorship or anything i said. hand the phone back to dad. this discussion is obviously over your head and you have nothing of value to say.
  3. "You know why they're still allowed - they haven't violated the terms and conditions agreed to." so this is why i brought up the tim pool discussion. they discuss these topics and how the TOS itself is biased towards a set view points where real debates and ideas are discriminatory towards one set. not by JUST there rules, but by thier implentation as well. the issues were discussed a year ago with them acknowledging as such. unfortunatly the same issues exist so they cannot even use the ignorance excuse. its on purpose. but as long as the biggest names are there. a condensed snipbit is here if the 3 hours is to much. so i gave a real world list of censorship that does not pertain to twitter but the examples are the very tip. you barley touched apon them. a book on negative implications of transgenderism in teenagers was called to be banned by the ACLU! as far as i know its a well researched book but admit i did not read it. ill repeat the CIVIL LIBERTY UNION wanted to silence someone's research on a topic. i guess parents should not be privy to the whole issue that might effect their children because there are no negatives to taking hormones and needing irriversable surguries. https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/16/aclu-chase-strangio-abigail-shrier-transgenderism-book-target-amazon/ ill skip ahead. calling for the firing of opinion editor for allowing a conservative to have a opinion is different, but unlike others ill explain why, firing a REPORTER that is exhibiting bias is a necessity we sorely lack today. i took a semester in media literacy in college. what was pounded in my head was a professionalism that is long gone. journalistic ethics and standards. its like a terms of service if you wish to be a good journalist. the new york time claims to be fair and unbiased unlike many other outlets that have specific slants. so out of these two people who were fired who violated these ethics? why are supposedly unbiased news organizations rallying to fire people simply for platforming specific viewpoints? why did they fire him? what was his mistake? disrupting the echo chamber? seems so. bari weiss made it pretty clear what was happening and IS happening in many other industries as well. groupthink that is intolerant of any opposition. read for yourself https://www.bariweiss.com/resignation-letter the real world doesn't follow twitter TOS guidelines but it certainly seems to applaud censorship and cancelling just the same.
  4. well thats debatable. i dont tweet but there have been plenty of people accusing that has happened. a good point brought up by tim pool talking with dorsey on joe rogan..another ALT RIGHT person who has continuously been attacked and averted attempts of censorship (i suggest you watch to get another point of view). so the most influencial voices arent being silenced? books have been banned from selling for pointing out some of the negatives of transgenderism in teenagers.ben shapiro..a pretty moderate conservative is being mobbed to remove a write up from politico. POLITICO! a publication made to discuss poitics. the new york times staff was appalled to have a OPINION piece by a sitting senator due to him advocating using federal troops to maintain order in portland.. then we have 20000 used to maintain order for the inauguration. yaay! the opinion editor was FIRED! bet they won't make that agregious mistake again. its been far beyond twitter for awhile. like i said calls for violence should be stopped but this isnt that and its swinging left as well. this is road NOONE should be advicating. used to? no...i do now and always. but yeah that was our jist.
  5. thats easy to say when you dont pay attention. the one sided banning was going on long before trump. the fact they deleted trump but allow many other dictators to spew hatred to stay just brought the hypocracy to the front page so you can read the headlines. which is all i think you read.
  6. um ok. good to know. did they switch it to the patriot party lol? not sure what your saying? this topic is about censorship and companies removing a political party that simply have a different view point by using the insurrection. im a old school democrat. we used to believe in human rights and that includes freedom of speech. we weren't afraid of debate. we fought for workers rights and were against multinational corporations working in tandem with our government ( see occupy wallstreet ). so when i see giant technology companies systematically eliminating conservative voices WORKING IN TADEM WITH THE GOVERNMENT for no other reason then they disagree..its dangerous and a complete 180 from what i stand for. break the law or call for violence fine. censor just cause they are conservative...yeah, not cheering that $#/+ on. maybe im passed my time but freedom of speach is not a fad.
  7. i don't like to generalize and am interested in clarity which is why im asking questions. if a terms of service was broken id like to read about it, or if the organization was committing criminal activity, I'd also like to hear it. no i think it was pretty dumb not to bake a cake based only on somones sexual prefrances. money is money and a cake is a cake. are you using this to deflect from the questions i asked? not sure what the two have to do with each other? a tos is offered for one that i haven't heard was broken
  8. sure. by originated from do you mean straka or washington d.c. on the day of the riot?
