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Everything posted by SWATeam

  1. Chiefs tackles kind of suck. Their interior is great
  2. An absolute moron. Without his means this guy would be in jail or dead. Yeah, the rich white male billionaire just can't get ahead in this world...
  3. Brady called more 12 personnel in this past game than we have since Knox went down, so yes, I assume they will both be on the field plenty. At the very least Knox is a very good red zone weapon and a plus blocker. It's going to be a help
  4. There is a big difference in "needing" to stay in the 1 seed and the level of desperation the Bills currently face.
  5. LOL, gamedays are nothing for McD compared to fielding questions form Wawrow and Mookie Hawkins!
  6. I also like being the more desperate team. We NEED to win, they do not.
  7. Then why on earth is their top receiver currently Justin Watson?
  8. LOL, not that I care, but I was mocking your banner waving for the INCREDIBLE FEAT of the most financially advantaged franchise of all time actually having a... winning record... LOL. I did not predict that AMAZING accomplishment was not going to be achieved. Congrats on the special season!!! 😂 In this case I was mocking YOU telling another poster to own up to their terrible take. LOL. Not exactly your strong suit! 🤣
  9. Nothing wrong with having two good TE's. Regardless of his limitations Knox is a RZ weapon that scores a lot of TD's and he's a plus blocker.
  10. He looks like a clearly different level player (from Dane at least) to my eye. The size and length are apparent- and he actually uses that size to be physical within routes- and there's an energy around him that he's going to make a play on the ball. He's just a perfect fit for this D IMO.
  11. There are the worst 6-3 team ever and now they get TWO games against the Burrowless Bengals and one against the Watsonless Browns. There toughest test is week 18 vs. BAL who will probably have nothing to play for...
  12. Yep, no opposing team would care to know of an opposing stars injury as no one would sink to potentially giving that wrist a little extra business if given the opportunity
  13. Yes, because the only way to win that game was to hope for a missed 40 yard FG as time expired.
  14. By neuter do you mean not take insane unnecessary risks and protect his body when possible?
  15. The defense is not going to lead this team to a championship. If Josh Allen was playing like we know he can everything would be right in the world and we wouldn't be digging in every corner for "what's wrong." Josh is the franchise and we will go as he goes. The only thing that matters is getting him right and it does seem to be some sort of mental issue.
  16. Yes, I agree the fact that he actually made those comments is unusual. That's the weird part, not the take itself which seems evident.
  17. Yes, because we all know the biggest factor for coaching success is entertaining PC's!
  18. I mean it's not that weird, it's what we've all been seeing with Josh. He's just not the same guy right now. The thing that strikes me is McD being so forthcoming with how little he usually says about anything.
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