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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Don’t be mistaken. We’re trying to keep Trump as the leader of the party for eternity. But we already know that’s a pipe-dream. The reason it’s Liz and Mitt doing the attacking is because they’re in safe seats and don’t need to worry about Donald. They’re speaking for the others and the party elders that are ready to move on.
  2. Should I drive to the school and take a picture of the banner? Why would there be a link for something like that? I don’t imagine it’s a national news story. Perhaps you could “research” it for me?
  3. She’s going to replace McCarthy when the dust settles. He knows that.
  4. No. They thought they were home this entire time when they were in the building teaching virtual/hybrid. They were only home on snow days or when students tested positive and they were forced to quarantine. Teachers were “in the building” almost the entire time.
  5. Liz is the biggest threat to Trump/Trumpism but we already knows she wins this war. McCarthy also knows he’s going to be replaced when things actually matter again in GOP politics. He’s just a place holder.
  6. Many of the parents didn’t know teachers have been working this entire time. The PTA at a school here has a “Welcome back Teachers” banner in the hallway and the teachers have been there the entire time. They never left.
  7. You should move to Raleigh and grab one of these jobs as a “researcher” in the Research Triangle. You seem like you’d be really good at that.
  8. Extensive research being done here. You should have entire storage units full of all of this research that’s been done. I would someday like to see some of it. Can you give us a sneak peek of this research?
  9. So you’re a little old lady that’s addicted to fake news and you can’t stop and we should leave you be. I guess I need to do my “research” right guys? Got it.
  10. You can do whatever you want. I’m not the one being monitored for peddling fake venture capitalist/foreign news sites on a message board.
  11. My point is that I wouldn’t post what Bette Midler thinks of a new poll and then say AHA!!!! Gotcha Libtards!
  12. I mean, it’s really just basic board etiquette. if you’re going to post someone piggy-backing off another news story, that person should at least be someone that works in that business. For example, Trumpers don’t like a new poll that shows Biden at 60 percent. You then post spin/opinion of that poll from a Republican consultant or pollster. OK, fine. That’s cool. That’s not at all what people do here. Not only do the people not work in the business or know what they’re talking about, it’s “foreign” spin on an American news story. These aren’t “conservative” views. They’re “foreign” views.
  13. You can start by enforcing a “piggy-back” rule. The board doesn’t need to know the Israeli extremist’s opinion on how another story is being covered. 90 percent of his sources are confirmed fake news sites. Epoch, PJ Media, the list goes on and on. These are all sites that are flagged on Reddit for being fake. They’re tabloid news sites. Are you all a bunch of old ladies standing in line at the grocery store reading the cover of a tabloid? Why are people posting fake news sites? Why not just post the original source? Well, we know why he doesn’t want to do that.
  14. Do you believe that Rudy holds a secret HD that contains the sECreT cORrupTion? No, of course you don’t. You aren’t an idiot.
  15. Do you know how we know Rudy doesn’t have any evidence? We would’ve seen it before the election. This board is a factory of sadness this week. Why are any of you defending Rudy in the first place? We knew he was toast a few years ago. Fear of discovery? LMAO. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in years. Its Hillary’s email again. It’s the same exact strategy deployed by the same exact guy. There is no “secret” HD in Rudy’s possession. How many times are people going to fall for the same exact thing? It’s stupid!
  16. Republicans are in really bad shape. They can’t get anything to stick. immigration isn’t an issue they can scare people with this time but they figured they’d give it a shot and see. There really isn’t an issue out there that could work heading into these midterms. All they can do is obstruct and wait it out. It’s not like party insiders didn’t know that Trump was going to destroy the party for a generation. They did it anyway.
  17. McCarthy isn’t going to make it. They were never going to let him stay in that position anyway. The party thinks he’s an idiot. https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2021/05/04/mccarthy-gop-cheney-485316?__twitter_impression=true
  18. They’re pretty silly aren’t they? It isn’t even an important detail of the overall story. Of course Rudy knew he wasn’t supposed to be hanging out with Russian Intel. He didn’t need a briefing to know that.
  19. It’s the same chemical that DuPont was dumping in West Virginia. They just changed the chemical so it can’t be easily detected. There’s a newer movie about it that stars Mark Ruffalo. They did the screening in downtown Wilmington.
  20. Eventually I’ll be in on that class action lawsuit just like the BP Oil Spill. Gettin PAID!
  21. They’re attacking Frank Luntz now???? Wait, so why is Tucker attacking McCarthy? Is he a secret Liz Cheney supporter? Lots of drama. Circular firing squad.
  22. You know what else I’m seeing? Those cheesy tie-dyed jumpsuits from the 90’s. They just appeared everywhere in NJ. Make it stop.
  23. GenX was one of the main reasons I moved out of Wilmington, NC. I drank tainted water for 5 years or so. Trump changed what qualifies as tainted during tests so it just isn’t safe there anymore. They could’ve actually fixed it. There was a reverse osmosis plan coming.
  24. You guys had a TALL GLASS of white privilege this morning. Where can I get some of that sweat yummy privilege?
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