  9. i read the affidavit. straka was at the capital and posting on his private twitter account. so as a founder of #walkaway do his personal actions automatically become relagated to the organization he founded? a relavent question of why #walkaway was censored before he was even charged or at least explanation of how #walkaway platform was used in the attack? its a important question and i am not defending straka for his actions. is it ok to condemn the foundation on the actions of the founder? is the fbi sharing info with twitter on who they are investigating so they can preemptively delete the account? im seriously asking? as i dont follow #walkaway. maybe it was a front for straka to gain zelots on his private account and they were there committing crimes. if not, then its removal is wrong, or we need to have the same standards for ALOT more companies and organizations. the news is full of high ranking ceo and owners committing crimes of all ranges, but we remove that person from that at which they are in control of we do not destroy and condemn the organization itself ESPECIALLY before convicted in a court of law.
  10. its bull. guys are scared senseless to touch a guy if a toe goes out so ill cut. its like fake sliding to take advantage of the strictness of the rule and guys slowing.
  11. so reading through this im glad that even democrat aligned people are on board with demanding more secure measures to the election..another topic that should not have any politics involved. for those that are saying its all a hoax. wheres the evidence? there is some out there if you look but at the same time voter fraud, especially with the mail in would be extremely hard to trace back and single out a individual/s to prosecute and media/fact check seem to only want WIDESPREAD fraud that can overturn election results. as for just fraud in general. this woman is only being investigated due to project veritas and having her directly on camera. i suggest watching it and asking how many more could there be? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/texas-woman-arrested-on-election-fraud-charges-based-on-project-veritas-video/ar-BB1cJ5tk i mean, everyone had a good chuckle when recounts found ballots in bidens favor. noone seemed upset that there were thousands of votes that otherwise would not have counted at all. people say dominion machines are a hoax as well. Dec. 13 forensic audit by an INDEPENDENT group concluded that Dominion machines were “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.” Specifically, the report by Allied Security Operations Group said “the system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors,” often forcing the ballots to be “adjudicated,” or manually scrutinized by an election worker. https://www.westernjournal.com/michigan-recount-confirms-trump-won-county-went-biden/ we can go into in the democrats own primaries THIS PAST YEAR. i think i wrote the full list of shame from the democrats on this forum, but most notable is voting software SHADOW INC. just another shady software connected to the man who declared a early victory in Iowa, nothing to see here. so yeah democrats and republicans should be united in all efforts to secure elections. alot of good ideas here but alot require software. i have to think we need to do something that does not involve computers because as of now there is ZERO confidence ( correctly or conspiracy) in our elections when it comes to computer tallies. which is a good thing in the long run...if politicians even care to address it.
  12. instead of complaining about a particular mainstream media news source...fox, msn, cnn...ect ect (they are all sensationalized biased garbage) why not share what you feel is a solid news source? ill start. i think (rising) on youtube is a very fair balanced place to get political news. a liberal and a consevative share the platform so you get both sides and AMAZINGLY report what they don't like IN THEIR OWN PARTY! 😱😱😱😱 so i started. whats everyone else got?
  13. two wrongs don't make a right. we agree. but two wrongs definitely make a wrong. as long as you look at the situations without the force fed narratives or any internal bias, that's all i can ask for. that's a good compromise and a good start to end the polarization. ill give you credit for admitting to not fully reading my post and engaging in a conversation many others avoid.
  14. watch the video i posted where black people were against the attack. in your head try to figure out how attacking a federal courthouse helps social justice. watch the video of ted wheeler standing at said courthouse. when it comes together..get back at me.
  15. sigh...im not here to defend trump. thats not a call to violence. actually read all the posts i wrote if you want my stance. its like i have to rehash for every person that decides to chime in.
  16. you react but.. dont read. edit: actually ITS A VIDEO!!
  17. lol yeah. you "missed" when he went up to the gate in solidarity after weeks of "protests" lets play that game. where did trump call for direct violence? i missed it.
