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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. Weird. I had 80,000 deaths out of 350M for US and 350 deaths out of 35M for Canada.
  2. In 2017, the Flu took an estimated 80,000 lives in the US. In Canada it killed 300. I believe that’s a 22X rate higher in the US (per 100,000 people). is that a reporting issue? is it because the US is more densely populated? granted 2017 was a very bad year but... even this year if we have 25,000 deaths in US compared to 300 expected in Canada, it’s still way out of whack. Anyone have the answer? (smartass in me says it’s poutine)
  3. Do you have a source for this. Because that’s excellent news.
  4. Amazing story...I don't see in the story if it's confirmed that the parents had been infected with COVID...Maybe it's assumed, but I didn't see confirmation...
  5. I tend to view cooking as taking place inside a traditional kitchen. bbq and grilling done outside over open flame. The former low and slow and the latter done quick and fast.
  6. I never saw the first round appeal for him. good player and kid just not at 22
  7. Please tell me this was his actual quote so I can drop him out of top 3 round consideration.
  8. Although BBQing isn’t cooking ... How to BBQ Right (Malcolm Reed) on YouTube is my go to guy for grilling. He crushes it.
  9. Same. I’m not a success story yet but I can send you the book if it helps. UPDATE: Yesterday (day 13) was very tough at points. I was so aggravated. Normally, I'm a very relaxed guy but my family was annoying the Piss out of me and I wanted them all to just ***** off or become cigarettes so I could smoke them. I was cooking and when I had some down moments I really was craving. I breathed through it. But it was challenging. my sleep has been bad too the last 4 or 5 nights. I keep waking up at 4:30am. Most nights I eventually fall back asleep but like clockwork - 430am. Super annoying.
  10. I thought about using a vape pen but didn’t want to substitute one habit for another. drugs like ChanTix were out of the question. I figured cold turkey was the best method. How bad could it be? surprisingly not that bad. I have tried to enjoy the pain of the withdrawal. Realize it’s temporary and that I’M NOT DENYING MYSELF ANYTHING BY NOT SMOKING. Last night (day 12) I had a dream that I smoked. I also had a conversation with a friend telling them that I probably at some point will fail. My mindset goes in and out.
  11. not sure it's been posted yet, but the SodaStream chick...WOW...she is girl next door lovely..
  12. Thanks for checking in. Feeling good - I put my markers at 10 days, 100 days...and 1000 days. So I won’t be constantly reminding myself of when I stopped killing myself everyday. I didn’t find it productive to keep saying ‘ok well here is day 5...here is day 7....’ so I’m going to have those 3 markers and that’s it. Went out for dinner on the weekend. Had only one drink and had some minor physical withdrawal pains on the drive home. I’m not a BIG drinker (in that I don’t drink often and when I do, Most of the time, it’s limited quantity). When I do REALLY drink, I can smash a half a bottle plus of bourbon and so I am a bit worried how I’ll feel then WITHOUT a dart in my hand. Haha. Will cross that bridge when I get there. Cheers amigo. Not sure what that is and I’m afraid to look! Cold turkey is working ok so far. You stay strong too - and remember - we aren’t denying ourselves anything by NOT smoking.
  13. My erectile function gave me children!!! Christ man, I need to quit making kids so I might need to smoke more.
  14. i always select my seat beforehand. sometimes there is an empty row which I will bust into if given the chance. Otherwise, you get the seat you pick or were given.
  15. Anything is possible. virtually no one had DK Metcalf falling out of the first round last year, let alone to the back of Round 2. Let’s see who they fall in love with. Who is a process guy... Who falls down the board.
  16. That’s fine and dandy if the flight is half full. If not then you got boned when you could be more comfortable’ for $26 for the next 3-4 hours. It’s worth it.
  17. Actually the book was extremely helpful. I was very skeptical, and needless to say, FEARFUL, to read the book. But what it did was HYPNOTIZE me...It was a truly hypnotic experience to read those 100 pages. The biggest thing I took from it, and every time my mental addiction to nicotine kicks in, I say to myself: "I'M NOT DENYING MYSELF ANYTHING". I know - doesn't make much sense. It's a double negative..maybe even a triple negative....it's obscure. But whatever it is - it's resonated with me and stuck with me. I'm not denying myself anything by NOT smoking. Smoking is a horrible activity. There are millions of cons vs no 'real' pros. I'M NOT GIVING ANYTHING - OF VALUE - UP.... Really helped me...FWIW...
  18. I’m a big guy 6’2” 270lbs. And I travel a lot. The only real solution to not having to deal with people on planes is to fly business. If you have to fly Economy - ***** em. Recline away. It’s your right. It’s your chair. If the guy in front of me reclines, that’s an automatic recline for me. I never feel so entitled as to tell a person what to do with their chair. I’ll give them the big exhale and that’s It.
  19. It’s the nicotine addiction. It’s the most addictive substance known to man. Surprisingly giving it up short term is not that difficult (so far). Long term I’m skeptical about staying off it. I’m a weak man!
  20. Have had some physical withdrawal pains. but mostly it’s the mental ***** I’m trying to get through.
  21. I did buy an extra pint of Haagen Dazs at the store today. Damn the torpedos. Hope my waistline doesn’t expand. yup smoking is expensive - especially when you smoke the more expensive brands like I did. $136 a carton here. When I would travel for duty free I could get them for $25-75 a carton. oh well I hope I can keep it going.
  22. This was probably in Germany on the Autobahn. even still - driver should have slowed down.
  23. By tonight it will have been a week. Definitely struggled for a few moments here and there. Day 3-4 was the hardest in terms of nicotine withdrawal for me. But I believe the hardest part is done. I used Allan Carr’s Easyway and smoked while I read the book and woke up the next morning intent on being done. I have smoked for 27 years...not heavy (8-12 a day) but without fail.
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