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bacarri and coke

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Everything posted by bacarri and coke

  1. Spygate the untold story....I searched this topic and got no results.Has anyone else read this book?I purchased it online recently and it's a must read if you want to understand what the Pats***** do with radio signals it's not outdated in content although most of it is based on content from spygate.This book goes into detail about the system they used and continue to use I believe to this day.It goes into specifics about the stuff that ESPN exposed a little bit last week.They don't just jam the signals ,they actually have a separate signal that they use to decode opposing Def and send it to Brady past the allowed time all the way to the snap.Im not a conspiracy theorist and I actually ordered this book to mess with my friends at work that are pats fans but I have to tell you it makes alot of sense, very detailed explanations about their system.Surely others here have read this book...What do you guys think?discuss
  2. The question I have is...Are the black stocking on your head or her legs?
  3. Hopefully he stays here as a rbacks coach...here's to dreams...Salute
  4. Oh hello yes...this cushions the Fred news just a little.
  5. Some of you are more mad than I imagine Fred being.I love the guy I really do he's my favorite but if it helps re-sign Darius and is best for the team it's the only move to make.
  6. My favorite player... I'm very sad to see this.I actually kind of teared up a little but I understand this is business and the way things work in the N.F.L.If you just bought a Fred Jackson jersey don't feel bad it's a jersey you can wear proudly for years to come.I trust this front office and coaching staff I'm sure they had good reason to make this move...Thanks Fred
  7. well done sir.Two points gone withe the wind,simple kick,and they call me the breeze is why I missed that kick are other hits by him
  8. haha bird bones that's funny actually laughed out loud.Its kind of sad actually I would love to see what he can do if he could stay healthy.Some people on here are saying he is a track guy and I think that's BS.Goodwin is a football player and his conditioning has little to do with how much he gets injured.The guy just doesn't have the God given physical gift that some players have to be durable.Just like a fighter that can't take a punch,you either can or can't.....that or he's the most unlucky bastard there ever was.
  9. i like that but I would change it to Shreddy...because they will shred defenses
  10. The reason Fred had an off year last year was solely because he was running behind a soup kitchen for an offensive line.The man has the best vision of almost any back I can think of.Did you see Rex's expression after Fred scored that TD.....you can see him thinking how did I almost doubt this man.
  11. Cassel=Kelly........unfortunately it's Kelly Holcomb......Long live Tyrod and really liking EJ
  12. IMO people are really over reacting here.Darby will be fine he is playing man coverage with no safety help.Rex does not care to entertain the fans he wants the kid to improve.The best way to improve is to be put in man position and sink or swim.Seriosly how often do you recal seeing a rookie corner in man coverage that much with no safety even on the same side of the field?That said he did have a poor game but he played great in camp and we have good receivers so I'm not to worried about it at this point.
  13. Just wanted to bump this so the people who don't Fredex can think about what they said in this thread
  14. i tried to hold off also....You sir are the dumbest bills poster.
  15. I like Hogan and just have a feeling in the right place he makes an impact....I hope it's here and not freaking New England...
  16. Well said...Also I'm not one of the people panicking and thinking we are building a team of criminals and hot heads but I do think guys like Fred and Kyle represent what Bills football is truly about.Having a guy like this on the roster not only is valuable from an X's and O's perspective but also as an example of what we are about as a franchise.I hope Rex sees the value in that because I'll tell you after that first pre season game I would have a hard time cutting any of our backs.
  17. I am a NASM certified trainer and I can tell you for the most part ligaments don't stretch...The philosophy is to strengthen the stabilization muscles around a joint by putting the body in an unstable environment .After sufficiently strengthening those muscles you can support more strenuous conditions.The body has a natural defence system built in to combat over stressing muscles,tendons and ligaments.A good example would be hypertension of your elbow and the reaction being your bicep flexing uncontrolled as a response to the stress.Theses athletes push that envelope of power and speed and that reaction sort of adapts to being pushed further and further.It could be conditioning but these strength and conditioning coaches are really good.More likely it's just bad luck combined with pushing the natural boundaries of the body a little to far.
  18. I think we hit on alot of draft pics this year.Miller,K Dub,and even though Darby got worked over a little bit in the practice I think he is going to be good as well.Combine this with Andre davis looking solid,Richie looking to be in pro-bowl form and good coaching I'm all about the positives right now...Damn even Kujo looks good.This teem has lots and lots of talent and I feel great about that...so good in fact I'm buying everyone that's posted in Shots of kool-aid...
  19. that's not what Lisa Sparks said though...it's worth a google
  20. Football is a violent man's sport and football players are a different breed.Apperantly that's hard for some of you people to understand.You guys more than likely have never been in an environment where you need to not just act like an alfa you HAVE to BE one.How can some of you people judge this man and say this is a bad move by the Bills?You never met this man or have seen him play or even probobly heard of him,Rex has done the above extensively.Some of you guys are seriously sissafied and need to reach down in your pants to check if you got anything down there and if you do grab them and grunt.Todays society has men being soft and afraid but an NFL locker room is not like your break room at the office insurance company you work in.Men like this judge each other on things like strength,heart,tenacity,toughness,and honor.He probobly shouldn't have hit him but you also can't back down from someone who wrongs you in that environment it's a sign of weakness and you get no respect.Do you not understand that's the mindset you need to play this violent of a sport and survive?
  21. Damn well played sir although I prefer the ones where he is floating like a beautiful feather in the wind.
  22. Dudes just a freak.If you don't believe most players in the nfl are cycling on and off you imo are mistaken.I believe it's an even playing field as far as thats concerned though.Lots and lots of players are doing something like hgh or test.Im a personal trainer and have close friends that played college and pro ball and with the exception of Tom Brady (cause he has little scrawny arms)it's going down..that's a bet.On topic though I thought Aaron Maybin would reak havock on deffences and he just reaked so there's that.I also thought Trent Edwards would be good after he played in that first Jets game..ugh
  23. If healthy Fred will make this team.Dont discount his value as a leader and a professional.I know if a playoff game came down to one play and you need something good to happen I want Fred out there.He will be in the right place at the right time and either get a yard that's not there,recover a fumble,blow up a lineman or be in the right spot to bail the qb out on an outlet pass he just will.His best quality in my opinion is he is reliable.People been doubting this man for how long now?
  24. He obviously isn't the guy who is going to put up big numbers any more but I do believe behind a real offensive line he will shock the hell out of people.I would put him up against anyone in the league from a qb protection,short yardage,and just all around nifty a$$ play perspective.I believe he will compliment Shady well.He has lost a step but has also adapted into something like a Swiss army knife.
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