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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. Hilarious. And a complete and utter BALLER on the field. love Tre
  2. stupid reply.... You do understand that football games can be excellent games (competitive and exciting)...even when your team doesn’t win?
  3. I was thinking the same thing. From my cushy seat at the bar Different kind of excellent. Lots of points. All O no D. Bills Ravens was a smash mouth game. 9ers Saints was an offensive ballet. Yup. Depressing result. we didn’t play our best. On to Pittsburgh.
  4. Yes. We didn’t win this time. But I think we can run with the best in the conference. The game showed me that even though we lost today.
  5. The game itself was excellent. Competitive, exciting and fun to watch.
  6. Obviously hate the result. but Man was it ever a GREAT GAME. OUTSTANDING 1. Our D These guys mostly played SUPERBLY. We gave Lamar his hardest day in a while. THE Bills D outplayed the Ravens offence. I know that the score doesn’t say that (nor will the stats probably) but that’s what I saw. 2. Homefield You guys sounded loud and crazy today off the TV screen. You definitely did your part. LESS THAN OUTSTANDING 1. Our O The biggest reason for the offensive struggles is simple - Baltimore has an excellent defense. Fast and aggressive and smart. Not so much because Daboll or Josh (none of whom called or played a very good game)....but the Ravens are just tough MFers. The drops were insanely bad today. The line was more poreous than usual. Josh made a lot of mistakes, too. Team effort, it was. 2. The Refs. Pretty bad. Nuff said. 3. McDermott No PI challenge? Meh I think I would have thrown it. I know it’s hard to overturn these and we had time to decide (as it happened at the end of the quarter). Timeout at 25 seconds left in the half? Why?? Run it down to 3 seconds and kick. Result was ok, no harm no foul, but that’s poor clock management. I thought the clock was managed relatively poorly today. We didn’t get that ‘one last chance’ that having 3 timeouts allots you. Heartbreaking loss but we showed the BEST in the AFC that we can beat their ass. till we meet again, Baltimore......
  7. Assuming it gets reversed. assuming then we still score. a lot of assumptions need to be true for the game to have changed. that being said - I would have challenged it. Not sure it would have been overturned. they had a lot of time to think about it. they must have known it was never going to be overturned.
  8. The drops. my god the drops. cost us a ton. not our best offensive effort but still. the drops.
  9. It’s not about the calls they gave. it’s the ones they missed. Refs were pretty Damn bad today.
  10. No you were being a dick. It’s fine. Of course I can watch on my laptop but I’m with 3 other people who don’t give a ***** about football so a bar is the right choice. I didn’t find the bar online. If I had, I wouldn’t have posted the question. by the way, game is over here. the score was 34-31.
  11. I think he’s just being a dick wondering why I would ask a question like this on a Bills forum. Weird, eh??? In fact it was Codyny13 who provided me with the exact info I needed and didn’t find on the web (or yelp or google). Thanks dude!
  12. This is the absolute stupidest news story of the week - and that’s saying a lot. Not sure who I hate more - Booker for calling Bloomberg’s compliment a ‘trope’ or Bloomberg for apologizing. What a *****.
  13. Great clip. Albert calling football sounds like a bad video game play by play. Some many what would be considered ‘late hits’ in that game. Marino had an absolute gun. Kelly’s long ball always had this strange arc to it. It seemed to start parallel to the ground for a few yards and then just take off upwards.
  14. We are in an Airbnb with no TV. My computer won’t suffice. Will check out the bar above and advise!
  15. He should have kicked down the podium, ripped off his shirt, and ran out of the press conference screaming!
  16. Hi all, I’m travelling and of course I could just stream the game on my own but want to go somewhere. Belushi’s seems to be the spot in Berlin but they aren’t playing the Bills game. Any suggestions???
  17. Nope. No evidence of anything. Just your feelings. Fortunately we don’t live in a banana republic...yet. But we are going that way with your deranged kangaroo courts of which you somehow approve.
  18. How about Michael Irvin and his comments about Tony Romo owing his athletic abilities to his generations old black ancestry? not punished. And that was empirically a more overtly racist comment than the one about Lamar’s skin colour. It’s Just one example but my feeling (not provable) is that a black sportscaster would not have been disciplined for making the same comment as was made about Lamar.
  19. You might be right...but to me it seems like this is a story about a white person being discriminated against (in this case, suspended) for saying something that a black person would not be criticized for saying. Maybe it’s just hypocrisy ... Not reverse racism. I see black people RAILING on the whiteness of people all day on TV, and none seem to get punished.
  20. I mean it doesn’t matter how many times you repeat a lie. stupid people may believe you...but that’s about it.
  21. It’s reverse racism. if Tim Ryan were black and said that...he wouldn’t have been suspended. Bet your bottom dollar.
  22. Yeeeesh. Just bad optics. Doesn’t offend me AT ALL but people are wayyyyyyyy too sensitive these days....and as a journalist you should know that if you are talking about someone’s skin colour, especially in the context of how it might be camouflaging the ball during play action.... just doesn’t look good.
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