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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Think about how bad essential workers got screwed. They were told they were getting up to 15k hero pay and Republicans stripped that from every bill before passage.
  2. Adults took all of those jobs 20 years ago. I would set a minimum wage for adults and for kids. You want cheap labor? Hire a kid. That forces it back to the model you’re describing. Don’t get me started. I think it should be illegal.
  3. He’s on fire right now. I wonder what his ceiling is. 65-66 would be my guess.
  4. I actually don’t eat soy. I’m not someone that’s always looking for a meat alternative. I think it’s all pretty gross and kinda weird.
  5. Now, I would tell unemployed people that they’ll receive the rest of their enhanced UI in a lump sum if they take a job right now, if that’s what the goal is. Problem is, that’s not what it’s about. R Governors in red states want to steal that money and use it for other things like tax cuts, etc.
  6. The end date for enhanced UI was set perfectly. By august, the majority of the nation will be vaccinated. That was the plan. Now, Corporations and lobbyists wants their slaves back 2 months early. Why? The majority of these folks are women with children. The schools just opened back up. Now, we should cut their benefits early to force them back out there before everyone’s vaccinated? The Chamber of Commerce just launched a multi-million dollar campaign designed to shame the unemployed for not taking low wage jobs.
  7. I supported community service in exchange for UI during the tough early months. There should’ve been a program created to do just that. Too bad Donald didn’t do that and said it was fake, was just the sniffles, would go from 30 cases down to zero in a week.
  8. Yes, 1/3 of the nation should stay poor so my burger stays cheap. Listen to yourselves!
  9. Free? What do you mean free? Hey, wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you haven’t paid UI insurance your entire working life and I have here in NJ for 25 years? This is outrageous! So, everyone on this board is a free-loader except for ME? An entire board full of welfare queens? You too? Even B-man? Lol. The real problem was the PPP loans. What idiot thought of that? Businesses should’ve received small loans just to keep the lights on, not keep all of their employees, when there was no possible way for a business to know what they’d look like when the dust settled, and hope to have that loan wiped away. Really stupid idea that just ended up being a bailout and screwed over workers. Employees should’ve all been kicked to UI in the meantime. THAT’S where all of the fraud and abuse occurred. There were scummy businesses, big and small, getting those loans and still laying off employees to UI, then were calling them back to work, which forced them off of UI, only to lay them off again a month later when cases went through the roof, which then prevented them from getting back onto UI. That was happening everywhere in Florida. Ya, if I was one of these people, I’m in no hurry to come back to work for scumbags like that. They also had multiple gaps (Aug. and Dec.) in between stimulus deals. Trump decided to have a hissy fit about Twitter, refused to sign the stimulus, and went golfing on Christmas Eve, only to sign it the next day, and everyone’s UI lapsed and they had to reapply. That took an average of 1-3 months to start receiving payments again depending on the state. He screwed over 30 million unemployed people on Christmas. None of that had to happen. He did that. That was a major mistake on his part and the GOP controlled Senate paid dearly for it.
  10. “Unlike the left, we embrace free thought and debate,” Kevin McCarthy said today, in a statement calling for Liz Cheney's ouster.
  11. It was written right after the head of Cyber Command announced that it was the most secure election in history. You lost snowflake. That wasn’t a very close election.
  12. https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/2020-election-most-secure-history-dhs/#app
  13. $300 Fed + $100 state = $400/week in a state like Florida or SC. No one should ever return to a job that only pays that much. Those days are done my dude. Lobbyists are paying a lot of money to get you to repeat dumb things like that. Don’t be such a sheep.
  14. No state systems getting hacked like 2016 either. It was the most successful and secure election in history.
  15. B-man posts fake news and opposite reality Twitter takes all day long yet Biden’s numbers keep improving. That’s got to be very deflating! B-man is very “low energy” like Jeb. All of that work for nothing. He’s moving the dial in the opposite direction! Donald is not happy with him.
  16. Yes, let’s make everyone vote in person so working class people can’t vote. That will fix this problem Republicans have with voters!
  17. Oh dear. This is where people will claim that the sampling is off and should be 50/50 split R/D right guys? LMAO. Sixty-three percent of American approve of President Biden's job performance thus far, according to an Associated Press-NORC poll released Monday, up 2 percentage points from late March. The poll found 96 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independents and 23 percent of Republicans surveyed approve of Biden's work in his first three full months in office. The survey also showed Americans with a growing sense of optimism about the direction of the country, with 54 percent saying the nation is on the right track, compared to 44 percent who believe it is on the wrong track. The 54 percent mark is the highest of any AP-NORC poll response to the question since 2017.
  18. You think unemployment is lower than 6 percent? Remember that they only count people who are “actively” searching for work, which until 1 month ago was none, due to the pandemic. The real number is much higher. 1 million new people were applying for UI every week since last April. That number didn’t start to come down until just a few months ago.
  19. That show is likely available via torrent on Lossless Legs or some other site. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it posted.
  20. Why are they checking ballots for bamboo???? Is that some kind of racist conspiracy theory aimed at China? Where did that come from?
  21. McCarthy and Frank Luntz are gay lovers? I did not know that. I didn’t know McCarthy was gay. I knew Lindsay was gay. Gym Jordan is gay.
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