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Everything posted by buffalo2218

  1. Yeah he's brutalizing their FO and coach. Kinda makes me feel sorry for Saquon, he may end up like Barry Sanders
  2. Oh it's delusions you're after? Simple solution, go find some LSD. What we talk about shouldn't mean a thing to you or and other Pats fans. Pretty sure you're facing a ban at some point, save yourself the trouble and go use Brady's cup for an oxygen mask
  3. Fixed it for you. No one here needs a history lesson from someone that apparently feels a bit insecure about his team, otherwise, why would you be on a Bills site?
  4. That clip on Rex and Idzik is pure gold. Francesa hates the Bills with a passion, probably because the Bills have got the better of the Jets in the last few years. I still can't figure out how the Jets picked Gase over McCarthy. Still, even if he is a Bills hater, dude is so damn funny
  5. Francesa isn't saying much about the Jets, said he realizes the Jets are dealing with injuries. But even without the injuries, they still wouldn't be much better than they are now. Gase is living on borrowed time and Francesa will rip him apart at some point. Gase better get some pointers from Rex on where to hide
  6. Um yeah, let steer way the hell off topic here. Enjoy eating that foot
  7. LMAO yeah that was a good idea changing about 80% of that post considering you proved everything other than being right
  8. Bad analysis there, Barkley is the best RB in the league right now. You really think we wouldn't have a dominant offense with him in our backfield?
  9. One game at a time, but if I were to hope, for Brady it’d have to be a scorching case of herpes.
  10. Well, Eli gets the bench, Darnold gets mono. What’s in store for Dalton?
  11. It almost felt like christmas day when I heard the Jets chose Gase over McCarthy, Darnold (mono and all) would probably be in a better place with McCarthy
  12. So now, the phish fans will become fans of every team that plays the Texans and Steelers
  13. Rudolph better eat some serious wheaties to turn their season into something somewhat successful. I've never seen a team trade away their team to completely rebuild
  14. His best pass on the year against a scrub secondary, yeah, I'll take Allen over Mayfield lol
  15. He better be worth that, the Steelers are looking at a possible top 5 pick if their season gets flushed
  16. That gif of Brown dissing the Bills in favor of the Raiders might help
  17. Too bad, and I know this is a pipe dream, but Bell in this offense would be crazy
  18. Bad break man, you're one of few classy Jet fans I've seen. I'm actually hoping your Jets knock Mayfield silly at some point.
  19. Maybe the Jets pull a Dolphins and have a fire sale?
  20. Gase is looking at the 4th quarter play of the Bills against him hoping for the same final score
  21. Geez, if Mayfield looks this much like hot garbage against a pasted together Jets team, that Browns game looks very winnable now
  22. Not sure how much more of Baker Manziel I can take
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