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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Hey no problem just like Covid underscored the need for vaccines! Breakthrough COVID-19 cases have become more common, underscoring need for boosters, Yale study finds https://www.courant.com/coronavirus/hc-news-coronavirus-yale-research-breakthrough-cases-20211204-m6q6xfeumra3ziifnpkspvwjau-story.html
  2. Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Hospitalizations Of Fully Vaccinated Rising Dr. Anthony Fauci warned the public that there is a rise in COVID-19-related hospitalizations of fully vaccinated people but have not had their booster shots. Dr. Fauci announced on Nov. 17. "What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted,” he said. “It’s a significant proportion, but not the majority by any means.” https://www.newsonyx.com/dr-anthony-fauci-says-hospitalizations-of-fully-vaccinated-rising/ BIDEN: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” — CNN town hall Try finding a single clip of that anywhere. Scrubbed. And just for fun....
  3. "They aren't making masks permanent.....it's a temporary measure and once vaccinated you can ditch the mask." Oregon: March 15, 2021:
  4. Why aren't the masks or vaccines working?! They must all be dead then
  5. Study suggests past COVID infection may not fend off omicron https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-africa-south-africa-2e44bbbd4f6e46447a17638580647a52 THEY KNOW SO MUCH ALREADY!! It's amazing!!! Science!!
  6. Is it possible this sham Omicron is simply to get gas prices down? Is that where we're at now? Wouldn't surprise me at all - that and to give China cover when ZERO foreigners are at the dystopian Olympics.
  7. That's because they're all inside. C'mon man. Of course weather impacts the games football more then any other. No other sport plays in "weather" - baseball cancels when it rains! What a bunch of softies! In football heavy rain absolutely limits the passing game. As was said before and the data tells us this, once winds get over 20-25 mph, QB play dips. Passing games are not as efficient in wind and rain. It's not even debatable. This isn't to say oh shoot we're done. We beat Baltimore in that wind bowl in January. Its just not ideal for this team to have to play in it. What's Allen's record in "ideal" weather or a dome since 2019? Conditions where winds weren't over 20 mph or a steady rain. I bet we've lost less then 3 times. Now he's also at times been good in rain/wind. The Houston game. Washington game was windy. And some not. I recall the home game v Baltimore in 2019 was windy. The Eagles game that season was windy. It's unconscionable to build a team in Buffalo not ready for December/January. Where you have an oline and an RB that you can rely on when you have to have it. I think for people like me my issue is more that then needing a dome. But I want a dome.
  8. Based on their metrics today there is no end to this due to the facts you just posted and they can't refute. This tweet by itself should be justification for an actual revolt in this country let alone the fact that it was a lie. They will now proceed to double down and tell you a CCP style police state isn't so bad.
  9. Yep They're not even going to call it Covid anymore - either you're sick of hearing it or you're terrified of the variants
  10. COVID-19 likely to reach baseline mutation in the future As the new variant spreads across the world and into the United States, it reinforces what many health experts already knew – that COVID-19 is likely sticking around for years to come. "It's not normal," for those who are vaccinated to get long COVID-19 in breakthrough cases, he said. "It may occur in a minimum of people." But getting vaccinated or a booster shot is more likely to just put off contracting a breakthrough case later, instead of making the person impervious, he said. Obviously, no one wants to get COVID-19, but people have to think about strategy, he said. These first-generation vaccines will "kick the can down the road" until second-generation vaccines are developed. "Especially since we know the trajectory of the pandemic is not influenced by booster vaccinations, it’s influenced by first and second doses," he said. Although there will always be some risk related to COVID-19, "the best way to live with it is to get vaccinated so that you’re protected against the severe consequences of the disease," said Adalja. Looking ahead to the future, decades from now, the virus will have integrated into society. Although there will always be some risk related to COVID-19, "the best way to live with it is to get vaccinated so that you’re protected against the severe consequences of the disease," said Adalja. "Eventually you will see some of the public health recommendations become more like recommendations than requirements in terms of isolation and quarantine," he said. https://www.audacy.com/news/covid-19-likely-to-reach-baseline-mutation-in-the-future Read those last 2 paragraphs again. Nothing changes the dynamic of vaccinated still getting covid for YEARS. There is no magic percentage vaccinated that does this. You've been lied to. All it does is lessen the chances of you dying. That's it. The fear of cases keeps this permanent unless you live in a free state. The protocols will be permanent and that isn't sustainable let alone conducive to a free society.
