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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. Good thing you and stony corrected me. Memory fails the old man at times. Yeah but someone still has to hand in the card
  2. This data really is eye opening. I wonder how much influence he had on drafts before officially taking over as GM.
  3. I think your breakdown was very interesting. Glad you did it. His big hits were really big though. Four hall of famers.
  4. These were the four QBs in the divisional championships this past year. Given that, will that affect the thinking of OBD about the absolute necessity to have a "franchise" QB (however you want to define that term; for which there are as many definitions as there are members of TBD). Maybe it's more the effectiveness of your OC and QB coaches, and how to structure an offense around the guy you have. Dabold is likely much more important to our success than any of the guys we could draft this year. To me, if I see one of these top guys and I feel he is going to be an All Pro for years to come, I do whatever I need to do to get him if I'm Beane. If not, I take a guy at 21 and rely on my coaches to set up systems that maximize the guy's talent. That would appear to be the trend that's forming.
  5. Does it mean you don't know what to look for? Probably. There's a reason guys like you and me talk about stuff on a message board, and why there are guys that work for NFL teams that evaluate these players.
  6. Great to throw out opinions. But be real: none of us knows squat about whether any of these guys are good enough to cut it.
  7. Someone do me a favor. In the Comments section under the News article some genius typed in: Honestly, who cares. Can one of the locals go find that guy and smack him in the head for me?
  8. I am done with people saying they're done. Just leave.
  9. This alone is reason enough for him to be re-signed.
  10. I guess I don't understand why someone would not throw. If it's to protect himself from looking bad, what kind of signal does that send to teams? I understand it may not really affect things that much, just seems odd that guys who have played football since they've been little kids are concerned that for a day or two they'll forget how to throw.
  11. Mark Kelso and his helmet. Ernie Warlick and the biggest hands I've ever seen.
  12. I think Rosen has a chance. The other guys not really.
  13. Time is not generally given to QBs that are picked that high.
  14. If one of these guys were Wentz or Goff. I don't think any of them are and if the Bills agree it would be stupid to move way up. You just want them to pick a QB to pick a QB.
  15. I have a feeling that after the combine, pro days, etc. the Bills are going to decide none of these guys is worth moving up for.
  16. Did the current guys have anything to do with EJ? No. And Peterson has played one game. My guess is they get a guy like Keenum, trade TT and draft a Jackson or White.
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