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Everything posted by BuffaloHokie13

  1. Why do you consider increased cases as difficulty fighting through it? Was it your expectation that it would go away if we hid long enough?
  2. I'd have to rewatch it, but I remember it being a pretty good speech
  3. You have a very strange definition of proven, but I guess that isn't surprising when you have a strange definition for defund. Am I wrong in assuming you also have strange definitions for gender and racism?
  4. Oh, I'm sure. The qualifications are why it's painful lol
  5. Maybe the opposite? They don't want to provide proof that Antifa is mostly woke white kids with a major guilt complex?
  6. They don't. They agitate first, then record and claim to be peaceful victims.
  7. If you're talking about her husband, it looked like he pointed the gun at her a few times. If you're talking about the guy in the foreground it looks like a camera and long range mic.
  8. The street is private, marked as such, and gated. They decided to enter anyway. The gate ended up broken, but it didn't seem to start that way when they began funneling in. There isn't even street view of the neighborhood because Google wasn't allowed access either. Again, the reports are that the couple told the crowd they were trespassing and needed to leave and the crowd responded with threats of violence and arson. It was after those threats that the couple armed themselves. Since you've gone back and edited, I will add that it stops being a protest when you start breaking the law. Armed trespassing is a crime regardless of political affiliation, race, religion, or anything else.
  9. That might be the most racist thing posted in this thread. Do you actually believe that personal responsibility is exclusive to white people?
  10. 1. The 'protestors' were trespassing on private property 2. They were warned as much, and responded with threats of violence and threats of burning down the couple's house 3. Both of them really need to take a safety course for their own sake 4. My understanding is that, because the 'protestors' were on their private property, the local law saw it as no different than if they were inside the couple's house
  11. No. That was my initial and false assumption.
  12. I don't know if I'd celebrate outright, as they don't matter enough to warrant that, but I certainly wouldn't be upset about any KKK deaths. Maybe that's just me though.
  13. How many were KKK members? There's another thread dedicated to the pandemic.
  14. I actually think he'd have a positive reaction to some of his policies and efforts, but it's all just speculation.
  15. So I'll take that as a no. You want the president to comment on the actions of people who are alleged members of a small and demonized subsect of the country? Before any facts come out? I anxiously await the evidence of their 'running wild'. Just like I anxiously await the top 3 most fascist Trump policies and examples of existing policies that disproportionately and negatively affect minorities.
  16. Running wild? In what way? Do you have some sort of lengthy list of all of their activities and attendance? Am I wrong in assuming their numbers are beyond miniscule and their actions are condemned by all sides whenever they do pop up?
  17. So the people who did this were arrested and charged, yes? Impersonating an officer is a very serious thing in addition to the other alleged atrocities. Hopefully the evidence is clear and they rot.
  18. What human rights are they being denied, specifically?
  19. You do understand that there are criteria for US citizenship, right? There is also a process to get citizenship if you aren't currently a citizen.
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