  18. this is disingenuous. i litterally named ted wheeler. told you how he stood at the federal courthouse gates in solidarity with antifa. showed A VIDEO of how black people thought storming a federal building was derailing the message, you know, where ted wheeler was . have said how democratic leaders ignored antifa claiming they are a myth. https://nypost.com/2020/07/27/jerry-nadler-calls-violence-from-antifa-in-portland-a-myth/ gave the name of the unarmed man shot by them after they were repeatedly allowed to gather and ignored. repeatedly advertised on twitter, which was never removed after repeated nights of violence. but why wont i name anyone!!! its different!! only one was disinformation!! these are random!! it happened blocks away from the widespread looting!! like i said im done "proving". no matter what i say or how i say it there will always be a excuse for your side and condemnation for the other. i explained my point as best i can. now im just reiterating and repeating. plenty of info to look into..before its removed but your not interested in it.
  19. all i can do is shake my head and rub my eyes. you just don't want to see what I'm saying. your so locked in to your bias that you can't do the simple task of holding those leaders that are responsible accountable. its a sad state when you diminish ordinary peoples pain and suffering on the absurd basis of it being a "dumbing down argument" so breaking a window on a small buisness owners or somones home is different then breaking the most hollowed windows of congress. whatever you say. threatening a life is much more important if your a elected official then a innocent bystander. good point? its no wonder we live under differing sets of laws for the rich and privlaged. people actually advocate on their behalf of them. sorry,thats a world i will never live in. the life of the police officer killed in the capital is worth the EXACT same as the life of secoria turner. i dont care what plot of land or building it occured. but since its all about federal. attempting to burn down st johns church. https://www.kens5.com/mobile/article/news/st-johns-church-washington-dc-george-floyd-protest/65-6dc44732-8560-4179-91ca-0ad56b96e0c9 yes? no? broken window? the federal building in portland repeatedly attacked...as stated. but you say "all was well". you vacationed there. well not so much for Aaron J. Danielson. stalked and shot by someone who declared themselves 100% antifa. speaking of which. maybe you need to see what social justice that antifa was fighting for because it certainly wasnt for black lives. but yet holding the leaders accountable who led the rioters to the gate of the FEDRAL BUILDING "is different". elected leaders saying antifa is a myth and brushing the riots off "not the same as trump". nothing like sabotaging a meaningful movement...javing innocent people killed and then letting those who advocated for it off the hook. your doing well. i dont need to read anything to see that both left and right wing violence is destroying this country. i dont need anything to say trump is as responsible as ted wheeler and ALOT of others regardless of politics. do what you need to do, read what you need to read and tell yourself whatever you need to justify these actions and only condemn who you disagree with politically. my moral compass is straight and doesn't veer off in the way yours does with any alignments or jurisdiction they fall. i tried my best but i don't think there is much else to "prove". saying we need to hold people accountable for instigating and advocating violence i thought was just universal understanding. i guess i was wrong. if your willing to do that for violence theres no telling what else you will look the other way for.
  20. im just not getting your point. your still saying one type of violence is different then another only you want to call it "random" lets look at seattle. protesters overtook a police dept. police were ordered to vacate and leave the building. later a group takes over city blocks, again no issue. cops told to stand down. multiple people shot and protestors block police assistance and medical help. still random? armed men take over and more and more violence erupts until...a young teenager and his friend were shot. this time killed. this isnt random and if you call for protest that lead to violence and use terms like "get in their face" and have media talking about mostly peaceful or "where does it say protest should be peaceful?" i could go on and on...it shown a history and outcome yet under the guise of social justice they complicitly called for it and deserve the exact same justice you want to give to another leader who called for "wild" protests and said the exact same rhetoric. you dont have to prove right wing violence is bad. your stuck arguing that I AGREE! you should as well. hold them ALL accountable!
