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Everything posted by SWATeam

  1. Do you understand that you can pass on 3rd down and Fred is incredible at pass protection and an above average pass catcher? Your statement is laughable
  2. If Freddie is cut I better not see a 22 on the field next year...
  3. This guy is a weapon. Our offense will look totally different... This excites me
  4. Murray is no where near the back that McCoy is. Just because he had a great year (behind a far superior o line) I guess that is all that people remember. If you asked that question a year ago people would have laughed at you. Shady was a bit banged up early, had a bad o line and had issues with chip. I'll take him every time. Murray also had a all time workload last year, it will be interesting to see how he bounces back.
  5. I bet Marshawn is quite the conversationalist on the phone
  6. Sign me up for this. Obviously a shell of his former self but still pretty good and fits what we are missing. Veteran with size
  7. Everyone says that but I'm not sure it's true...the damn patriots let everyone go!
  8. Thanks for the info, keep it coming! Any idea on who they prefer out of the other options?
  9. I'd like him back. Don't think he fits the offense though... Hope he doesn't sign with the pats
  10. I'm a little fuzzy on my math but I believe the percentage accounts for that
  11. Chris hogan drop % 2014- 3.3%. Gronk 5.4% demaryus Thomas 5.3% to name a couple
  12. I have no idea either, prob because he bounced around a bit. To me he looks the part. Good size an good athleticism,just needs more reps IMO
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