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Everything posted by PolishDave

  1. Horton looks way better in his photos where he doesn't have corn rows. Like way, way, way better. Like a normal dude. I have a hard time taking Rob Ryan seriously. Every time they show him on the sideline with his weird facial gestures and his hair flopping around, I can't help but think he should be a professional wrestler. He just looks like a guy who is going to grab the microphone and talk some smack with a ridiculously deep voice..... then jump in the ring and go clothesline some little muscular dude running at him.....
  2. It can be used for hunting, but more likely used for fun. The AR-15 looks very similar to what you know as an M-16 (the guns they show soldiers carrying in Vietnam era movies).
  3. Que the Shannon Sharpe footage from any given Sunday. The guy knows his football, but God help me I can't understand what the man says. When he is commenting on a game it sounds like he is speaking Greek. I just look at my wife..chuckle and think WTF? He would make an excellent tech support person for Dell Computer.
  4. God I love these after game interviews. It is rare that they interview a player who is very articulate. Of course I know that there are plenty of smart people out there who can't speak well (or am I wrong there) but man it is rare when dealing with football players. Isn't it? Do you really have to be a giant dumbass to excel at their level? Stereotypical dumb jock football right there.
  5. Hey Bronc.....didn't you skip out after the first quarter to go play Atari or something? lol
  6. For anyone left thinking that special teams aren't that important....go ask Florida State or Auburn if they matter or not. Yeah yeah yeah...its college....
  7. Is that Benjamin a senior? What is he going to do without having him to throw to?
  8. After watching so many unbelievably exciting college games, I find myself wondering why I don't dedicate more of my fan time to the sport of college football. Dang this is fun.
  9. Weren't people saying in other threads on here tonight that special teams don't really matter?
  10. I hate the fact that they start these games so late on a weeknight. Dammit. I can't keep my friggin eyes open, but I want to watch this game..... Wait......am I sleep typing right now......
  11. Even in college ball, the refs still leave you scratching your head a lot. Man those zebras have an awful lot of influence in the game. And so much of it goes unnoticed.
  12. Cool part about this game is FSU has enough talent to come back in this game. Could be a really good 2nd half. Or not...
  13. I agree with this part of what you said especially the recency effect. But the fact is that you have to consider the entire year's body of work when evaluating the guy. You can't just drop his bad plays or bad games and then say he was alright. I have seen people (not you) do that here repeatedly with Ej for example where they say he played nearly perfect in the Jax game if you drop the first quarter. LoL funny stuff. You can't drop any bad plays when evaluating whether someone played bad or good. That is the whole point. After considering the full year, Crossman's results are poor. There is no denying it. That gives people the right to want to hold him accountable somehow instead just trying to overlook it or sweep it under the rug.
  14. Auburn Nation bringin it hard with the noise. FSU Oline = deaf out there.
  15. Hey I've only been here a little while but I think the chatter is pretty good. Lots of good opinions except for all you guys who disagree with me and deserve to be B-slapped regularly.....(sarcasm of course) Good Bills talk here without a doubt.
  16. No start another one. We need another EJ thread. Nobody has voiced a recent opinion about him yet. Maybe fans changed their minds since yesterday.
  17. I get your point and the whole slippery slope thing that fans would want every little thing explained to them. And I agree that doing that would be insane. I think in regards to this decision it would be warranted though. But hey, that is just my opinion. The reason I think it is warranted is because if the Bills lose a game next year where special teams mistakes contributed to the loss, you can bet that this subject is going to rear its ugly head again. Except if and when that happens, a higher percentage of fans will want to see Marrone sent to the Guillotine right alongside Mr. Crossman. If Marrone has a legit explanation other than (he's my buddy and I can't bear the thought of firing my buddy this soon) then I think he would improve his stock with the fan base a lot by explaining himself at least to a much greater extent than saying "players fault let's move on."
  18. Educating your customers on why your company does what it does is a bad idea? I would think the opposite case is true. How is it bad to help fans understand why you made a certain decision? It can only be bad if the reasons are illogical. Right?
  19. Epiphany.... Hey...If EJ doesn't work out during the first half of next season, can we move him to special teams to shore up the talent? Maybe he can chase guys down and tackle them on kickoffs? Is that the kind of player talent Marrone wants for his special teams unit to not suck?
  20. Dude....where do you get your pizza from....that is some damn righteous brain food.... Good idea man......I think you are onto something......Write a letter to the Buffalo News.....cc Russ Brandon..
  21. I don't much care for mob mentality either, but I think fans have a right to be mad about this situation. If Crossman had a good coaching record prior to coming here, he would not be getting this kind of flak right now. But he doesn't have a good record. This year should have been a probation year for Crossman based on his coaching history. This year should have been Crossman's chance to prove the naysayers wrong. But Crossman failed. He proved them 100% correct. He proved he lacks the skill. You know what would be nice that I am sure isn't going to happen? It would be nice if Marrone would put his own ass on the hot seat and give a public film breakdown of why the poor special teams' performance is not due to coaching. Saying they need "better players" is a vague avoidance of the issue and a lame ass cover up. You can always blame it on players. I want to see him explain exactly how this Crossman guy coached well and still ended up with lousy results. Show me coach. I bet you can't. The least you could do is tell the fans the truth about why you are choosing to not make a change here. What is the real reason? We know why. And it has nothing to do with coaching ability. If it is about coaching then prove it.
  22. Hey quick side note.... Remember when Tom Brady and Randy Moss both hid from the media and from the pro bowl after losing the Superbowl to the Giants? Man that was satisfying. They thought they were so high and mighty and perfect that they were too embarrassed to even talk about it and give credit where credit was due. I will forever cherish that memory to remind me of the mental childishness of those two players. Sorry for the tangent. I thought other people might like to relive that memory too.. And yes, some NFL rules are very ambiguous.
  23. I'm not really sure what I want the Bills to do at pick 9 right now because I would like to think they will make some moves with veteran personnel between now and then that will probably affect the draft. I think it also really depends on how high Doug and Doug grade the quarterbacks that are coming up in the draft. If they are completely sold on a guy and think he might be a one year project instead of a 3 or 4 year project (like EJ) then I can totally see them pulling the trigger on a quarterback. The goal is to upgrade your talent at every position that is reasonably possible. So, why in the world would you not want to upgrade at quarterback too? It seems pretty common sense to me. If you can upgrade then you upgrade. Logically, who cares who you drafted where last year? Why should that change your decision to upgrade or not? So in my opinion, the thing that really matters is whether Whaley and Marrone both think very highly of any of the quarterbacks coming out this year. If they do agree and that guy is available, then you take him. Otherwise I think the trade down strategy to get extra picks is a pretty logical and pretty viable strategy.
  24. lol....Sorry man... I assume that "Richard" is the long version of what you really wanted to call me...It's cool if you like the guy. Obviously I don't.
  25. Thanks for bringing up those great game memories. I took a good friend of mine to that Patriots game where we beat them. It was his first Bills game ever. He was like "Holy Chit Dude!" He could not believe how a crowd could go so ape nuts. I laugh thinking about that. What a first game experience huh? The guy was in complete awe of how awesome a game experience can be in the Ralph. There really is nothing like it. A lot of people who live in Western NY and have never attended a game will say that they have better seats at home and don't want to deal with the hassles of going to a game. But if some of those people went to a game like the ones you mentioned as their first game experience, a high percentage of those people would instantly fall in love with the live game experience. It is truly remarkable. And for the life of me I can't understand why other teams in other stadiums don't extract as much fun out of the games and go as ape nuts as Bills fans do. I think they are missing out on a truly wonderful part of life.
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