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Everything posted by Jay_Fixit

  1. They’re eligible if Buffalo submitted them as an option which they didn’t do next year we can hope.
  2. Or like dozens of other options other than a retired guy. maybe.
  3. What keeps up? Winning?
  4. I hated that the Bills finished with less points than the Mammals.
  5. OBJ - 96 out of a possible 131 games played (2 this year so far and counting) CMC - 60 out of a possible 83 games. Who’s too fragile?
  6. Division rival. Or A game. Or A team that isn’t Buffalo. Nuff said.
  7. The Ringer is my favorite site. But Simmons knows less about football than most members here.
  8. Only because we didn’t have to deal with all of the fake fans we see now. But other than that…
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