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Everything posted by KellyToughII

  1. You can't be serious? If AB thought this team was going to make the playoffs this year, then he was really making a huge mistake. Trading Sammy and Darby did NOT Change our potential record at all.
  2. Because a Guy who balked on joining us in the first place, because he was wanting to spend more time with family, retired? Then the locker room is weak and we need to dump those so fragile. We were NOT making the playoffs this year. Personally I wish Beane had come in and told Terry, Kim and Sean I am cleaning house. Its what has needed to be done for YEARS. Right now he has to use TT and Shady this year and let them play out. They will both be gone in the offseason, Kyle will retire and take a coaching position (I hope) and we can finally clean house and build it right
  3. Or finally do what has needed to be done for years.
  4. That is what makes me Laugh. Come next year around draft time folks will be all happy we have all these picks...until Beane doesn't pick who they (the draft guru's they are) feel should be picked lol Get the franchise QB, let him play, they might get over it. Until he makes one mistake, has one bad game then they want to cut or trade him, fire Terry and Kim, Brandon and Sean and set the stadium on fire or something like that
  5. Potential, the one word that has plagued this team for years. Lots of potential, no production. Sammy isn't and wasn't worth it, the trade was a smart one
  6. I personally enjoy the senseless speculation, wailing and gnashing of teeth. I guess many still thought this was a playoff team when it wasn't. They still cant understand what Beane is doing is the right thing and needed to be done. They also MUST connect dots, Boldin MUST have retired because the Bills suck, sammy got traded, blah blah blah. I mean it can't be he realized he was old or he actually wanted to retire to focus on Humanitarian issues and life stuff.
  7. Football has afforded me a platform throughout my career to have a greater impact on my humanitarian work. At this time, I feel drawn to make the larger fight for human rights a prioirty. My life's purpose is bigger than football. Now wait this can't be why he retired, its because Beane lied to him and traded Sammy. Doesn't he read this board?
  8. I still don't see anything on AB's official twitter page, NFL.com etc
  9. Well to be brutally honest, he looked really old and slow the other night
  10. Nothing on NFL.Com, nothing in Anquan's actual twitter page. Still shows a Buffalo Bills banner
  11. I didn't expect us to make the playoffs. I expected sammy to be hurt and or gone either way in the offseason, so no major losses for me. I am glad we got a good pick in return for Sammy and personally hope we have 3 wins or less. I want a franchise QB FINALLY and high draft picks for Beane.
  12. Actually us old timers are used to calling it Rich Stadium
  13. CF, I still don't see this Weak Arm folks talk about. Ball gets out of Petermans hand very well, and he has completed some 40 yard, in the air, completions in camp. But I do understand what you are saying on the routes you suggest. The Other route I don't see enough of these days is the Deep square in at 15 - 20 yards. If set up right, it can kill a defense. Oh and WTH is the slant and sluggo's? Those are staples of the WCO?
  14. McD is saying the right thing in regards to TT right now, but if he has a bad game in the next preseason game, then struggles in the first 4 Regular season games, I can see him being benched.
  15. I gotta say no. Jerry is still young and very highly productive at DE. You just dont' trade that type of pressure he can bring off the edge. Eddy Y gives us strong rotation and depth, but I still keep Jerry
  16. I am at 6-10 Teef. I didn't think we would make the playoffs this year any way. Too much talent needs to be added, along with a new staff and systems. Personally I hope its 2-14 and KC Sucks as well. I want high draft picks with Beane calling the shots
  17. I would rather they cut the crap and blow it up completely and quit half way doing it. That is what has been needed for years The right way is to have a system and get players that fit it. NE, Pitt, GB never fit their systems to players.
  18. Great stuff Bobby. On the penalties, Its 1 &2. Beane and McD will be shoring that up with cuts coming up and cuts / non re-signs next offseason. QB: TT flat sucks. Sorry folks he just does. I say give Peterman the year and let the record be what it is, prep the kid. Dareus: That has been his issue, plays when he wants to. You don't give 100 Mill to a DT period let alone a player like that. OOPS! Whaley already did.
  19. TT Sucks as a starter, we weren't ever getting to, or winning, a superbowl with him. Watkins wasn't worth the money he will demand, can't stay on the field and didn't bust his ass in rehab, hell even he says he isn't in shape. Past time to move on from both of these, thankfully we got rid of one.
  20. Well the D looks improved and we aren't doing anything really that special yet. Peterman looks good for a rookie and looks better than TT at this point
  21. Shady wouldn't play another down. Get Peterman in there with the first string minus McCoy and see how he does
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