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Everything posted by BuffaloHokie13

  1. @Tiberius there's a Wegmans going in under the old Fannie Mae building. That's my takeaway from your Panthers post
  2. That lady is definitely the mob mom from the goonies, right?
  3. Just Maryland. VA reneged long ago. I guess maybe VA would reclaim half of the Potomac? ~706k. Just use the right number. No need to exaggerate.
  4. Over 1 million? Are we counting Puerto Rico or something?
  5. My understanding is the former, but I don't really know anything. I missed the thread and haven't really looked much further as 'what's done is done'. Figured I'd let things lie and hopefully see him back in a month. I guess we'll see
  6. I missed the thread, but it was definitely in PPP. Assumed Transplant since he already had a lengthy post outlining a bunch of his previous posts, but considering the OP and purpose of this thread... well I wonder.
  7. Month vacation for a thread dedicated to a personal call out. Unsure of what all went down in thread or with mods/sds but it came from the top. Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the gist
  8. Saliva or blood? Docs said the lab they use isn't their normal one, but has a higher success rate for the covid tests and projected 3 to 5 days for the full results. I guess we'll see ?‍♂️ thanks! Hoping for some peace of mind as I begin to hang out with friends again.
  9. Finally got my antibody test done, should have the results this week. Guy who drew the blood was from Glens Falls. He's going to come to the Bills Backers bar this fall lol
  10. Yes. We're also at 5% of the projected deaths. The projections were trash, which isn't surprising given the limited and low quality data they had to go by.. This doesn't change the fact that you don't seem to understand how flattening the curve works.
  11. You don't seem to understand what that actually means. If you got smashed initially and are done you didn't flatten the curve, you got it over with. Flattening the curve always means a lower peak and a longer duration.
  12. I'm getting tested for antibodies tomorrow (first draw was bad). Are you saying if I test positive for antibodies I'll be a 'new case'?
  13. IDK, is scapegoating an entire race based on their lack of melatonin as racist wrong? Less snarky, I'm definitely someone who defaults to judging the individual rather than the collective. Making policies that account for the individual is near impossible though and you have to go by some generalized statistics. I'm not researched enough on the crime rates of illegal immigrants vs the rest of the population to comment on it. Anecdotally, however, I do know of many cases where people are deported multiple times due to crimes. Crossing the border illegally is a crime. If we ignore that one though, as it blankets the entire group, my uneducated impression is (and was before 2016) that a sizeable portion of illegal border crossings are perpetrated for further illegal means (most notably drug running and human trafficking). I don't think many cross the border illegally with the intent to murder, but if they are smuggling children and risk getting caught then I don't think it's unreasonable to think they are capable of it.
  14. Do I need to define specifically for you? Why is it that whenever I ask for specifics from lefties here they never produce? A lot of this division is mired in generalities that are perpetuated because the specifics aren't identified or dealt with. The reason I asked wasn't to out you or anything, I just find that people's interpretation of what is racist varies widely depending on culture and exposure. I'd be interested to see how many people actually think what you interpret as racist agree with you. We'll just have to agree to disagree on the immigration piece. You're conflating legal and illegal immigrants, which is a disgrace to those who patiently went through the legal process to come here. And if politicians are to blame for actions of other individuals then I guess AOC caused the ICE facility to get firebombed.
  15. What racist things have been said or done specifically? Did you say anything? As for the wall, no. Immigration reform was a long standing policy for the Democrats platform until it became vogue to adopt whatever the opposite of Trump says.
  16. Oh really? He should have tried telling that to the crowd in Charlottesville. I’m sure they would have all gone home and said they were sorry As much as I love any reason to hate on Charlottesville (UVA Sux) the group you're pointing to is approximately 3,000 in a country of 330 million. That is absolutely life support.
  17. I'm still very much a proponent of this logo change. Especially considering their performance of late.
  18. Indeed. Someone earlier asked about the odds. Based on that article it sounds like this happening was as likely to happen as Elizabeth Warren is Indian.
  19. Yeah, I noticed opposite ends after posting. I guess Freddie's memory isn't photographic lol
  20. Slavery didn't end though. Legal slavery in America did.
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