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Everything posted by GETTOTHE50

  1. mcd really screwed the pooch by letting the cat outta the bag on this one.
  2. You blitz on third long specifically so those long routes don’t develop. It’s better to try to make tackles on a dump off from pressure than it is to allow a qb to sit back there and take his time to make his reads and calculate his shot.
  3. chiefs defense goes to complete ***** without him in the middle. chiefs might as well not even pay anyone more than vet min on d if he goes.
  4. hurts is a good dude, but i wouldnt be afraid of him if he was in our division, even if he was on this current patriots.
  5. If anyone is upset that we picked up Kincaid instead of this dude, then you need to get your head checked. It should be Vikings who are upset they passed up on a generational tight end prospect for a #2 wide receiver
  6. After the top 3 it’s debatable. Knox would be too 4 easy if he didn’t have drops. Kincaid will be the best after this year.
  7. Luck has no business being in the hall of fame. ***** him. but i do appreciate it how he screwed over the colts by retiring early.
  8. this looked like the first scenes of 2001 a space odyssey. Pathetic
  9. great to see them outta there. perpetual bills haters. ***** em
  10. she is the court jester the biden admin puts out there to distract us. she isnt worth a second of anyones time
  11. are you that troll jets fan that posed as a packers fan? I think their name was iceberg or something of the sort. either way, those uniforms suck and get a life
  12. I’m cool with beane being the GM for the next couple decades, like until he wants to retire. mixed on McD. He’s a top 10-12 coach in the league, but I would like an offensive minded head coach if Sean can’t get this done in two years
  13. maybe not fascinated, but astonished by the sheer stupidity of everyone involved. its upsetting how all of this could have easily been avoided. how many red flags does one need?
  14. The helmet is bad ass. Finally got it when y’all brought up the mustang stripes and the old lion logo. I think a white stripe woulda been better than a grey one though, and I think a white or black uniform would have been better. The blue is sharp af and I like the reasoning behind the concept
  15. time to buy some hunter biden paintings
  16. stop it. he was a key part in cultivating a culture and plan for Allen's development. how many defensive coaches have been part of a successful development of a raw QB prospect? every coach has weaknesses, and yes mcdermotts in-game management certainly needs to improve, and he needs to develop a run game. but to say he is ruining Allen's career is shortsighted to say the least.
  17. the 'out-coached' point is the worst one, unless mcdaniels can coach the sun to crank up the heat and the clouds to roll away.
  18. Davis is not the reason why we’re winning or losing the majority of the games. in other words, he's slightly above JAG status.
  19. The leftists are absolutely ruthless. The fact they go after children that aren’t even theirs show they don’t play by any rules. Their end goal is to mind warp them so they get their votes. They don’t give a ***** about their well-being. It’s all ***** up ***** man. And no, you’re not wrong.
  20. Allen owned fangio’s defense in Denver. He made that game his personal highlight reel. plus he gets to embarrass Ramsay. JA17 he already owns Miami, so im not worried about the fish. Especially with mr concussion waiting to happen at any moment. Miami is a paper tiger
  21. Both Cowherd and Schein are getting angry at McD today and trying to put him on the hot seat. Is this Diggs agent getting to both of them and his way at getting back at McD? Some of criticism is valid I think.
  22. Much better on the roster side of things with the newly acquired players. and we are better at LB with edmunds gone. that was textbook addition by subtraction. coach wise tbd bc of Dorsey. Establish the ***** run game for once
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