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Everything posted by KellyToughII

  1. Sure he is, he wont' follow the Media and radicals led Narrative. He told the truth. Kaep created a real crap storm pissing on the national anthem, problem is two fold in he sucks as a QB. Shady is spot on
  2. I am a die hard Jim Kelly fan. I became a Bills fan when he finally joined, and he and I have had the same Cancer. That said... its a Push. If you could combine certain aspects of the two, you would have literally had THE perfect QB. Can you guys quit bitching about that BS already? We got to the superbowl doing what we did. Billy B came up with one of the most off the wall, and brilliant, defensive game plans ever to slow us down. And Jim Kelly and the offense did NOT lose that Superbowl, the Defense did. Go back and watch again objectively. They couldn't tackle or stop the run at all.
  3. Yes. But that is beside the point. 10 mill per year? Sammy would tell the Bills, and the rams, to pound sand. He plans on getting paid
  4. None he is not, and will never be, the answer at QB. He is another in a long line of career backups the Bills have pawned off as starters. Bills fans just keep on trying to polish those turds. Minus meaning trade him for a box of tape instead of cutting a guy that was never cut out to be a 4-3 linebacker.
  5. TT Will not be traded this year, he will be benched about week 11 or so for Peterman. As soon as the offseason hits, they will cut TT. Shady isn't going to get traded this year, too much of a cap hit and the running game can still do quite well with him. Now the start of next offseason / at or close to the draft... I see him gone. Kyle will retire next offseason. They aren't going to further upset the very fragile fanbase or some team members right now, nor should they. This is a 6 win team at best and that gets us damn close to a franchise QB While using a couple picks to trade up if need be. No need to further upset the apple cart so to speak. Add a franchise Rookie QB next year, use rest of the draft picks to build around him. Keep many who remain on this team and add a couple street FA's. Finish next year 9-7 and a possible wild card spot. 2019: QB is ready to perform, another year in the systems, another draft etc. We go 10-6 to 11-5 contend for the AFCE Title and at least a wild card spot. There ya go, that is how it should play out.
  6. I say top 10. Hell I even took them (and Green Bay) in my fantasy league
  7. I don't expect us to compete for a championship, even with our QB, for a couple years. But every year we put it off (17 now) that 2-3 year realistic window just keeps getting pushed back Clean house, rebuild right and then we can truly have that 2-3 year realistic window to be able to compete for the AFCE / AFC /Superbowl title
  8. And doing the same "re tool" crap for 17 years hasn't worked either. Blow it up, rebuild it right. We will hit on some picks, miss on others. It is just the way things are, but you MUST TRY.
  9. complete the tank McBeane. Do it for the good of our team, get us out of the 6-10 / 8-8 swamp
  10. Or you tank and be able to get the QB for less, so you can actually get better talent on this team. Yep, sent PM :-)
  11. What young talent that actually produces on a consistent basis? We have traded none. Sammy did NOTHING to stay here. I would rather have 8's that produce than a maybe 10. Sammy wasn't worth the picks, and didn't perform period. He is nothing but potential and for 17 years all Buffalo has done is push Talent and potential while getting very little production. Also I saw nothing that indicated Sammy wanted to be here past this year. To me he was half assing it and drawing a paycheck. Its past time to break this thing down and build it right and it starts and ends with the QB. and if you don't at least try for a top QB you will never succeed. Easily the best over the drought, so what? a 4 is still a 4 and this guy is average (maybe a 5) as a QB at best. See fans forget what a 10 is at QB and they make excuses for crap at the position, because its better than the 1-3's we have had. That little white speck on the top of chicken crap, is still chicken crap. Past time to trade up or do whatever to try and secure a real QB
  12. I pray we crap out this year and have the #1 pick. While at the same time, seeing younger talent develop and produce so we are set in several positions for the near future.
  13. Smart fans that are tired of the same old BS and want to actually build a competitive team, gets it and can tolerate it.
  14. This org hasn't been, the talent isn't as good as many fans think it is. so YES we need to cut / trade several, tank and rebuild
  15. I say trade him, trade TT, get kyle williams to retire and coach with us this year. Time to move on and get ready for 2018
  16. I would find it as a very refreshing year if we would trade Shady, get rid of TT and go full blown rebuild mode. WAAAAY past time to do this. Get as many picks, as high as you can for 2018. FINALLY address Franchise QB and build around him. I am sick of tons of years of spinning our wheels in the 6-10 / 8-8 realm
  17. No he hasn't lived up to his draft slot. No OB would not be worse in Buffalo, the guy just excels. The only Idiocy is the bills fans repeatedly over hyping and over valuing players just because they were Buffalo Bills. And why are we still starting threads over a LA Ram?
  18. We would look like the crappy Kansas Jayhawks... Fitting?
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