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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. When a Bon Jovi song comes on the radio I turn the station. That was true before, during and after last year.
  2. Roman has been talked about as a HC candidate for many years, but has been repeatedly passed over. At this point I have to think there's a valid reason he hasn't gotten that HC gig he seems to want pretty badly (judging by the interviews he has done). Or maybe it's just been bad luck and now owners are gun shy. That happens. And sometimes guys are just much better coordinators or position coaches than stepping up a level. I don't know what's up, but I'd love to.
  3. A franchise QB would put the Bills into the hunt for a Super Bowl, but not having such a player, squeaking into the playoffs and getting crushed in the first round doesn't. Sure, you can go looking for one, but judging by the futility of the Bills' search for that very player I think it's safe to say that they're tough to come by. Good luck with that. I'll take a complete team that narrowly missed the playoffs and is poised to make a SB run over a likely perpetual also-ran any day. But that's just me.
  4. Mirages bother me more. And F squeaking into the playoffs, then showing we don't belong there and then being positioned to not make it back. You know the Browns have a shorter playoff drought than the Bills, right? That's because they went to one playoff game since the Bills have been - and they lost it. If you think Browns fans wouldn't trade that one playoff loss for a bona file franchise QB going forward, then you're nuts. I can be true if they are nearly out of the playoff hunt before he gets to start. How about something like this? Cassel starts and doesn't play well then gets benched or injured after posting a 2-4 record. Manuel comes in, everything clicks for him and the Bills go 8-2 to finish 10-6 and just miss the playoffs on a tiebreaker. I'd take that in a heartbeat.
  5. We won't know what Manuel can or can't do until the bullets start flying. That's been his issue, not looking good practicing in shorts. I hope he surprises me when the time comes and, even though I'm not optimistic, now is not the time to rip on the guy. I'd rather have a franchise QB than get to say I was right. I'm rooting for him.
  6. I'm in. I'll go with under 11-5 and I want a four pack of DFH 90 minute IPA (available at your local Consumer's Beverage). I will give you that or an equivalent dollar amount of whatever beer you want should you win. If you're game, please respond.
  7. It's so tempting to see a player like this at such a position of need and want to squeeze him under the cap. But the more I think about it, the dumber that would be. I've been critical of the Bills FA spending already - and some of those players (like Clay) are young enough to be around for awhile if they are worth it. Mathis would be going after an expensive, older player who would really start to majorly mess up the cap situation and likely wouldn't be here in 3 years. F that. The only thing I give him a pass on is wanting out of Chip Kelly's kingdom, I don't blame any player for that at this point.
  8. I'm not going to argue anymore. What I wrote is correct. The Bills can push off the cap hit of two years' prorated signing bonuses until next offseason if they designate him as a post June 1st cut. The total cap hit is the same, however. It is either $2,625,000 in dead money with $725,000 cap savings if cut pre-June 1st or if post-June 1st it would be $875,000 in dead money and a $2,475,000 cap savings in 2015 plus a $1.75 cap hit and dead money in 2016. That cap hit just doesn't disappear and the Bills gain little by pushing it off because the're already set to be in a crunch next season (and because of carryover allowances).
  9. That's fair. If we had our QB it would be different.
  10. You are mixing up the numbers. The first one is dead money, the second is cap space saved. (Just look at the prorated signing bonus numbers.) Even if they'd designate him as a June 1st cut then they just push off some of the signing bonus hit until next season. June 1st designated cuts are still accounted for as if the player is not cut until that date. It just removes risks associated with the team being on the hook for salary if the player gets injured, paying for work out bonuses, etc. - and it gets the player on the market sooner.
  11. http://overthecap.com/player/chris-williams/2179/ Cutting Chris Williams only saves a very little bit of space this season. $725k would be the cap reduction. (Incidentally another player making $585k would move up into the top 51 and that money would be deducted from the cap space, netting $140k savings. That player would fall back out if another player like Mathis was signed.) His dead money would be $2.625M. Still, it would be worth it just to save space in 2016 and beyond. He's expensive dead weight.
  12. Sadly, this is correct. It would be worth it though.
  13. I agree on the coaches. I wonder if the HGH testing is making it harder for some of these teams to replenish their rosters. For example there are a lot of rumors - and facts - out of Pittsburgh, including former team doctor Rydze, Worlids, etc. I took the question as which teams took the biggest step back this offseason. Big Ben has covered a lot of issues on that team along with Brown. But they lost a lot on defense this offseason: Polamalu, Worlids, Kiesel and both starting CBs (even if they weren't great). The offense only lost Lance Moore so that will keep them competitive and they'll still do ok as a team because of it, but that defense just took a big hit. I did not care much for their draft so I don't see much help there.
  14. Chipper is going to leave that team a red hot mess.
  15. 1. SF - and it's not even close Others that have had notable net losses (in no particular order): Pittsburgh Baltimore New Orleans Denver (thanks to losing their LT) Detroit Cleveland (if Josh Gordon's suspension is included) Here is a link for some team by team info: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2474992-recapping-every-teams-key-additions-and-losses
  16. The atmosphere of the HO is going to be off the hook. It'll be like a playoff game. The exuberance of the fan base is overwhelming and, I think, a bit premature. The gnawing question of competent QB play keeps getting glossed over, but at least it gets mentioned. Ditto the OL. The issues of a new coaching staff implementing new systems and an influx of new players, many of whom are pricy or come with baggage, is totally ignored. The Bills have some real talent on the team and a great front 7, but there is a lot that has to come together reasonably quickly for them to make a deep playoff run. This team is good enough to make it into the playoffs, but I want more than that. I want a team that can win (or at least compete for) a title and with what we have at QB and the suspect OL in front of any of them I am not optimistic for that. I see a year a lot like 2014, maybe just a bit better. Maybe a bit worse depending upon the learning curves and how quickly the new cogs mesh. The best scenarios might involve the team clicking and then going all in for a QB next offseason.
  17. There are degrees of success. The minimum level of success is making the playoffs and looking like we should be there. Of the two choices given I'd take the second. A first round playoff spanking will be quickly forgotten, but finding a FQB would mean the very real possibility of a SB run starting next season - and for those of you keeping score, a SB victory is the ultimate goal.
  18. Perhaps it could go next to the "Great Job!!!" banner.
  19. I've been using overthecap.com but they both bear out the same thing although the numbers are a little different.
  20. Correct. Sorry, was going from memory of the last time this came up. Still, there's no room for a guy like Mathis.
  21. No, they really couldn't fit him under without freeing up some real cap space. That $6M the Bills currently are looking at will have to cover unsigned draft picks, a full 53 man roster (under Rule of 51 now), a practice squad and any in-season additions due to players going on IR. Also forget about some magical contract structure that pushes the cap hit off until next year as that looks even looks tighter. Plus there's the little matter of upcoming free agents needing signed. Players like Dareus. He's 300 pounds, isn't he? That seems like a reasonable weight for a guy who plays LG and would be required to pull. Even in a power scheme you need guys who can do that
  22. They do play that card a lot, but with good reason. Their support sucks and Florida already had two established teams when they were added. Jax should never have gotten a team to begin with. The only reason they haven't moved yet is that the NFL has them pegged for moving to London when the time is right.
  23. I'd think the Bills would still be very interested in acquiring a guard the caliber of Mathis. He'd be a big upgrade. They're just way beyond the point of being able to afford him.
  24. Mathis is doing a tremendous impression of Bill the Cat in the photo you linked.
  25. Without a quality QB on the roster why go all out everywhere else - except the OL, that is? I see them getting into the playoffs, but not seriously threatening to make it to the Super Bowl.
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