  21. somehow me saying violence is violence and any leader that was complicit should be held accountable is a false equivalence? your trying very hard to disassociate from it through a few different methods. first you want to talk about its use in history. well civil rights violence has happened alot in history so its different. then you want to talk about outcome. history so how long has it been since a federal court has been burned to the ground with people in it? people were in that building during numerous attempts this summer. doors blockaded while trying. police station also were barricaded and attempted arson, buisnesses looted and destroyed, people attacked, murders ive stated. its all happened before..recently, so its false equivalence when it also happens in the capital because of outcome, i guess. outcome the outcome of the violence was the same. the people involved were just as scared as any congressional leader who are given full uninterrupted recounts for all stations to tell. the truth is thier families were just as nervous they would not see thier loved ones, they were just as terrified as anyone put in that position but that terror is different according to WideNine. so the storming the capital would [subverted democracy, that makes it different!] (im paraphrasing) burning people alive in a federal courthouse subverts justice! yes? no? lots of evidence and case files in that building..the outcome? who knows. convicts going free? pedophiles, murders ect ect. destroying small buisness, attacking people, looting helps the goal of police brutality how? martin luther king and many other great leaders had alot to say on the topic, please dont think any of that was neccessary. so when it comes to democracy you have a standard we all should have. but yours changes for other violence, mine doesn't. both are wrong. lots of anger for trump any left for ted wheeler?..a mayor who stood at the front of the gates WITH the rioters to destroy that fed building? any punishment neccessary for the democrats that not only ignored antifa but called them a myth that contributed to a man being stalked and shot in portland? any justice for BLM leaders that advocated looting after violence was done while in its act? any anger towards leaders that villianized police? that led to them being ambushed and killed? no? no jailtime for mayor durkin who allowed armed "protestors" to take over blocks of her city and police station in "a summer of love" that directly lead to a murder of a young teenager? a set standards only for a president? only for his words. only cause you dont agree with it. you do know every person in that building is being charged correct so your held accountable statement goes both ways. which it should...if that goes both ways so should your advocation for our president to all complicit leaders. accountability for being complicit in violence should not be based on political affiliation.
  22. david dorn killed in the early part of the riot for a television. very well known as his wife was invited to the RNC to give her tearful account of who was taken..later in chicago blm advocated looting secoriea turner. it doesnt shock me she is forgotten. shot dead at the atlanta blm rally. i know you know about the young teen shot at seattles chop. the mayor allowed it calling it a "summer of love" should action be taken criminally? is a gov less responsible then a president that has no jurisdiction in states except to protect federal property? jessica doty whitaker shot by blm activists for simply saying all lives matter the fact you need to investigate shows just how biased these news organizations are. im happy you are interested in investigating them, please do and tell others. this isnt about right vs left its about holding a consistent standard for those in power. i do and hope you join me because its a uphill battle for those entrenched in there group thought echo chambers that are not presented with the other side.
  23. i agree with this. the issue is the hypocracy. if your going to make that statement and expect accountability then why doesn't anyone see the absolute insanity of leaders who encouraged because as you say "THEY either failed to foresee that there could be violence which makes THEM idiots or THEY hoped there would be, which makes THEM complicit." for the riots that took place all year? at this point the reasoning is, well one was for social justice and the other was...this is a effort to disassociate from actions that are clearly wrong. ill repeat the correct answer that i must routinely make. violence is violence and its wrong. those accountable on every level need to be prosecuted...period. mitigating violence in the name of social justice spits in the face of humanities greatest civil right leaders who fought and died in the name of nonviolent action as a means to change. yet our leaders today are more knowledgable. "well sometimes thats how you force change." sorry but riots continued long after state government agreed on defunding and enacting changes within their dept. after minority police capts, some by all accounts were very good were forced to resign. AFTER the president himself tryed to enact a police reform bill BLOCKED by democrats because they want credit. AFTER rioters killed innocent minorities like david dorn, secoria turner ect. ect. AFTER riots continued for edited videos that when given full context was nothing more then a police officer saving his/her own life. who would edit the videos and why are they not in jail? what leader would advocate "getting in peoples faces" or BAIL THEM OUT after a 8 year old girl was killed? after a young mother was shot down for simply saying ALL lives matter? these are just the murders. not the enabled distruction. you want trump accountable..you make good points. you dont want others accountable for causing the EXACT SAME sactioned terror and destruction you need to search your soul and ask why. i try and try and get one sentance responses or crickets EVERY TIME. someone explain the hypocracy..please!
  24. well here is some good news seems like immunity lasts at least 7 months (since thats all we have data on) and counting. hopefully your shots are a one time thing. thanks for the updates https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10225763926911887&id=1442702744
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