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Everything posted by Playoffs?

  1. It was a lot closer than it needed to be, despite the final score. If the goal is to get into the playoffs, we’re looking pretty good. If the goal is to win against top tier teams in the playoffs, we have work to do. Scan back through our season... way too many times we let teams back into the game when we should’ve been able to step on throats. Totally happy to see us at our 8-3 record.. but that was a very sloppy 4th quarter today. Need to start learning how to play strong with the lead. Go Bills!
  2. I think he/she was originally saying it’d be nice to close a game out without it being a nail biter. You can’t deny we should’ve won by 3 TD’s today. So yes, obviously the game finished, and obviously we finished with a win, but it was an ugly finish. If we’re going to go anywhere in the playoffs, we need to be more dominant, and not allow teams back into the game. Happy they won.. but need to learn how to close teams out vs getting soft and making mistakes in the second half. It has happened way too many times this year. Do you disagree?
  3. So happy to be wrong! Thank you Fitz, for one of your patented game on the line interceptions! Love you Fitz!
  4. You know Fitz is gonna take them down and win this one. It’s happening.
  5. Ahh man, that was huge.. and I don’t like it
  6. Unfortunately kind of how I see it as well. We need to find ways to stop the run, and need to fix the third quarter issues. I’d like to be pleasantly surprised, but I think the Bills need to show us more before I’ll honestly feel they’re a team that’s ready to win in the post season. We’ve had way too many games come down to the wire. Gotta start closing teams out.
  7. It is amazing, isn’t it? One play... If that Hail Mary fell incomplete, would love to know what the media narrative looks like...
  8. I’m usually doom and gloom, but I’m looking at today’s heartbreaking loss as some football god karma coming back to keep us in check. We’ve had a couple game that we’ve won come right down to the wire.. games that shouldn’t have. We could’ve lost any of them. Well... now we did. 7-3... and MUST beat some very good teams in the coming weeks or else it was never meant to be. This team will need to get together and have a major gut check. My reality check is the way a loss like this makes me feel. It’s like my dog just died. That’s not healthy... this is just football... but dammit it seems that this team is just destined to lose sometimes.
  9. Who has faith in Josh taking us 80 yards and burning out the clock?!?!? This is it..
  10. Wow, just wow. That could’ve been Josh’s 4th INT. Game over. Announcers are happy. NFL is happy. Kyler is the greatest and we’re back to the Josh sucks narrative. Seriously need to worry about the Dolphins...
  11. Holding.. play coming back... Brown hurt. probably a good time to turn this game off.
  12. This. Josh is back to looking like confused Josh. He could’ve easily thrown 3 picks today. doesn’t help that our O-Line looks as bad as they ever have. Blitzes are killing us and we can’t run.
  13. Very concerned if Tre can’t play. Their WR’s are top notch. Our DLine better be applying serious pressure if Tre is out.
  14. Can a receiver give himself up? Or if Jets don’t touch him, does game just end there?
  15. Ha! Almost as if the Jets gave them that one. patriots win right here
  16. Jets need to just let them score. Keep some time on clock
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