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Everything posted by JohnBonhamRocks

  1. To answer the thread title's question - the Jets and their fans.
  2. just by reading the thread title, the first words into my head were "ground and pound"
  3. What if we added a Mike Williams and a Maybin in the same draft? There aren't any Patulskis or Flowers in this draft, are there?
  4. I agree, but sadly when I think of him one of the first things that come to mind is him (and the rest of that D) getting owned by Lynch's superhuman tackle-breaking run. I want to say he's the guy about whom the YouTuber who did commentary was screaming "little boy... LITTLE BOY" haha
  5. ^I think the best part of the gif is Robinson's attempt at diving towards him. Quick sand.
  6. Clearly his tweets have become too much for OBD. Something had to be done.
  7. Winfield > Clements > Gilmore I like CBs who can hit and come up in run support. Winfield was a missile.
  8. Robinson could end up being great value at 44. Similar to Glenn value-wise. Would love, if no trade, for Smith-Schuster to fall to 75. It happens a lot in my mocks, but I am trying to prevent false hope for myself. Ideal complement to Watkins based on style of game. Hope he's still targeted regardless of Holmes. The actual reason I wanted to respond though is that Langley has long been my target at 171 or 195. Love the value there, too, and he usually falls in my mocks. Would take him then even if we took one at 10, 44, or 75... or whatever our high picks end up being.
  9. Given our team history of injuries in the past 10-15 years, it is surprising that we have stricter policies than another club.
  10. He's a little busy being #2 in charge of the DNC...
  11. Yeah, if we have Tankersly, then our CB1&2 are Darby and Tankersly, with Seymour as the starting slot guy. I'd bet on Seymour in a Seymour v. Myrick battle. But then I was also looking forward to another season with NRC, so what do I know...
  12. Not saying that Geno Smith is good, but I am saying that playing with Beckham, Marshall, and Shepherd could make even the Geno-est of Smiths look good.
  13. If we came out of the draft with Mahomes, Baker, Tankersly, and Jones... wow. Just wow. Can't imagine much better of a haul.
  14. How "early?" If it's not Foster, I don't see another at 10.
  15. Technically, we have a full depth chart, so every position is "on the roster."
  16. I'm not really arguing against the success of Elliott or Bosa. Expected = college production, draft status, and DAL's amazing Oline. But Portis definitely had about the same year and was drafted much later in his draft. Bosa had a great year on a bad team. I choose to weigh QB more importantly in the NFL, but that's me. A lot of people would take the rookie Sanchez/Wilson/Mettenberger with their class over Jones and his class because QB wins in the NFL. I never said I expected Jones to be able to start in his rookie year, but a 4th rounder whose front office was clearly hesitant to even let him see the field has to raise question marks when grading the rookie year of a draft. Again, I'm not saying I even believe it (and I thought the original argument was based on careers, which was why I disagreed), but playing devil's advocate is fun. I do think that OSU'16 is in no way definitively better than MIA'02 or LSU'14.
  17. OK, gotta say that I thought we were arguing best careers of a class (based on "I don't think you can judge much yet." re: Lee), not rookie seasons, but no worries. Again, I don't necessarily agree with this, but I'll try: Jones, playing the most important position, hurts their class because his team didn't even think he was ready to play in the final weeks, and he was a 4th round pick! There's a definite argument that Sanchez (who was drafted with Matthews, Cushing, and Maualuga...) going to the AFC Championship game makes this not close at all. Similarly, that Wisconsin class is good given Wilson's playoff success in his first year. Still, gotta say the 2002 'Canes are arguably up there with last year's Buckeyes. So is 2014's LSU class, which boasted Mettenberger, who had a clearly better rookie year than Jones. On QB alone, other classes would have to be considered better. Ask half this board how they feel about the importance of the QB position. Elliot's season was great, but expected given his draft status. Portis had just as good a year and was drafted 51 overall. Jeremy Hill and Alfred Blue both had great production out of LSU and were drafted much lower than Elliot. Thomas' season was great. Shockey's was just as good. Beckham and Landry were both about as good, too. Decker's season was great. McKinnie started half the year. Trai Turner was a rookie Pro Bowler. Bosa didn't play half the year, which hurts him. You want the 3rd overall pick there for the full offseason and season (the best ability is availability). Ego Feruson played all 16 games for the Bears. Lamin Barrow of LSU helped the Broncos make it to the Super Bowl and played in all 16 games doing so. Apple didn't start most of the year, which hurts him. Ed Reed? Pro Bowl rookie year. Phillip Buchannon had significant playing time and returned an 81 yard touchdown. Mike Rumph played in all 16 games and had 49 tackles. That ABC article stands for my argument, which is that it's not clear-cut which is the best: "At the very least, it's safe to say that the Ohio State Buckeyes just sent one of the best draft classes the league has ever seen into the NFL." So, while I don't think any class is definitively the best, Sanchez and Wilson's rookie years blow Jones' out of the water, while the 2002 Miami and 2014 LSU classes are both ridiculously stacked, just like last season's Ohio State class. Given that Mettenberger resembled an NFL QB for that 2014 LSU class, I'd be tempted to give it to them. This is fun.
  18. I'll give you this - it'll always be in the back of fans' minds.
  19. I would like to say that I would completely boycott, but then again the lure of seeing the last games in town possibly ever might be too much and make me go against principle... Actually, no. Screw that league if they ever allow someone to take my team away.
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