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Everything posted by OhDozeBills

  1. Eric Wood needs to seriously stop doing that stupid weight gain competition on Thanksgiving, O-line looks terrible
  2. I can't recall so many injuries ever happening during the season in practice.
  3. How about calling Hopkins out of bounds when it should of been a TD!?!?
  4. Texans getting hosed by refs tonight, similar to the way the Bills got screwed against the Seahawks
  5. Maybe Goff is eventually a great QB in this league but he sure doesn't look the part of a #1 overall. The conservative approach of Fischer isn't going to help either
  6. Plain and simple, if Nugent can make an extra point the Bills lose this game.
  7. We live to fight another week, but that was not a performance of a playoff team
  8. So many chances to put this game away, awful play calling and execution. Once again, no reason not to run on 3rd and 3 when you're averaging like 5-6 yards per carry!!! Worst case you run the clock down. Awful coaching
  9. Why can't Gillislee stay in the game for two consecutive runs
  10. I'm really getting sick of offensive play calls. Way too many pass plays when we're having success with the run. 1st and goal from the 5, should be 3 STRAIGHT RUNS!!!!
  11. Carp bailed out Rex there, because they should of gone for it
  12. What's wrong with running the ball two consecutive plays!?!?!
  13. This team sucks. Coming off a bye, against a team on a short week missing their top play maker and we get this crap. Undisciplined, giving up too much on D once again, and A Lynn wants to chuck the ball around the field instead of using the best run game in McCoy and Gillislee
  14. 2nd and 3, RUN THE BALL!!!!!! We ran it down their throats on first drive, then we go pass happy rest of the way. Terrible play calling
  15. 3rd down defense is terrible. Marcel doesn't look dominant by any stretch. Refs are favoring the Bengals and made a few bad calls in crucial situations, and Bills costing themselves on dumb penalties. Woods...oh man, please don't be serious. One of my favorite players this year and we need him No AJ Green, gotta find a way to win
  16. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This was my biggest problem when Pegulas hired Rex, we knew the top 5 D was going to change. Defense wasn't our issue, and it was a big mistake bringing a defensive minded coach who would change what our strength was. The Rex hire will set this franchise back 5 years.
  17. Easy to say get rid of him, but think we just need to hope he gets his !?@& together cause there's too much money invested in the guy and he can be a difference maker when healthy.
  18. It's over, unless a miracle happens, but we all know miracles and Buffalo sports don't usually go hand in hand.
  19. He hasn't had just one bad game, it's been several. Throw in the fact that he's missed several tackles, apparently playing not to get injured in a contract year. Finally, the Bills have a losing record and the secondary has been a big part of that. Gilmore is supposed to be our best D back, so it's obvious for him to get a lot of the blame especially when he's demanding top CB money and self proclaims to be one of the best at his position. I will say that we have not had a single DB that has been consistent this year, and I do feel the coaches have a part in this.
  20. Not really, just stating facts. Give NE credit for handling business, but they have had a pretty easy road and things have gone their way. The rest of their schedule is soft as well with exception at Denver.
  21. Yeah, I get it, the point is they've been pretty fortunate this year and the stars have aligned well for them. The Bills would probably be 7-2 with the schedule they've had. At AZ has been their toughest game and they are down this year.
  22. Agree with most. I do think Preston Brown has just been OK. I'd add Miller and Glenn on the up, think both have been pretty solid. I'm still not sold on Rex by any stretch. I think we all forget how good our D was before he came in and so far under Rex it's been a disappointment. I think the D can solely be blamed for 3 losses and is going to cost us another year out of the playoffs. Lastly, Goodwin is having his best year (I know that's not saying much) and Woods is a huge part of the run game success and has played pretty solid through injuries. We need more Robert Woods type players on this team and I hope the Bills keep him around as long as possible.
  23. It drives me crazy when I'm watching guys trying to figure out where to line up and are confused pre-snap. To me this is on Rex and the D coaching staff. It's either too complicated of a scheme or the players aren't spending enough time to understand their responsibilities. Either way, its ultimately on the coaches to make sure these guys are prepared and it's just not happening.
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