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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. CC: Team Eradication Sounds like we're almost thru this! The forever pandemic isn't a pandemic. It's a police state.
  2. 8 billion people in an out of whack cycle of get double vaxxed (lol), get the booster, and another booster. Giving the State....I'm sorry the virus time to become a new variant that keeps the protocols and mandates permanent. You're all subjects now. Good job cowards.
  3. Hahahaha mandate this useless vaccine - and man they sure seemed to figure out a lot about this *new* variant in just 2 weeks. And another 12 months of masks and protocols!!! Omicron will likely 'dominate and overwhelm' the world in 3-6 months, doctor says "Frankly, omicron will dominate and overwhelm the whole world in three to six months," Singapore doctor Leong Hoe Nam told CNBC's "Street Signs Asia." New vaccines targeting omicron are a "nice idea" but won't be practical because of the transmissibility of the strain, he said. While vaccines against the strain can be developed quickly, they need to be tested over three to six months to prove that they can provide immunity against the variant, Dr. Leong Hoe Nam of Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital said Wednesday. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla also said shots could be ready in less than 100 days, or slightly over three months. "Nice idea, but honestly, it is not practical," Leong said of a vaccine that specifically targets omicron. "We won't be able to rush out the vaccines in time and by the time the vaccines come, practically everyone will be infected omicron given this high infectious and transmissibility." For now (and forever), however, Leong said we should continue to roll out vaccinations, keep our distance, wear masks, and not be overly concerned. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/02/omicron-to-dominate-and-overwhelm-the-world-in-3-6-months-doctor-says.html
  4. This is peak low info. It is the opposite of criteria "this is in the public interest" for news. And a perfect example of why "the news" is fake and the enemy of the people. Michigan school massacre suspect’s mother wrote open letter to Trump praising his support for gun rights https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ethan-crumbley-trump-michigan-guns-b1968181.html
  5. AP just assuming this was impossible before the Great Summer of Woke 2020
  6. Sure. He's guilty. That's what you're seeing - a guilty man. Complicit in a coup whether in cooperation with or under threat from China. Pick your conspiracy theory of choice because they were once theories just like "lab leak" was. Anyone hear from Xi and China and how things are going there? Can't wait for the Olympics. It's going to be a full display of what your new lives are going to be like as slaves to the CCP.......don't worry....they tell me it's all for the common good!
  7. Wow wow wow *waits for @Sundancerto chime in with super awesome vaccine data* In the meantime .........
  8. Like a Hollywood script within the span of 2 weeks: New "variant!" detected - WHO is monitoring they're on it! New variant definitely more contagious Can evade vaccines. But we need time to study it (Lolol) Travel bans from several random African countries Biden: "No reason to panic." The Dow: Promptly responds by panicking because Karen is not going to shop at Target now. First cases in Europe detected First case in America detected This is beyond hilarious. It's a script. You're playing right along.
  9. "Our people?" You and your people's fear is the ONLY thing driving the state to prolong this sham indefinitely. They tell you that every time they update you on the Sunday political shows. If in March of 2020, you were entering your last 5 years on earth, about 60% of your time left will be under this sham. And you blaming VOTERS is exactly why it won't end. I don't expect you to get the message. That's some perspective for people that have no real clue what's happening. Because if you think this ends (we swear no one will put up with any more of this for another year), you are mistaken. As long as Team Eradicate the Flu is scared that's it. YEARS. End game is a full fledged police state because they're scared and de facto handed over your rights to the State.
  10. Stunning.... Because we're smart and understand history
  11. Like the ones prescribing Ivermectin or HCQ? Or CCP approved Docs only?
  12. You sure about this? What are the numbers of SICK vaccinated vs unvaccinated SICK not Hospitalized Keep in mind you've been thoroughly discredited with your first claim that the vaccinated aren't spreading it. They are. So let's keep your ignorance on full display here.
  13. Like we told y'all from the beginning and we've been right on everything. It never ends. These idiots will maintain protocols till the virus is eradicated which will be never. This isn't even a plan. It's evil cowardice completely devoid of logic and common sense. They are inherently evil people that hate freedom, hate the country, but love telling you what to do.
  14. Oh cool you're on team eradication now. Good for you. It's worse then being a Detroit Lion fan and as delusional as being a Browns fan.
  15. Dupe. Useful idiot. The Big Lie has been in the works since the summer even they confirmed that for periods of time the vaccinated, who get super special access to venues soon to be dead, are as contagious as unvaccinated: The vaccinated are the super spreaders. They've been covering it up - that explains the boom in cases by July. And it explains them right now. Letting the vaccinated go do whatever they want with special status is the problem.....see below the tweets And here is a socialist buddy of yours: Delta infections among vaccinated likely contagious; Lambda variant shows vaccine resistance in lab In one Wisconsin county, after Delta became predominant, researchers analyzed viral loads on nose-and-throat swab samples obtained when patients were first diagnosed. They found similar viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, with levels often high enough to allow shedding of infectious virus. "A key assumption" underlying current regulations aimed at slowing COVID-19 transmission "is that those who are vaccinated are at very low risk of spreading the virus to others," said study coauthor Katarina Grande of Public Health Madison & Dane County in Madison, Wisconsin. The findings, however, indicate "that vaccinated people should take steps to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus to others," she added. In a separate study from Singapore, researchers found that while Delta viral loads were similar in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, the viral loads decreased faster in the vaccinated group. The Wisconsin and Singapore studies were both posted on Saturday on medRxiv ahead of peer review. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/delta-infections-among-vaccinated-likely-contagious-lambda-variant-shows-vaccine-2021-08-02/ More: C.D.C. Internal Report Calls Delta Variant as Contagious as Chickenpox Infections in vaccinated Americans are rare, compared with those in unvaccinated people, the document said. But when they occur, vaccinated people may spread the virus just as easily. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/30/health/covid-cdc-delta-masks.html You. Are. A. Dupe..
  16. If you read this tweet as if Fox is doing something wrong, you're definitely a member of the Branch Covidians. If you read this as "absolutely, why are we still talking about the flu?" then you love freedom and democracy.
  17. Just shut it all down! 15 more days to see what happens!! WHO urges those over 60 to nix international travel amid Omicron https://nypost.com/2021/11/30/who-urges-those-over-60-to-nix-international-travel/
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