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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. pretty much every board or on a stool in the local tavern. we may all not have common ground on our views and outlook but at the end of the day, no matter the board or tavern, we're all die hard, dyed in the wool, red, white and blue...bills fans! GO BILLS!!!
  2. yeah, I'm definitely not in the church of taylor, or any church for that matter and don't worship players. more of a team fan. that is why my hopes are that both sides of the ball improve, including taylors game as well as special teams. new coach, new season and hoping for the best. the one thing I don't have the ability to do as some in this thread have shown is state as a fact that he fails. frankly, if he does then you may as well call the season a wash. hence my stating I will just allow everything to pan out and wait patiently for the season to get here.
  3. I was as disappointed as the next fan with those games and put blame on both sides of the ball as well as coaching. one thing is certain, you can cry B word and complain and it wont change a thing. so rather than do that I'll allow the off season/season to pan out and hope things get turned around on BOTH sides of the ball. sorry, I'm old and ignorant to some of the slang out there, what !@#$ is a CoT'er?
  4. year 3 as a starter. don't know how anyone can claim his time in baltimore as on field experience? key phrase in your last sentence.
  5. no need for that, why delete the trolling posts or the repetitious "beating a dead horse" posts. no, they serve as entertainment. glad you can see from afar and base your facts on the past. I mean, being so certain he's going to fail and all. I almost have an admiration for those who can see in to the future, almost.
  6. are you the board troll? I only ask because I've followed some of your posts and they fit well in that category. don't mean to step on toes or anything, just calling it as I see it. good contract from the bills side for sure and TT can be rewarded more with better play this season, which I believe he does have a better year than 2016?
  7. would be useless to make any real prediction before the roster is set but you are basing it on the QB so as little to no faith, as you have made pretty clear you have in him, then I don't expect too much change in wins/losses from you. without seeing it myself, I still see more than 6 wins. they wont be worse than last season and may surprise a lot of fans, including myself in the upcoming season. that's just me though, I don't see the doom and gloom and try to remain cautiously optimistic.
  8. this is some serious substance added to the thread.
  9. I keep hearing certain people say the end of the world is near too, I don't believe them though. so I'll just sit back and wait for opening day and the final roster before making any judgement. two things likely not upcoming, 3 years of continuing suck and the world coming to an end...
  10. Howard is a beast. I would be very happy if they drafted him.
  11. it's really a potential problem for any player in the league, no guarantee you get through 16 games unscathed. the feeling here is just heightened due to history. the corp will be filled by opening day and one can only hope not just sammy, but all starters avoid injury?
  12. you have to wonder if you went in to every season with fail on your mind what gives one the initiative to even keep watching? I mean it would seem like some kind of mental torture to always remain negative always thinking fail and defeat. what fun is that? oh, I know, 17 yrs will do that to some, like a plague that just wont go away. I have been just as critical myself in the past but have come to the conclusion that negative energy just breeds more negative energy and although I have absolutely no control of the future, whether in life itself or this football team, I'm not going to brew in negativity and always expect the worse. instead give the things that need time, time, and just hope for the best end result. there is still time to get the roster set. no, maybe they wont be able to stand up to the almighty patsies, they're not the only team that would like to kick their ass either. just ask the other 12 or 13 teams that lose to them every year or the mighty falcons who choked away the last superbowl.
  13. a lot of loose ends to fix with so much time left to do so...keep 'em loose out there!
  14. tough to let that stat go isn't it. I think chances are good that will change? a healthy wr corp, new OC and they could very well be better in the passing game? remains to be seen but the fact is, can't say it will be better anymore than you can say it will be worse? top ten offense and scoring enough to win games last season. too bad the offense could not stop the run or tackle, then they wouldn't have to worry about rebuilding the defense.
  15. I believe Hyde will start but too soon to know where they place Poyer. depth will be a good thing and they're not done yet.
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