  11. Omicron Shows Why It’s Time to Move On from COVID Restrictions ....In March 2020, the debate was over whether to impose restrictions and tell people to hunker down for a matter of weeks or maybe a few months. Whatever one’s opinion on the debate over restrictions back then, it’s different from the debate we now find ourselves in — the debate over how we want to live our lives, assuming that COVID-19 is here with us forever. Sacrifices that may have been manageable or policies that may have been defensible for a short period of time are much more unrealistic when the time frame becomes indefinite. And the existence of Omicron suggests that “indefinite” is now the reality. A year ago, vaccines were supposed to be the natural endpoint. But since vaccines have become widely available, we’ve learned that their ability to prevent infection wanes over time, even though they are safe and remain effective at reducing the chances of severe illness. This means that people require boosters to reestablish their immunity. But what if boosters, too, become less effective over time? That brings us to the variants. The number of COVID-19 cases was winding down in the spring, before the Delta wave hit in the summer and fall and helped trigger another surge. Now Omicron is on the march. We have every reason to believe that there will be additional variants to follow. ...we’re perpetually either coming off a surge from one variant or bracing for the spread of new one, so this is a recipe for never truly going back to normal. The same goes for vaccines. Fauci claimed on Wednesday that the lesson from Omicron is that “if we had the overwhelming majority of the people in this country vaccinated and those who needed to be boosted, boosted, our vulnerability would be much less than it is now.” It’s an odd thing to say given that the one confirmed case of Omicron in the U.S. is somebody who was double vaccinated and, as Fauci notes, we have no solid evidence on whether the vaccines are effective against Omicron. Fauci went on to say, "The endgame — which we hope and I think will occur — is that as we get more people vaccinated, not only in this country but globally, we will see a situation where viruses will not have the opportunity. What they have right now is to essentially freely distribute and freely circulate in society, both domestic society and global society." But during the same press conference, Fauci reiterated that the definition of “fully vaccinated” could change so it would include only people who had received their boosters. If that’s the case, and we need boosters every six months, and on top of that there may be updated mRNA boosters aimed at specific variants, and new variants keep cropping up every few months, how could it possibly be realistic to expect that we’re going to keep a critical mass of the world fully vaccinated? We aren’t talking about something like the MMR vaccine, which creates lifetime immunity. We’re talking about a constantly moving target. So there is not likely to be any sort of “endpoint” as Fauci would define it. COVID-19 is endemic and will likely be here for quite a long time. Making sacrifices for a few months to a year is a lot different from living a certain way for many years, or even decades. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/12/omicron-shows-why-its-time-to-move-on-from-covid-restrictions/
  12. Fear porn Commie rag - notice the bold Omicron Triggers ‘Unprecedented’ COVID Surge Hitting Under 5s in South Africa ....Groome said: “This is the highest we’ve ever seen it since the start of the pandemic.” Phaahla said daily cases have rocketed by 9,000 cases per day, climbing from “2,465 new cases last Thursday when this variant was announced to yesterday’s high of 11,535.” “This variant is indeed highly transmissible, including in people who have already been vaccinated,” he said. Phaahla attempted to sound an optimistic note by saying that he believes the new variant is more transmissible “but less severe” than previous variants. He said that while vaccinated people are getting infected, a disproportionate number of those ending up in hospitals are not vaccinated and that the South African hospital system is coping for the time being and has spare capacity. https://www.thedailybeast.com/omicron-variant-puttings-huge-numbers-of-kids-under-5-years-old-in-hospital-in-south-africa When stating facts, it's an attempt at an "optimistic note." When hyping the fear, those are facts.
  13. The stupid comes out when even more so when they have nowhere to go. Its a pattern. They have not had a good couple weeks here in the face of the latest "variant" (this is all scripted) that's going to take away all of 2022.....they've come to the conclusion this is all a sham and everything being done is illogical, comical, tragic, and disgusting. You have to remember they'll never admit it But this is why protocols had to end years ago. Because this dynamic is NEVER changing. Thus why would they end protocols? It's an admission everything they did was wrong. If they can end in February 2022, they can end today. They don't intend on letting their fear go. They love their blaming Trump voters and the media of course going right along with it. Anyone that isn't under threat of being fired needs to resist all protocols. Don't wear a mask anywhere in Erie County. They want to make life "difficult" for the vaccinated. Make life difficult for them. Then vote the POS out.
  14. Sunvaxxer is just embarrassed at how wrong he's been about everything. So he's just deflecting. And doubling down.
  15. Troll all you want bro. It's embarrassing. I was born well before 1990, thus not a thin skinned beta male like yourself.
  16. Appears that way. Their special passports got them in to this. Now people will die. Get the tanks out. Full scale CCP lockdown is the only way
  17. This isn't the useless vaccine content we're here for.
  18. Omg hahahahahahahahahahaha they were just flat out telling you the plot months ago - they don't even care anymore. They know you're scared of the air. Prinesha Naidoo, Bloomberg News Aug 17, 2021 (Bloomberg) -- South Africa expects a fourth wave of coronavirus infections to start on Dec. 2 and to last about 75 days, Salim Abdool Karim, former chairman of the government’s ministerial advisory committee on Covid-19, said. The government is assuming that the wave will follow a similar pattern to that of the third wave and that there will be a new variant by then, he said in a Government Technical Advisory Centre conference. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/south-africa-sees-covid-19-fourth-wave-starting-in-early-december-1.1641028.amp.html
  19. And this will flip come April 2022 because of the seasonality of this sham. And we'll flip again by December 2022 And we'll flip again by April 2023 And we'll flip again by December 2023 And we'll flip again by April 2024 And we'll flip again by December 2024. And we'll flip again by April 2025 Stay scared! New variants coming!!!
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