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Everything posted by SWATeam

  1. Boy, I was just thinking it was time for another one of these threads... what fun
  2. Coaches say that Cassel works with the 1's everyday. To me that speaks volumes.
  3. So you don't think the real problems that they face get any coverage? All the "real" problems in the world never really go away. I'm sure it's hard for the media to focus on and constantly make new stories on issues that really never go away or change very slowly. The Cecil story is a blip and we will all move on to the next thing, it's how it works. Ever go on Facebook? People talk about more than the deepest issues So you think 10 years from now people will still be talking about Cecil? I'm sure people will still be talking about about poor people in Africa
  4. Someone in the crowd yelled "C'mon EJ" This is the "news" we are getting from Twitter? These guys are embarrassing
  5. This line of thinking drives me crazy. So when a story breaks that isn't the most important problem in the world it should not be focused on?
  6. I'm very concerned about this. I think people are missing just how good Leo has become. To expect our second round rookie to step right in and be as good (right away) is a major reach. He'll be picked on
  7. Very excited to see Randell in this D. I think he'll have a role
  8. Great post here. Uh, he has yet to be fired at it appears it has run its course legally
  9. If they really want to turn it up a notch, they should incorporate this new QB stock price thing into their next vegetable draft
  10. Whose us? Have you enlightened us as to your favorite team yet?
  11. Well, maybe if they were choir boys they would have won one of those SB's.... It must take a high character team to win it all, like those cowboy teams...
  12. GoBills, you always seem to perfecltly capture the essence of a story with your thread title. Well done
  13. As a rochestarian, I'm curious as to what those might be
  14. /thread... please, untill there is an update
  15. Yeah, I think you're right... But if I remember correctly that no name QB made the pro bowl a year or two after
  16. Shirl, I'd like to congratulate both you and Howard on how tech savy you are- it's very refreshing. Please just don't try to post to TBD while walking the mall, it's dangerous...
  17. That's what I thought the first year we got Mario... Our LB's under Wanndsted were beyond bad
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