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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. throwing this out there...i like ivory better than mccoy...better speed and more power when getting tackled.
  2. mayfield seems to smart for Cleaveland.....if this is really Cleaveland they will announce monday that Taylor is still their QB.
  3. landry could have broke a leg on the last play..but close enough
  4. i agree..but if you can do those things.....then its still useful.....its like a hot girl that also has a personality... not exactly but you get the gist
  5. i wouldnt say its useless....its just not he be all, end all.
  6. Darnold txting Mayfield after the game... what the hell dude...u just stole my thunder.
  7. right....i mean that his whole thought pattern....getting the ball out....knowing where to go and hitting it...all very crisp so far
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