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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. One of the most historically important people in WNY history
  2. I think the PSLs will sell fairly well. I base that on a couple things. One, the general level of insanity for the Bills among the fan base. Two, I think there is more disposable income folks among fans than is generally thought to be so. Every year we see how much Bills fans will travel to away games, thus they have the $$ to do so. Plus I mentioned earlier when I visit the area restaurants, bars, other sporting events like the Bandits are full. I think you’ll see scenarios where folks may split the cost and go to X number of games and such.
  3. I am pretty certain that if they had not signed veteran depth your take would that the Bills would now have to waste draft picks on unproven talent to have as backups.
  4. The high PSL price for premium seats is to be expected. We’ll have to see what more “normal” sears will be but I doubt they’ll be so extreme as to price folks out. I grew up in Tonawanda and am well aware that WNY is historically and proudly blue collar. And while I understand folks yelling about these PSLs, here’s what I see when I visit. When I come back, the restaurant parking lots are full. Strip mall parking lots are full. I’ve been to Bandit games and the place is packed. So from what I can see, there is disposable income in the area, and folks will decide whether they want to use that disposable income on the Bills. My guess is many will. Maybe you’ll split one with a friend. And no doubt there will be a larger secondary market for seats for individual games. But Bills fans will fill the new place, no question.
  5. Might as well just make it flag football.
  6. I agree about safety. As much as we all love Poyer and Hyde they were slowing down.
  7. If they see it as a priority then Beane will move up in round 1.
  8. This year? No. Although I would be surprised if they don’t draft a WR day 1or 2. They’ll keep Diggs another year or two, then when he and Miller’s cap numbers become manageable they can get a 1 in free agency if they don’t have a guy from the draft that earns it.
  9. I agree somewhat here. I’ll be interested to see if Babich is given the opportunity to use more blitzing given he knows the LBs well.
  10. When you put something in quotes it generally means you are citing someone. Show us where anyone on the board called McD a guru.
  11. Yes. And more will be spent over the years, because you need at least 8 D linemen. Basham was a bad decision. Murphy an uninspired FA choice. But if Miller doesn’t tear his ACL we had a great shot 2 years ago.
  12. So let everyone walk and have Von and Jonathan.
  13. Oops. Read it wrong. Responded to this thinking you were the rag guy. Sorry. Agree with all you’ve said.
  14. I’ll be happy to debate. Let me know when you want to have a productive one vs. throwing out childish insults about McDermott.
  15. Be interesting to see if Babich brings some new ideas about the pass rush
  16. Were on a message board? Ok… Message boards exist to discuss and debate issues.
  17. All these happened. As did you talking about fans and their beloved and/or lovable coach as if you were back in 3rd grade. McD needs to get them over the hump. All are in agreement.
  18. And some will trash the coach no matter what he does and act childish while doing so
  19. Filling in roster spots before the draft. Nothing more, nothing less.
  20. Some Bills Fans: “Quit wasting $$ on defense, we need to outscore other teams with the way football is played now” (Put $$ towards offense) Wait, wait, we have to have a pass rusher!!!”
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