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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. I found another folder of pics that I took, youse guys want more? I can also post some of the papers that I procured, if you wanna see em.
  2. I’d rather eat a thumbtack than suffer through reading this list.
  3. It’s @Royale with Cheese and his damn ranch crusade.
  4. psh, like you don’t wanna ticklefight some bros in a tub full of bleu cheese.
  5. What’s a little ticklefight amongst bros, mane? I’d be your Larry Hagman any day ❤️
  6. Jeez, did this thread just turn into “Meet Hot Singles In Your Area”??
  7. Hating on bleu cheese now? Alright, shut this sh*t show down.
  8. So if this is true, what’s anyone gonna do about it? Genuinely curious. My guess is whine and gripe for a bit....and then eventually continue to spend money on Bills & Sabres.
  9. Hey, I got enough problems. Leave me out of this Sabres mess
  10. Nice. I’ll look thru my files and see if I have any more shots of them.
  11. @May Day 10 this your piece of boards? Did someone say vertigo?!?
  12. I was a casual on hfboards, so possibly there. And we have the same experiences/memories about the Aud. It was definitely always a treat for us, and if it wasn’t for the generosity of my grandfather’s boss (they were also pretty good friends) I would have went to way less Sabres games in my youth. And for the record, I’m with you all on the arena. That place blows. So cavernous and sterile.
  13. @May Day 10 I agree w your post, but I don’t totally blame Rigas. The city & county had plenty of time to do something besides let it sit and rot. They were too busy chasing that Bass Pro boondoggle and had no plan B. I always though it should have been at least partially incorporated into the overall Canalside plan. I do understand there was no saving or repurposing the entire building, mostly due to hazmat concerns, including asbestos and lead paint. However I thought they should have preserved the front facade in place, similar to what they did at the Old Rockpile. It would have made a great signature gateway to Canalside, and also as a memorial to the Aud itself. Not to mention the historical and architectural significance of EB Green & Wicks art deco style.
  14. Backyard all star. Of course I was the oldest and biggest kid in our group as well, ha.
  15. I couldn’t possibly love this story any more. The good ol’ days!!!!
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