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Everything posted by buffalo2218

  1. Christ McDermott, the process said NOTHING about this
  2. OMG, dude went in to some serious beast mode
  3. Hell I think I'd give consideration to Gordon now, see ya Yeldon
  4. Why are you still here, or keep showing up for that matter?
  5. Yeah, that has everything to do with what I just said. Daboll is calling a garbage game and the score shows it
  6. Daboll and his garbage playcalling is just as inexcusable. QB draw in a 2 min drill WTF?!?!
  7. I wouldn't go as far as saying must win, but the continued momentum will help the week after. If it ends up being a loss, let's hope that motivates them every bit as much
  8. It goes a bit beyond delusional when the guy said Darnold is 2-0 against the Bills
  9. If their O line is as bad as advertised, Dalton may wanna invest in armor from Camelot. The Giants O line was a bit tougher than that joke the Jests trotted out there. They're down a couple of starters, including our old pal Cordy. I'm pretty sure their gameplan will be for quick shots, anything deep puts Dalton on a silver platter
  10. As much as I despise the Jets, I refuse to believe even one of their fans is this stupid, or a fan of any team for that matter. For all I know, this guy is a Bills fan masquerading as a Jets idiot
  11. I’m not sure I follow this logic here. A lot of people pin the win against the Jets on Mosley being out. But I think the Bills still would have won even if he hadn’t got hurt. That whole defense was totally gassed by late 3rd qtr. Their offense couldn’t sustain drives and their defense had a lot more time on the field. I’m not taking anything away from Mosley, he had a good game. But to say he would have stopped the Bills literally by himself is a bit far fetched
  12. I'm thinking Mariota is following a similar pattern as the Dolphins, he's tanking to get out of Tenn.
  13. I could have sworn we had the ball on the 38 yard line.
  14. I always thought that there was no statute of limitations on rape. I guess that doesn’t apply to every state
  15. I’m not quite understanding why people want Brady physically hurt. I get that some of it is facetious, but if because of the scandals that have followed the Patriots, no one in that organization is to blame. That falls solely on Goodell because he didn’t have the balls to impose a far stricter punishment than what the Pats got. Yeah they cheated but they also got away with it, and they got away with it for a reason. If you really wanna hurt Brady, best way is to frustrate him. The man hates losing so much, he’d rather be physically hurt
  16. Williams can only do what he can, be it against 2nd or 3rd stringers, he still produced. The criticism laid on Jones is laid on a 3rd year player, as you said, he hasn't performed up to his draft status, even more frustrating that we traded a pick to get him. Williams hasn't had any time against NFL starters, so everyone (including myself) should reserve judgment until that happens.
  17. Can't really say that if Williams doesn't get a chance, Zay's had a ton more than him
  18. Actually, I'm thinking of the same guy that's been in the league more than long enough to fix his issues. If Zay was all that, then there was no point of signing Brown and/or Beasley. Why would Zay get more playing time in the 3rd preseason game when he was the only "starter" on the field against Detroit? If your counter is that Williams only played against 3rd stringers, then guess what? Zay did too. Now for speed, yeah Williams isn't a burner. Take a look at our WR corp and you'll notice that Williams is probably taller than all of them. I won't argue if the consensus with the coaching staff is about shorter and faster WRs. But the fact is, Williams is better at catching the ball. Definitely better at contested catches
  19. Hmm, the way I see it, this is Zay's 3rd year. And up to this point, he hasn't shown any progression at all. A lot of what kept Zay on the 53 is his willingness to play special teams. It sure wasn't because of his stellar performances in preseason. A guy getting this much time to develop and not have much to show for it does not have long to fix his issues, and yes, he does have issues. If Williams keeps this up in practice, he will end up replacing someone. If he produces more than Zay when brought up, I guarantee Zay's time will be cut in half.
  20. More importantly, what caused the first one to start? Cinci isn't gonna deal him as long as Dalton stays upright
  21. You base this on beating up on a relatively weak team and an extremely weak team. Funny thing about the Dolphins game, the Pats were only up 13-0 at halftime. I'm not saying the Bills will win the game, but you're the delusional one thinking were gonna get blown out because of what they did to 2 garbage teams. Hell, Baltimore did more of a number on the Dolphins than the Pats did, does that mean they're better?
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