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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. In related news I hear that Kraft Foods will be introducing a couple of new VPs in the coming weeks (should they keep their mouths shut).
  2. That would be nice, but I'm at the "just shut up and show me something" stage with him. The next thing I want to hear out of his mouth is a discussion about how he was able to put everything together and become the successful NFL starting QB we hoped he'd be. Words are totally meaningless at this point and going forward until he makes some real progress.
  3. Wow. 4 whole Pats fans sitting on the floor of the NFL lobby. Not exactly downtown Baltimore.
  4. I'd gladly take ribbing after the fact for a couple SB wins and the relative slap on the wrist the Pats have gotten. And it would be well-deserved ribbing that I would be comfortable getting. Now if there had been an NCAA style hammering with titles and wins vacated, then that'd be a different story.
  5. Guess that depends a lot on whether or not Josh Gordon is back next year or not. He instantly makes that WR corps formidable.
  6. Hopeful on Miller and Incognito. I don't think Kouandjio is going to get any quicker though. My only hope is that he and Woods had trouble because they were always looking to help the wretched OGs last season and they'll be better because they don't have to worry about that constantly. I hope that was the problem.
  7. Possibly. Low risk signing so it wouldn't cost much to see if he could be effective in a different system/atmosphere. Can someone refresh me on waivers? I understand how it works, but don't know if picking him up would guarantee any portion of his contract. Could he be picked up and cut without any cap ramifications?
  8. Important to note that this is LAST season's OL rankings. (The title implies that this is for the lines as they stand.) Hopefully we see a big improvement because I find PFF's overall rating of last season's OL difficult to argue with.
  9. That was hilarious indeed. Stewart will be missed.
  10. I'm not on the "Trust in Doug" bandwagon. I'm not hanging the guy at this point either, I'm just not sold. I like a lot of what he's done with the roster, but he's done it at a substantial cost from a cap perspective. He's not nearly at Phins-level, but he has the Bills up there (probably second) and that's without having to pay a franchise QB. I am not a big fan of these last two drafts either. I will take a wait and see approach, but I'm watching the cap situation as closely as the QB situation right now. How those progress will give me my final opinion on Whaley.
  11. I totally agree. Dunno. I can see him bailing if things start to go South. He's the kind of guy that leaves behind wreckage, but gets out before it affects him personally. It'll be interesting to see how long it is before that catches up with him.
  12. I totally disagree. Look at their fumble numbers over the years. I don't have time to do it again right now, but I compared the Pats number of fumbles (best in the league for years!) to the average number of team fumbles across the NFL. IIRC it netted out to between 6 and 8 lost fumbles a year. Some of those games would have been close enough for one turnover to make the difference in the outcome. A loss or two can change the playoff picture with differences in home field advantage - or even making the playoffs. The actual infraction might seem like a very small thing, but the overall impact was very big. I wish someone in the media would run with it. I will rework the numbers if I have time.
  13. I'm in the "You can't fully evaluate a draft for 3 years" crowd. I'm also in the "99% of the media adds nothing of substance" crowd. Those apply here. But as I sit here today, I am not a fan of this draft. I wish I was.
  14. I'm not sure what Polian said because I didn't hear it, but I can't imaginge he meant that the Bills should have drafted a QB to start the beginning of this season. You can argue that Winston and Mariota can, but beyond that there is no one in this draft. I have to think he meant a guy who potentially could be a quality starter at some point, which would be reasonable.I can easily give them EJ and a pass last year, but I just can't give them Taylor this year. He's not developing into anything. They needed someone else with a chance. EJ still has one, but it's probably his last in a Bills uniform. Maybe the thought was that they wouldn't undermine him by taking another QB, but I hate that line of thought. If that does him in, then he's not NFL caliber anyway. This is too good of a team with too few holes to see them ignored almost completely.
  15. Doubt anyone would be glossing over this kid's rap sheet if he had gotten drafted by the Patriots. I sure won't be rooting for this POS. And I'm hoping this kind of player addition isn't a trend. I don't need a team full of choir boys, but this is pretty effed up. I don't want the Bills turning into the Bengals or Cowboys either.
  16. Just no on Cutler. He's guaranteed $15.5M this year and $10M next. Not for what he's shown in recent years. F that. Bradford would have been a guy I'd have looked at hard, but I don't see how the Bills could have acquired him. And then there is the matter of his injury history and the inability/unwillingness of the Bills to build the OL. Honestly, why bother if this is the line you're going to put him behind?
  17. Draft (or otherwise acquire) a potential long term solution at QB each and every year until one is found. Then acquire another the same way at some point, like Green Bay likes to do.
  18. If they weren't going for a QB then Fisher seemed the obvious choice. Two big areas of need on this team. Two. Totally addressed with one 3rd round pick. Once again QB and OL play is going to hold this team back and waste a stellar defense and some very talented skill position players. If Whaley & Co. had swung and whiffed trying to address those needs, I could at least be confident that they'd continue to work toward fixing them. But it's like they still aren't a priority. WTF?
  19. The problem is, even if he had nothing to do with this, there is no way to exonerate Collins before the draft. Paternity tests take time. Investigations take time. This is going to be hanging over his head for some time to come. A team can't simply draft him and hope everything is all cleared up shortly. They will have to pay him his signing bonus and put him on the field before this is resolved. What if the team does all that and then this guy gets indicted in, say, November? What a freaking mess. What GM is going to take that risk at this point? On a side note. Something just smells fishy here. Dragging his feet to get himself in front of the police and at least somewhat cleared, the lack of apparent concern about his ex's death, the possibility that he might have a child that was almost murdered and apparent lack of interest in having a paternity test to find out whether or not the child is his. Maybe he's just getting advice from his agent and lawyer to stay quiet and not speak to the public, but it is just odd. Obviously there are reasons other than involvement in her murder for this behavior, but it just seems odd. It also didn't say a meeting was actually scheduled through his agent. Only that they were in contact with the agent for such purpose. The police might be waiting on Collins' availability, which might reasonably be tied to when he could physically get back to town which might not have been known at the time.
  20. No GM is going to take a big risk on a guy who MIGHT be tied up in something like this. Teams are all totally mum on this tragedy because they're all scrambling for information. Some team will take the risk at some point - probably Dallas, Cincy or the like because those teams don't seem to much care about image as it relates to the personal lives of their players and because there isn't a GM answering to an owner. As for his fall, I wouldn't be surprised if he went straight on past the Bills at pick 50. It will depend a great deal upon what teams find out between now and tomorrow night, of course.
  21. It gives them a big cushion, which is nice. I expect the long term deal to get signed next offseason. Looking at the Bills cap situation, 2016 is where they're going to need relief so lowering Gilmore's cap hit for that season makes the most sense. Hopefully both sides agree on the parameters of his new contract leading up to then.
  22. The Jets and Bills are in very similar cap situations. I can't imagine why the Bills keep getting mentioned as possible landing spots for expensive defensive lineman. Not even players that could take Dareus's place, which might be understandable wih him being on his last year of his contract. It's just ridiculous. Completely agree. I'm sure there's a nice NFC team he could be traded to.
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