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Everything posted by Figster

  1. Thanks for the post/link When looking through them did you happen to notice how many higher round draft choices failed to succeed in the NFL and ever wonder how players like Kurt Warner slip under the radar. I don't know what the overall percentage for a QB drafted in the 1st round is to become a succesful starter in NFL over the last 15 years , but it would not surprise me If that percentage is very low.
  2. Lots of good argument/posts suggesting Peterman was drafted as a good value pick in the 5th round and I get that, but I also think theres a little roll of the dice looking for the next Tom Brady in the pick. Lots of good players still available with to many holes to fill which leads me to believe the Bills HC McD has high hopes for the young signal caller. Especially when you take into consideration you are running a fearless smaller framed QB into the teeth of the oppositions D. Peterman in all likelihood will see the football field at some point during the season in my humble opinion.
  3. I believe the coaching staff trusted Taylor to protect the football , but I'm not sure how confident they were about Taylor winning games with his arm at crunch time. (because he didn't)
  4. that probably doesn't help matters ( who likes to gamble )
  5. She doesn't eat meat John, ...and she might go Bobbit... ...ouch...
  6. A Smith catches allot of grief for his game management skills , but the man wins allot of football games, so I'm not taking that bet Kirby.
  7. ...considering they drink coffee 24/7... ...I may be up here for awhile... ( sound of limb breaking ) ...or not...
  8. thanks for the polite reply, makes good sense, bama/McCarron fan and I like the QB comparison
  9. No reason to draft someone way higher then projected even If you deemed a later round QB as possible starter IMO.
  10. Peterman was drafted as a possible backup plan If Taylor struggles in my humble opinion
  11. Curious, do you think McD drafted Peterman with career backup in mind ?
  12. I'm going to go out on a limb and disagree with you on both McCarron and Peterman. with all due respect
  13. He’s a political manipulator, but not an especially bright one. Or a bright FBI agent who could have played along with D T's wishes and possibly gained valuable intel instead of making himself and the bureau look bad by leaking part of an ongoing investigation to the media.
  14. Sure he did, guys got an answer for everything. DT's explanation might be something as simple as wanting an update on how the investigation was going because it was hindering Trumps ability to do his job as the president of the US with a cloud hanging over his administration.
  15. Nothing gets accomplished when both parties care more about doing damage and damage control in my humble opinion. with all due respect Boyst 62
  16. Comey covered his ass well by handing out copies of the memo, so what does that prove? How many times has he leaked information? Somebody was, Are we supposed to expect the FBI to do its job properly when the head of the department is tainting its people with he said, he said memo's to push a personal agenda? How about dealing in facts? All this talk of clearing the room , where was this talk when Comey asked for privacy in an earlier setting? If Comey believed people close to Trump may have colluded with the Russian goverment then wouldn't it make perfect sense to have these kind of discussions one on one in private?
  17. Shady and T Mobile's ability to shoot through the 1st line of Defense like they were shot out of a cannon suggests as much in my humble opinion Wayne.
  18. ...the proof is in the pudding... Harbaughs to clever , but I hope you are right kelly thanks for reply
  19. Of course they will, Am I the only one that smells something fishy about NFL Networks false report of Maclin canceling his visit with the Ravens? To me this brings both sides into instant communication if false in my humble opinion.
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