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Everything posted by Playoffs?

  1. I can field this one... It’s actually the opposite of being a fair weather fan. It’s a matter of caring way too much and feeling constantly let down... and I fall into that trap for sure. I was negative as hell last night and projected like a crazy person. Maybe some can relate.. maybe not. I’ve been a die-hard fan for so long, thick and thin.. Unfortunately my glasses aren’t too rose colored. Deep down I feel we still have a long way to go. It was too good to be true. In all honesty, we squeaked out wins against miserable Jets and below average Dolphins teams, and we were a controversial PI call away from losing to the Rams after a 28-3 lead. I love that we could pull out wins (that’s huge)... but while people are calling us ‘Super Bowl contenders’ and ‘Josh Allen for MVP,’ you just know we’re a moment away from the wheels coming off. I’m proud of what Allen has done. He IS a franchise QB, and I’m ‘digging’ our offense right now... but our defense is abysmal, and we cannot count on Josh Allen to bail them out over and over again. It’s simply not going to happen. I love the culture McD has created, but I have very little confidence in his ability to make adjustments and outsmart other teams. Josh Allen has bailed him out as well. But Josh Allen was riding a big wave... and sooner or later we would see the puzzling Josh of years past. Hoping just one off game. I, and so many others are starving for a contender. We get little glimpses of it.. our hope goes through the roof, and then we get let down. It’s the life of a Bills fan. My anger from last night is because I wanted to believe we were there, but it was a gut punch to know we still have many hurdles to get past. It will be very interesting to see where we stand after the Arizona game. If this team can have a winning record over the next 5 games, I’d love to eat my words... but it’s truly hard to picture it given the state of our defense and coaching. The litmus test will be whether we can beat the Patriots. My heart wants to say yes! But my head still tells me we find a way to go 0-2. I hope I’m wrong! I mean, how many people are really confident this team is ready to take the throne from the Pats*? I do think we’re truly ready to take the next step once McD can take down the Hoodie twice. We’ll see.. and work to be done. In the meantime, please go get us some defensive help, Mr Beane!
  2. Sean McDermott should punch himself in the face. And then punch the rest of the team. 8-8... keep watching this season.
  3. I think we’re all about to see what another average football team looks like in Buffalo. They’ll win some and keep us in it... and then they’ll make us all scratch our heads like tonight. If you go back through the games, we barely beat the Jets, Dolphins... and would’ve lost to the Rams without a PI call at the end. Oakland game they played well enough. If we can’t get a real defense on the field, AND if Bad Josh comes out more often, we could easily be 5-4 after week 9.
  4. Game over. You all knew Bad Josh was due to come out. Well, here he is.
  5. Why? We could’ve played them Sunday. Why would the outcome be so different?
  6. So sick of hearing about how the Titans didn’t practice. That’s horsesh!t.
  7. This defense really sucks. Need some guys to step up. Let’s face it.. Josh cannot win every game, and he’s due for some down games. We need others to step up. No one wants it tonight.
  8. Ha! The adjustment is as such: “Let’s not make any adjustments, lose the 3rd quarter, and have Josh win the game winning 4th quarter drive”
  9. Defense really needs a big stop here. Let’s get the ball back with time for one last shot.
  10. This is ugly. The Titans allegedly weren’t allowed to practice, but we look like the team that’s unprepared.
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